
Trance Formation Of America by Cathy O'Brien (

Combing through the comments, Cathy O’Brien’s eye-opening book comes up, so I thought I would post the link to her website where you can buy her book directly. For those unfamiliar, Cathy was a MK Ultra sex slave who was rescued by Mark Philips (a shining example of why we should all keep love and faith in our hearts) and wrote a book about her experience. This read is not for the faint of heart, but for the courageous of soul who are ready to ground into love because that is what this world needs. 

I was further motivated by VC’s excellent post from today that highlights Michael Aquino who makes multiple horrific appearances in Cathy’s book Trance-Formation of America.

You can purchase the book directly from Cathy here (best way to support her).

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1 year ago

Excellent book, and there are lots of videos of her talks from after she got out on the internet too.

1 year ago

This book changed my life. I can remember going into a campus bookstore maybe an hour after I finished it. The experience was like what happened to Roddy Piper’s character in the movie THEY LIVE after he got the sunglasses of truth. All I could see was poison, one eye signs, manufactured opinions, etc. I’m grateful now but it was immensely overwhelming at the time.

1 year ago

She was a fake from what i read

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

And where exactly did you read that?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

It’s on rense titled The True Story About Mark Phillips

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

What could she possibly have to gain from making up lies about some of the most powerful people on Earth? OF COURSE they say she’s a fake. You’d understand why if you actually read her book.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Have you even read her books? Viewed her lectures/testimony?? She stated that Hillary, while sexually abusing Cathy, carved a baphomet on her private area…..and this PROOF can be seen on YouTube. Just type in Cathy Obrien baphomet carving.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sandee
1 year ago
Reply to  anxietytiger

She is allegedly a honey pot to attract real mk ultra survivors so that they can be dealt with (she is a public figure that they will trust)

1 year ago

There has been one story or conspiracy theory, about Mark and Cathy that made me wonder about them.
In the early days of promoting this book they were reportedly traveling in a limousine with a license plate that said MONARCH.
The article suspected Mark and Cathy were a honey trap for other whistle blowers that would come out to them.
I can neither confirm nor deny this – I haven’t followed their work in over a decade.
I do know the information contained in Trance-Formation appears to be flawless or never proven false in any way. The book seems to be a golden window inside the ways of operation of the elite. Only Springmeir’s books rival or surpass the information in this one.
Even if they had that license plate it is not conclusive of anything. Maybe they have an iconoclastic sense of humor.
One thing for sure about the elite levels – they all operate on some level of skullduggery. They are lying much of the time about something and business gets done by who has more blackmail power over the other.