
Patrick O'Carroll- Chlorine in Drinking Water and Refined Salt Causes Cardiovascular Disease (

By Patrick O’Carroll(

In the late 1960s, Dr Joseph M Price proved that 95 percent of chickens drinking chlorinated water developed atherosclerosis. He concluded:

“The basic cause of atherosclerosis, heart-attacks and most forms of strokes is CHLORINE, the chlorine contained in processed water”.

In his book “Coronaries, Cholesterol, Chlorine” (originally published in 1969), Dr Price conclusively proved the link between water-chlorination and atherosclerosis, where a protective plaque composed mainly of cholesterol builds up inside arteries, eventually resulting in heart-attacks and strokes.

The body is using cholesterol to BANDAGE the scars; but the scars are caused by CHLORINE.

Dr Price demonstrated, with fact after fact, proof after proof, that you can eat the foods you want to eat, and avoid heart-disease by simply following his guidelines for avoiding chlorinated drinking water.

Dr William Campbell Douglass II MD called this book by Dr Joseph M Price “one of the top ten nutrition books of the twentieth century … an amazingly original toxicology book vital to every living soul on this planet”.

After WW1, the London-NY-Alliance discovered a “windfall” oversupply of chlorine left over from WW1. It was too expensive to dispose of properly, so the London-NY-Alliance decided to just feed it to the slaves.

Fluoride is a notorious byproduct of the aluminum business. They dumped it our water supply because that is much cheaper than having to pay oodles of cash to dispose of it properly. All “laws” are easy to bypass. In banana republics like the USA or Europe, the aluminum business just bribes the puppeticians to turn a blind eye. Easy!

The London-NY-Alliance had already been planning to weaponize chlorine prior to WW.  Britain launched its heart-disease business by first launching water-chlorination around 1905; and the USA’s Rockefeller Death-Care Business launched its heart-disease profit-center by first launching water-chlorination around 1908.

Around 1970, China jumped on this same bandwagon by launching its own heart-disease business after it first launched its own water-chlorination program too. By an “amazing” “coincidence”, heart-disease in China was virtually unknown before the “Illuminati” got the brainwave of chlorinating China’s municipal water supplies. Afterwards, heart-disease in China skyrocketed. This is called industrial “progress” and societal “advancement”.

Basically, the power-elite (or “Illuminati”) everywhere are addicted to depopulation.

And Weaponized Chlorine is one of their favorite methods of killing off what they call “useless eaters”.

Ideally, they want each slave to live till 50 and then “die for his country” by never claiming his pension.

Besides chlorination of municipal water supplies, WHAT ELSE contains chlorine?

Refined salt (NaCl) feeds you a weaponized form of chlorine. You should use rock-salt, or else sea-salt instead. If you live near the coast, you should go for a swim and absorb through your skin the 60-70 vital minerals available from seawater, especially if it is not irradiated by Fukushima;

Under the guise of “disinfection”, chlorine has always been used very widely in the whole dairy business;

Pharmaceuticals made by the Rockefeller Death-Care Business contain excessive amounts of chlorine;

Chlorine derivatives are still used in hospitals today under the guise of “disinfection”;

Swimming pool sanitation is heavy on chlorine, and this is easily absorbed through the human skin.

What do you think?

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CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
3 months ago

OK, and if we eliminate chlorine from our drinking water the deaths from disease due to waterborne pathogens will be 1000x the death rate from any supposed damage from chlorine.

They always kinda sorta forget that little detail.

3 months ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

I go hiking and always bring chlorine based water purification tablets. Always a lifesaver

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
3 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Go to Mexico, drink un-boiled tap water, and get back to me (after you recover).

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
3 months ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

Go to Aruba and drink out of their tap and get back to us.

3 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

You’re reasoning about germs eating other germs makes water safe shows your fantasy mindset. Germs that strong can overcome your gut bacteria and is why many people get diarrhoea, and other infections. If you’re so sure of your science pedigree, you should know that letting chlorinated water stand for four hours would evaporate all chlorine! If you’re in a hurry, 15 mins of boiling! Amongst all disinfectants, chlorine is the safest yet its effects doesn’t last long which is why swimming pools have to be disinfected continuously with chlorine, get it? Its because unlike soap, alcohol, ammonia etc chlorine evaporates from water! Please don’t spread ignorance. You make the rest of us look like Luddites when many of us have science degrees

Last edited 3 months ago by john
3 months ago

BTW seasalt coz of pollution also contain lead, arsenic and mercury. As for China, even before chlorination was introduced, leading causes of death was recurring famine , neoplasms, cardiovascular disease etc. Stanford released a PDF study from 1950 to 2022 and is downloadable

3 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Do it yourself. The internet is free

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
3 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

LOL, have you checked the chemical formula for salt lately? SMH

3 months ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

Chlorine is not chloride. Salt is Sodium CHLORIDE
If we breathed hydrogen we could die. Combine it with Oxygen and it becomes water.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
3 months ago

I can smell the chlorine in my tap.
A Brita type water filter pitcher helps alleviate the smell.

Nobody addresses the 50 to 60 year old piping infrastructure.

It’s probably like a clogged artery filled with nothing but chlorine and Fluoride and rust.

3 months ago

Without chlorine, it will be filled with germs that can sicken or kill you. You can either boil it 15mins or leave it standing for 4 hours and all chlorine would evaporate

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
3 months ago
Reply to  john

Spring water won’t kill us yet tap water left untreated will….

The delivery system is the variable causing illness.

3 months ago

I’ve started drinking mostly coconut water instead.

3 months ago

Henry Makow has a great website that is incredibly informative and offers a rare perspective into world events. Have you guys checked it out? Articles for daaaaaaaaaaays….

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
3 months ago

I used to work for a small city and was shocked when I found out where most of our tap water is acquired…wastewater.
They strain out the trash and toilet tissue, shine a UV light on it, then add chemicals to kill the germs.

None of that eliminates the pharmaceuticals that we flush or urinate. I saw a PSA on a local TV channel asking people to turn in drugs they want to flush to their local pharmacy rather than flushing.

I think I’ll stick with bottled spring water. I don’t buy purified drinking water bc that’s usually filtered tap water!

3 months ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom

“ They strain out the trash and toilet tissue, shine a UV light on it, then add chemicals to kill the germs.”
I saw a documentary once about tap water. It is exactly what you say it is – wastewater.