The Wilmette Public Library and the parent-teacher organization at McKenzie Elementary School are co-hosting a seminar to teach children considering cross-dressing, or “sex change” surgery” how to lobby their fellow students to refer to them with different “pronouns.”
in News
Please leave children alone
Wait till adulthood. Don’t foster insanity to kids.
Disgusting insanity, hell awaits these entities.
cue the pink floyd… “LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE”
It’s an agenda by the illuminati. It’s Insanity. No one should mess with what our creator/ God created. A man has a p***s,a woman has a v****a, and men CANNOT get pregnant. Ps. I have nothing against lgbtq’ but trans men,absolutely should NOT compete in women’s sports. Biologically,you men are stronger then us women. You have a p***s,stay out of women’s bathrooms,locker rooms. There should be a new category for competition set up just for trans men who say they identify as a woman.
Buck Angel would definitely disapprove of this.
He is cool af! First trans man I ever met in person
Yep Buck Angel is a right leaning trans man without all the bull crap attached.
The name sounds too constructed.
I live in Chicago area. Wilmette is a wealthy affluent suburb. Yet they are spiritually blind, deaf and dumb. Poor indeed.
I live in Du Page county, a bit a ways from Wilmette. Nevertheless, it’s deeply concerning information. Adults from the area need to be notified, so they can protest the rampant pedophilia.
Sick people