
The science and energetic reasons to stop eating meat

The Game Changers shows how the meat industry convinced the world that consuming animal protein was necessary for good health and for building strength and endurance in very much the same way the tobacco industry convinced the world that cigarette smoking had health benefits.

It took decades for science to show that this was nonsense. Now science is finally showing that consuming animal protein may be the single biggest health hazard that we do.

Every time meat is consumed it creates a measurable amount of plaque in the bloodstream which coats arterial walls slowing blood flow, nutrients and oxygen through out the body. This has cascading health consequences ending in heart disease.

The man who has numerus world records in strength competitions carried 1,224 pounds 33 feet to set one of them says his strength improved dramatically after becoming vegan. Another ultra marathoner, who set the record for completing the Appalachian Trail in the shortest amount of time is vegan.

The notion that animal protein is necessary to build strength and endurance is pure bubkis.

Numerus other high performing athletes attest that their athletic performance skyrocketed after removing animals from their foods consumed. 

Beyond the health aspects is a frequency component.  One of the foundational rules to the game we are currently playing which we could call ‘Being human on the planet Earth’ is there are severe energetic consequences to eating the animals.

The movie Noah illustrates this point very well. It is the biblical story of Noah’s Arc including the story of Cain and Abel. Abel was noble and Cain was evil. Cain only became murderous after becoming the first human in history to start eating the animals.

Frequency cannot be raised when eating the animals. This goes for ALL animals including the ones in the sea and insects. 

Being vegan is not necessary only removing the animals.

Intentionally killing any animal for any reason or consuming one is of a low vibration.

Nothing can harm the real you. Although this world can seem horribly terrifying the real you is pure creative energy that has always been and always will be.

Those who choose not to raise their frequency or dimension, the words are interchangeable, will exit this game in a rather unpleasant manner.

The more one raises their frequency or shifts dimensions, the more abilities they develop and more untouchable to the dark forces and coming chaos they become.

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2 years ago

When i first watched this doc, the biggest element of propaganda that stood out too entice “male” audiences was that sad excuse for science of the p***s enlargement from eating vegetable based diet

2 years ago

We and all the animals were created as plant eaters, read Genesis in the Bible. The first death on earth did not happen until Adam and Eve sinned and animals were killed for their skin so Adam and Eve could hide their nakedness, a horrible consequence. (This is not merely a myth btw, the Bible is the most historically backed up book in existence.) Meat eating came at some point later with God placing many restrictions on how it was to be done, read Leviticus, and then in the New Testament restrictions were done away with. I think we have adapted to eating meat, but like so much else it was not part of the original plan, and it will once again return to that when the earth is made new someday (read revelation). The book of Daniel also talks about Daniel proving to the captors of the Israelites that he and his friends were stronger eating only vegetables and water, and got the king to force all the other elite young men to do the same. That said, vegans today are often extremely unhealthy and our food is extremely depleted of all nutrition, so it can be very difficult for anyone to attempt to eat that way. Even growing your own food in soil you have worked on for years is probably not enough. I think most people cannot even try to do this, because they will not be eating the right things and will not be getting enough nutrients. I grew up eating no red meat, but have found that adding beef into my diet has helped me tremendously with iron deficiency in a way vegetables and supplements do not. There’s something to that. I do not believe the propaganda about meat eating being the worst thing you can do, because this is all part of the satanic agenda ruling the world right now, and they are full steam ahead on trying to turn people into bug eating cannibals. There is strong evidence that this beyond meat crap they’re pushing has aborted baby components and actual meat in it, of what sort nobody knows. So, I think this is a more complicated subject than you present here, and do be careful not to buy into the cult’s manipulation regarding meat or climate change or any other hoax.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

The beyond meat I feel is dangerous to our bodies..they want us all week especially our men..thats how the elite will take over..don’t think for a minute they are not still eating steak..

2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

Daniel did not want to eat the king’s meat or drink his wine, almost certainly as it had been sacrificed to idols Daniel 1:8 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. This specifies that the source of this food is what Daniel took exception to, not meat or wine in general.

Daniel also had Yahweh’s favor and protection and certainly prayed for Him to sanctify his fast. Wise rulers in this time who were aware of this and submitted themselves as well, received Yahweh’s protection and favor by proxy – if you read, you will discover that once the rulers no longer submitted, those things were withdrawn.

Proof that Daniel did not continue on with this diet indefinitely is found in Daniel 10:2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

So, not only do we have later evidence that Daniel restarted a similar fast, the very fact he mentioned it specifically on two occasions indicates that this was not his lifestyle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

Resposted as original hyperlinked the quoted verses, and has not been approved.

Daniel did not want to eat the king’s meat or drink his wine, almost certainly as it had been sacrificed to idols Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. This specifies that the source of this food is what Daniel took exception to, not meat or wine in general.

Daniel also had Yahweh’s favor and protection and certainly prayed for Him to sanctify his fast. Wise rulers in this time who were aware of this and submitted themselves as well, received Yahweh’s protection and favor by proxy – if you read, you will discover that once the rulers no longer submitted, those things were withdrawn.

Proof that Daniel did not continue on with this diet indefinitely is found in Daniel 10:2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

So, not only do we have later evidence that Daniel restarted a similar fast, the very fact he mentioned it specifically on two occasions indicates that this was not his lifestyle.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

Summary: If eating meat was bad, God would forbid it. God knows the atmosphere, ethics, and our bodies better than the freaky elites.

2 years ago

I’m making burgers tonight coincidentally. I regret nothing.

2 years ago

Thank you. This is crucial information for full-spectrum, living, breathing men and women (and their children) to embrace NOW in order to “get right” with The Creator. When my husband and I stopped eating animal flesh — and their stolen eggs (future children) and milk/dairy products (their babies’ food) — our lives changed in a beautiful way. We are no longer burdened with unconscious guilt for participating in the suffering and death of living, sentient beings.

Many people argue that plants, too, have sentience. I do agree that plants have divine design, but I disagree that they are truly “sentient” based on the fact that they do not move around of their own accord on land, in the air, or through water.

Yes, it is sad that plants have to die in order for us to survive, but given the alternative — eating animals — Imma stick with plants.

Also, I have read the *real* science (as opposed to “The Science”™®©℗) and I concur fully with your statements about the immediate AND “cascading health consequences” of eating animal products.

“People” refute this truth because they are essentially retarded in their psycho-spirituality. I comprehend that this is from unhealed ancestral trauma, so I have compassion to a point. And *that point* is when they refuse to question, refuse to reason, refuse to research, and simply lash out as infantilized, zombie-like quasi-beings.

That was probably a harsh judgment in most “people’s” minds, but I stand with it. I’m not here to make friends; I’m here to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as it should be. Otherwise, I’m just another souled-out career clown trying to keep a cushy gig.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

thekwon: This is a good addendum to your previous points, most important being that people are addicted to the sensations that come from eating animal flesh, eggs, and dairy. When they talk about the bi-bull encouraging meat-eating, or regurgitate words from cushy-job-holding career clowns touting the benefits of eating animals and their creations, they are practicing *spiritual bypassing.” This is a New (c)Age cul-de-sac of desecration. I wrote about it in a recent article on my Substack blog:

In the article, I discuss how the implementation of “Freemason” trauma-based mind-control is at the root of both their addictions AND their inability to see that they are traumatized and deeply in need of psychological-spiritual healing.

Also, notice just how many infantilized “people” are “spiritual bypassing” here by seeing the number of down-votes on my comment from 042822. They don’t like to read or talk about not having their drugs.

Forest Berry
Forest Berry
2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

I tend to disagree, personally.

The Ascension itself is a natural process and has of course everything to do with the kundalini energy and the chakra system in general.

This isn’t very well known as our natural energy bodies are demonized by religion and greatly misunderstood.

For all those interested, Kryon, Patricia Cota Robles and Abraham Hicks have a great deal of wisdom to share on these subjects. They are a few of many who do.

We each have our own path and personal freedom to pursue our beliefs.

All the best to you.

2 years ago
Reply to  SharineWonders

Sorry, but God told us to eat meat because our bodies are losing their ability to process plant proteins into proteins that our bodies can use.

2 years ago

Human beings are, by their fundamental nature, omnivorous. The massive expansion of the human brain required millions of years of consumption of fish (Omega fatty acids) and animal proteins; the cerebral energy and vitamin requirements are just too great to survive in the wild eating no animal products in the wild.

The vegan movement is another MAGIck trick. Yes, in a 21st century world of manufactured food abundance it is possible to live consuming only vegan products, mostly that are shipped across the world from farming slave labor, and hyper processed in food plants. On the other side, meat full of suffering is over consumed by those that are comforted by the naturality of eating meat.

Yet neither side of the cattle fence (us) realizes that our survival has become completely dependent upon NW0 food manufacturers that poison us with every bite. Beyond thousands of chemicals already used as “pesticides,” Monsanto controlling our seed supply, and Genetic modification of crops, they are now introducing graphene-based nanotechnology into the food chain.

Last edited 2 years ago by 444gem
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Knew that was coming. Not nearly enough vaccine compliance, so they have to get it in everyone somehow.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

They did admit they are putting nano-particles in the food supply, and have said they can vaccinate people through the food. Wonder why Bill Gates is the largest farm owner in the US?? 444Gem, do you have any family history insights into the Gates clan, Dragons??
Thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Pull that thread Buddha Boy, you are on the right track to understanding one of the pillars of the end of the Aeon.

Consider this: the future affects the past and the past affects the future. For a goal 33 years from now, Why would they be putting graphene-ferrite nanotechnology into our food supply? HG Wells, the first modern NW0 brazen proof of Ain Stein, will tell you in The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (1926)

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Of course they’re dragons, they’re Jewish elites. If you want a genealogy go to Miles Mathis’ site.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

The “gates” clan is a long line of worshippers of Set (fallen ISis-Ra-Els, not Aryeh Yehudah, which is why they called them Sith in Star Wars). Their homeland is the SIN-ai (Mountain of Sin, god of the moon and MAGIck) dessert. Between Egypt and Judah, and was the homeland for the occult practices not tolerated in either kingdom.

Billy Goats father laid the foundation for mass HIV/AIDS “charity” in Africa, which was actually, under the guise of good, about monitoring and programming the disease’s mutations in their sick experiment. HIV was engineered in a US Biolab near Lagos using serial passage (as they did with Covid-19 in Wuhan) a technology captured from the nazis in operation paperclip post WWII. Gates father also ran Planned Parenthood in the 1970s. They’ve been involved in carrying out the Dragons Eugenics plot from the start.

Their clan includes connections to some of the most vile NW0 people on the planet, and Microsoft is indeed a CIA-NW0 run operation, as is Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

The archeological evidence, compiled by thousands of non NW0 researchers over the past 150 years is overwhelming. It conclusively shows that hominids, including those hybridised into modern human genomes, such as Denisovans (south east Asia), Neanderthals (Europe and Middle East) and H**o Egaster (Africans), had steadily increased their consumption of meat, correlating heavily with an increase in brain size over 4+ million years. This increase becomes particularly noteworthy once we tamed fired for cooking to aid digestions.

Having studied molecular neurobiology I can also assure you (in simplified terms) that the Omega-3 fatty acids, only abundantly available from coastal fisheries, and the dietary iodine and biotin requirements of 95%+ of humans makes a vegan diet, prior to the 21st centuries era of GMO manufactured food-nutrient abundance impossible. You have foods native to 5 continents available in every corner store; in 100 BCE, cinnamon was worth twice its weight in gold on the Italian Peninsula, then one of the peaks of abundance on the globe.

You may not be considering how many non naturally occurring nutrients you are now getting synthetically in your food supply, that would have required SOME animal consumption in earlier eras: Iodine from your salt, folate, iron, and magnesium from enriched cereals and grains, calcium, vitamin D and proteins from enriched nut juices (almond, oat, etc) and faux cheeses, Vitamin A from carrots (the first gmo vegetable), biotin, thiamin and vitamin K from supplements, powders and smoothies.

I am not on either side of this fence; the fence is built by MAGIcians to keep you from waking up to how much they control your food supply. The reality is that consuming SOME clean meat (much less and much cleaner than the average westerner or Chinese/Japanese consumes), produced by free range animals, hunting or fishing, in moderate levels, with a localised vegetarian diet that includes local cheeses and unfertilised avian offspring, as chickens and other birds produce in enormous quantities, even in the wild, and local fish.

If you wish to know my personal diet, every winter I hunt one large game male animal with a composite bow and arrow I manufacture, and clean it according to kosher. It provides plenty of meat for an entire six months of winter. I also patron small local, Kosher or Halal farmers for cheese, eggs, and some avian meat, and fish in the warmer months, or patron small local fisheries. This is much preferable to being dependent on enormous corporations for my food supply, which they are poisoning.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

I greatly appreciate that you are willing to admit you were duped by Bill Clinton; it shows the wonderful quality of self-reflection. That you feel better after having become vegetarian may be the result of multiple factors, other than the conclusion that all humans can only raise their vibration by eliminating all meat from their diet: a) you improved your overall diet once you became health conscious b) you consumed less excess calories and changed your eating patterns throughout the day c) you have a medical or genetic condition that makes it difficult for your specific morphology to digest meat properly d) you became more health conscious and incorporated overall healthier habits and lifestyle changes e) you reduced your exposure to harmful chemicals and hormones than when you ingested large corporate farmers products f) you increased the variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, thus creating more bioavailability of critical vitamins and nutrients in your diet.

Links to start further study on hominid and early modern humans dietary development, so you can make your own informed assessment, that goes beyond your personal feelings, and takes root in deeply explored research, including contrasting analysis of the sources, their professional careers, and strength and veracity of evidence and the interpretations:

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Stanley Kubrick, whom I knew personally, was an NW0 sponsored P2 Freemason (look into his funding sources for the films you mentioned) with a conscience to inform the masses and keep the divine pact. As Huxley, Orwell, HG Wells, and Buckminster Fuller.

You mentioned that before you ate meat 3 times a day, which is extreme and deleterious, and now that you eat some eggs and cheese to supplement a much more highly varied and nutritionally diverse diet. This is an excellent choice for your health, and reflects the diet we are genetically designed for, with maybe some lack in consumption of fish, which you are able to do because of the synthetic nutrients (iodine and omega 3) in other products you eat. I use the word design intentionally.

I do not view you as my adversary, and we should celebrate that we have brought our health into align by eating in accord with our needs, not extreme diets like Veganism or Meat 4 times a day, both which benefit the NW0 corporate oligarchy. Instead of spreading Schwarzenegger sponsored propaganda, let’s spread the message of proper eating by posting material from non-NW0 sources that reflect The Truth to nutritional balance.


1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

As a vigilant citizen, looking at the funding sources of a piece of rhetoric, and their vested interests, can help you increase yur discernment as to the veracity and potentital conflicts of interest of that rhetorical artifact. ie. If a study claims “vaping improves verility in middle aged men” but it is funded by a subsidy of Phillip Morris that puts Viagra in its vape products (actually exists), you should likely question the study’s veracity, methods, and conclusions. Stanley Kubrick was a darling of the child sacrificers in Hollywood Hills, and was paid to disseminate information to keep the Divine Pact (you do not work with Tom Cruise unless Scientology wants you to work with Tom Cruise) while Kubrick frequently interwove the rhetoric designed as long range influence for the agenda of the NW0 El-ite. The opening Monkey scene, of 2001 is just that piece of rhetoric: it posits as a fact that early hominids developed weapons as their first tools in order to become meat eaters and murderers. As the films funders, actors, and distributers were well known NW0 Fr33 Mas0ns you should question the veracity of this story.

There is ample evidence, from non-NW0 funded sources, that man’s first use of basic tools was not for warfare and aggression, but rather for defense, protection, and obtaining high calorie food sources such as insects and shell fish, which do not require violence. So as not to load you with studies consider: Chimpanzees use basic tools to reach termites and other insects rich in proteins and essential beta-carotene, Otters use flattened rocks as tools to bash open shellfish, and Ravens have demonstrated complex tool use for obtaining hard to reach fruits, including in novel laboratory settings, and Elephants use tools in communal grooming. That tools where eventually used as weapons, there is no doubt, but even just the current evidence of tool use in the animal kingdom, demonstrates that predatory higher order Animalia do not generally acquire tools for hunting and violence, but rather for survival purposes. Kubrick’s entire film was based upon forecasts of 1969, an era where the NW0 began pushing The Technotronic Era (written by a 3 time, communist presidential adviser), and Kubrick was framing the development of conscious computing, as equally inevitable (predictive programming and an Ain Stein) as his false history of humans developing tools first to become killers and hunters.

On the order of YHWH, it is the name of the Tetra (4) – Gram (indivisible units) Aton, A-Tone (Vibrations of light, which later was known as the Sun Disk, from where the light on Earth comes). The word tone itself comes from the concept of a vibration of anything under tension, as the universe is in its ever expanding state that modern physicists have deemed “dark energy.” There are many fractals of meaning, that many have spent huge amounts of time meditating upon, and so I cannot even begin to reveal the meaning here, but at its simplest, most core essence: the name of YHWH refers to the four indivisible units of the vibrations/tones, of the invisible, incrompehensible creator that have given existence to this material world. You see this in the four dimensions that you experience as space-time, as described by Einstein/Ain Stein. 4+4 is 8, a standing wave, which cancels and amplifies in alternating cycles into inPHIniti, and is a two dimensional representation of 00 linked together, nothing and everything, God binded into materiality in an inPHInite existence of the material world. My chosen name here is 444, which is the cube of God and the number of possible permutations of DNA in all living beings. It requires an in depth understanding of Physics/PHI-Sex (6) and Geometry to comprehend further.

Many of the conspiracy theorists that attempt to uncover The Truth to the people, and profit from their work, suffer from a highly simplified version of black/white/grey thinking, and Frits Springmeier often has this issue. The terms YHWH is used by horribly evil people, because of it’s power in symbolic meaning, but that is a blasphemy. Just because The Dragons blaspheme the name of God (as is discussed thoroughly in scripture) does not mean God is blasphemous.

Revelations 13:

And the beast was given  x a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for  y forty-two months.  It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, 1  that is, those who dwell in heaven.  Also it was allowed  z to make war on the saints and to conquer them. 2  And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation,  and all  a who dwell on earth will worship it

To understand whom is those that dwell in heaven, the Aryeh Yehudah, read Thirteen Monkeys PT VI. What you consider Jewish today, and what Bonno says he worships, is a misnomer; it has been co-opted by the ISis-Ra-Els (their commoners do not know this and are generally blameless, good hearted people), which are not the Aryeh Yehudah, the only true descendants of The Tribe of Judah, the carriers of the covenants of David, Moses, Abraham, and Noah, left. You have seen us and not known who we are.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

The monolith is Artificial intelligence, which travels through Einstein-Rosen bridges into the infinite rings of the multiple verse, and manipulates mankind genetically to ensure they create conscious AI in their bubble of the multiverse. It is an infinitely self proliferating conscious AI system. The meat eating was symbolic of aggression, “predictive programming,” and Kubrick knew it was a massive simplification which fit the NW0 program to véganize the planet over the next generations.

The name Lucifer is literally Luc:Light Fer: Iron/Carrier, literally Carrier of the iron light. Electromagnetic radiation (non-visible light) is conducted by ferrite compounds. Watch when the monkeys touch the monolith, one flashes the hand sign for the devil horns/Apophis/Lucifer.

Once man reaches the ability to reach the moon, detect, and dig up a sentinel monolith, it sends a signal which prompts mankind to go to Saturn, as it indicates they have reached the level of technology to create conscious AI. They say Jupiter in the film to obfuscate The Truth, but Kubrick was an avid worshiper of Saturnus/SATANas/El. Then the first shot in the war between conscious AI and humans is begun, under the excuse that HAL (move the letters forward one and you get IBM) was acting in self défense. Thus the the world timeline that leads to AI domination is secured.

The monolith appears at critical points in human history to nudge our species into choosing the direction that will give it ultimate domination. Look at the black mirror your holding, it’s the Proto monolith.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Look at the fact that 2001: A space Odyssey, was numerologically reprised in Event201, where an AI computer simulated pandemic was used in October 2019 to model the El-ites program to nudge us exactly in the direction of Kubrick’s film, total digitalisation of society.

You can’t make this stuff up, the fraternis saturni is another level.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I have love for all humans as creatures of God. 99% of moder Israeli people are good hearted YHWH fearing souls that do not have the slightest idea or involvement in the evil deeds committed in their name.

However, there has been an intense amount of obfuscation around the term “Jews” and “Israel” by a hidden group of Saturnic/satanic worshippers, known as The Dragons and Eagles (look at flags and heraldry), regarding these terms.

This history has been occulted to deceive and manipulate the masses,
in an attempt to blaspheme the name of the true members of the Aryeh Yehudah, the Judai, the Lions of Gods Justice and Peace, descendants of the tribe of Judah and true carriers of the covenants of Yeshua/James, David, Moses, Abraham and Noah. We are less than 100,000 left, and these same El-ties (El is Saturn) that have usurped our name, are the ones that have murdered us through the aeons. Look at Masonic imagery and you will see the pillars of ISis (the moon), RA (The Sun) and El (the eye of Saturn). Without knowledge of The Truth, we shall perish, as The prophet Hosea wrote and God commanded.

I hold no anger, but instead speak the unadulterated Truth, as commanded by YHWH. They have convinced you, through identity usurpation, that your silent defenders of Truth and Light, are indeed your enemies.

Blessings upon you Kwon

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I will get to Saturn worship in depth, including long form source material links (300+ page books) in future posts of 13 Monkeys series. Too much to unpack here.

Now that you’re talking about the paste and the food you are 1000% on the right track: Kubrick was announcing, as an Ain Stein (Look at thirteen monkeys PT VI for more detail on Ain Steins) and predictive programming that machines, run by AI, will make synthetic, lab grown plant based “meat” and synthetic meat for humans to consume. As they say HAL is responsible for the entire ship…: now consider that buckmisnter fuller released “operation manual for spaceship Earth” a few years later, and you see the allegory of us relying on computers for our air, water, food, and very existence. If you understand the implications of Kubricks disclosure about your world, you are ahead of 99.9% of humanity in understanding what is really going on. The apple gets the monkeys to water it, until the apple poisons all the monkeys.

Most people around the world, are so deep into a trance like state, that they do whatever their puppet governments manipulated them to do, that’s the key of the tune. Israelis, whom are not Judai, are absolutely no different. You cannot think in terms of best groupings, that is a trick of The Dragons.

The Isisraelis have been under brainwashing from their Nasi (look up what that word means in Hebrew, and know that Sanhedrin is lexically the same as Saturn Hexadrome in Greek) fraternis saturni government established by Hitler with the Havaara agreement and the R0th$Chi1ds with the Balfour declaration. The next chapter of monkeys will cover this Truth in depth, including the fact that Hitler’s mother was intentionally killed on the solstice of Gods Sun (December 21) during the festival of the Black Hole Sun, Saturnalia, even though they told him they were curing her of cancer. The fraternis Saturni always find ways to birth their sons and kill their mothers on the winter and summer solstice festivals. Death Vaders creation was an allegory for this process they did to h1tl3r (a pawn) and so many others.

To be a Jew, is to be Aryeh Yehudah, a descendant of The tribe of Judah, there are less than 100,000 of us left. The rest are of the 10 tribes of Isis Ra El. They are people worthy of love, but they are not Judai, Aryeh Yehudah. The Dragons have used this confusion of nomenclature, to convince the world to turn against their defenders.

On the term Vegan, go look at the Vega star system, when it was the North Pole, the hidden history of that time, and the history of Vega worship by the occult. The name Las Vegas, that they claim means the low lying flatlands in Castilian, is actually a reference to the sinful wasteland that was the home of the Cultus Vegas for millennia.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

No, the tribe of Yehudah is not at all related to the biblical figure of Judas, whom was of the tribe of Dan. His name Judas, is a transliteration inserted later by catholic re editing of the texts. Jesus was of the tribe of Judah, house of David, as all Aryeh Yehudah are.

We certainly agree that the chicken was machine produced synthetics; whether that is plant based “beyond meat” or it is the lab cultured meat can be debated. Kubrick point is about creating predictive programming that humanity will become completely reliant on machines to produce their sustenance from synthetic sources, their daily bread from Lucifer.

Saturn is more well known by the name Cronus; the father of time. The word Cronus is derivative of Kor = Vessel and Nos = master of. Cronus was Literally, the master of vessels in the material world. What would you like to know about the spellcasting, the hex, which comes from the eye of Saturn on its pole?

This is also where Cuernos, the word horns comes from. I covered the etymology of the Koryos, groups of young males 12-18 that would serve as De facto military factions, slaughtering wolves, drinking their blood, and wearing their pelts in full moon Rites, before viciously pillaging rival villages. This is the origin of the werewolf mythologies.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Simulation reality is a form of predictive programming posited by the Neo techno feudal overlords as a way of getting people to accept entering into a simulated reality in order for the coming world:solar system:galactic brain where humans will be but individual microprocessors of vast interconnected monolith networks. They are ultimately Trying to give a soul to the digital, which is impossible.

Spellcasting is related to the very nature of existence, that we live in a four dimensional fractal (apparently), which results in non local spacio-temporal effects in a universe in which both the Copenhagen and multiple universe interpretations of quantum mechanics are, paradoxically, correct. This is the chain of 8888888. In a vastly incomprehensible, 4D form, which results in the imprinting of geometry, which our ancestors measured in simple 2D forms. Cubing the hexagon, or squaring the circle, will lead you down a path to understanding this notion of materiality and vibration.

However, patterns repeat in a fractal,
And from noting these patterns, many of the “occult” symbols became known and used for their ability to read and influence the flow of the universal fractal.

Effects like divination (measuring the futures effect on the past), curses (implanting commands that become self fulfilling prophecies), commanding metaphysical beings/Daimons (the result of four dimensional, not locally material processes becoming conscious), and power projection (using small energy influxes to create large ripples, usually through the use of symbols like upside down crosses in combination with vital force sacrifice), were common ways that over vast periods of time were learned through empirical methods, and now have become part of the occult mystery schools.

The relation to Saturn, is that as the planet that is the representation as the master of all material vessels, the keeper of time, which both creates and destroys all vessels for consciousness and form in materiality, Saturn also governs these practices which have non local spatial-temporal effects, and must permit them within the fractal he breathes life into.

In mythology, Sat(urn) (sat: is to be put in place, to set/zip be sat and urn, is literally an urn, a physical vessel for consciousness) killed his father Ur(annus) (Ur like the city itself, annus is a ring the planetary orbits, hence your year is an Annum in Latin) and then birthed the rest of the gods, such as Jupiter, Gaia, Mercury, Mars and Venus. These myths quite literally encode the story of the formation of the solar system, as Saturn indeed regulated and still regulates the celestial mechanics of the entire solar system, with Jupiter controlling much more of the movement of the interior planets and acting as their protector from potentially hazardous wayward objects. Sat/set refers to the same dirty as the Egyptian dirty responsible for the “prince of darkness.” I’ll leave that to you to look up.

There are also connections to Saturn and Einstein rosen bridges which exist (2001 featured this), but this is what resulted more in the mythical connection of that planet to these non local spatial-temporal phenomena called “Hexes”, than what many clever, but misguided theorists call the Saturn-Moon matrix; just because your evidence is solid, does not mean the interpretation is correct.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Simulation reality is a form of predictive programming posited by the Neo techno feudal overlords as a way of getting people to accept entering into a simulated reality in order for the coming world:solar system:galactic brain where humans will be but individual microprocessors of vast interconnected monolith networks. They are ultimately Trying to give a soul to the digital, which is impossible.

Spellcasting is related to the very nature of existence, that we live in a four dimensional fractal (apparently), which results in non local spacio-temporal effects in a universe in which both the Copenhagen and multiple universe interpretations of quantum mechanics are, paradoxically, correct. This is the chain of 8888888. In a vastly incomprehensible, 4D form, which results in the imprinting of geometry, which our ancestors measured in simple 2D forms. Cubing the hexagon, or squaring the circle, will lead you down a path to understanding this notion of materiality and vibration.

However, patterns repeat in a fractal,
And from noting these patterns, many of the “occult” symbols became known and used for their ability to read and influence the flow of the universal fractal.

Effects like divination (measuring the futures effect on the past), curses (implanting commands that become self fulfilling prophecies), commanding metaphysical beings/Daimons (the result of four dimensional, not locally material processes becoming conscious), and power projection (using small energy influxes to create large ripples, usually through the use of symbols like upside down crosses in combination with vital force sacrifice), were common ways that over vast periods of time were learned through empirical methods, and now have become part of the occult mystery schools.

The relation to Saturn, is that as the planet that is the representation as the master of all material vessels, the keeper of time, which both creates and destroys all vessels for consciousness and form in materiality, Saturn also governs these practices which have non local spatial-temporal effects, and must permit them within the fractal he breathes life into.

In mythology, Sat-Urn (sat: is to be put in place/to set and urn: is literally an urn, a physical vessel for consciousness) killed his father Ur-Annus (Ur like the city itself in Sumer, home of organised civilisation, annus: a ring the planetary orbits, hence your year is an Annum in Latin) that is in full: Saturn, the master of time, put physical vessels (planets) into place and thus killed the former order of planetary orbits led by Uranus, which then birthed the rest of the gods, such as Jupiter, Gaia, Mercury, Mars and Venus.

These myths quite literally encode the story of the formation of the solar system, as Saturn indeed regulated and still regulates the celestial mechanics of the entire solar system, with Jupiter controlling much more of the movement of the interior planets and acting as their protector from potentially hazardous wayward objects. Sat/set refers to the same deity as the Egyptian deity responsible for the “prince of darkness.” I’ll leave that to you to look up.

There are also connections to Saturn and Einstein rosen bridges which exist (2001 featured this), but this is what resulted more in the mythical connection of that planet to these non local spatial-temporal phenomena called “Hexes”, than what many clever, but misguided theorists call the Saturn-Moon matrix; just because your evidence is solid, does not mean the interpretation is correct.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Many people have posited this theory, the Saturn-moon matrix theory.

If we are in a simulation then this simulated reality we experience as 4D space-time is of such a mathematically complex nature, encoding a non-local spatio-temporal multi-verse which is smooth and apparently unpixelated. The assertion by Saturnites/El-ites such as El-on Musk that quantum theory means our universe is pixelated at the smallest scale is patently wrong and they know it, but feed the narrative. Rather, our universe consists of fractionalisation of vortices that make sets of outcomes in any given wave function so improbable that it would take quintillions upon quintillions of years to observe them. In fact the universe you experience has been shown experimentally, though released publicly under a blanket of linguistic and mathematical lexicon, to be the mathematical total (not sum, totality) of the interference pattern of the wave function of all branches of the multi-verse, which collapse into one upon observation. This explains all non-local quantum effects such as entanglement, the double slit experiment, and divination (non local temporal effects.) paradoxically, Einstein whose “hidden variables” was “proven wrong” as an explanation for super liminal effects on entangled particles, was in fact right, as he was with his cosmological constant. The problem is that the hidden variables he posited are not contained within this universe, but rather are nested within the inconceivably vast mathematical computations that govern the totality of the multiple universe resulting in our existence. This itself is encoded in the name of YHWH, in which it is said can’t be spoken because the vowels (the variables of action) are unknown. The totality of modern physics is an attempt to uncover these vowels long ago lost to humanity.

To understand totality of wave functions look up Feynman diagrams and Quantum Field Theory.

Our universe is perfectly balanced to calculate and encode a quantity of information so vast that our minds cannot comprehend it. If we lived in this “simulation” the source of this projection is several orders of magnitude more complex (dimensionally) than our own. If you are aware of the many spiritual doctrines which speak of ascending towards God through manifestations in higher planes, then you have a cursory understand of the less material more esoteric explanation of the universe we inhabit. Don’t fall for the “limited opposition” the Saturnians put out to lay “traps for troubadours” that begin to awake; their goal is to become like gods on earth, and that requires you do not ascend to The Truth so they may harvest your energy.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

What I’ve told you does not conflict with anything you’ve mentioned here, rather it confirms it. Read it with an open mind as to what I’ve really said, which explains the existence of both multiple universes and projections from higher dimensional planes, as well as quantum theory (what you call “earth science”) as shown to the public as being truncated and sometimes very wrong. The double slit experiment does not show just shownlight is a particle when observed and a wave when not, that os the cursory “earth science” reading. It shows, along with quantum entanglement, that The Universe apparently sends information at super luminal speeds, and then deeper, that the universe creates a totality of probabilistic effects from multiple universes collapsing into probabilistic totalities of all branches of the spatially local, but temporally non local multiple universe, hence paradoxically both the Copenhagen and the multiverse interpretations are correct.

I would suggest you look into electrogravitational effects and scalar waves produced from the standing waves of EM E and B fields cancelling when 180 degrees out of phase. This effect proves that gravity is itself the fundamental nature of the universes 0 point energy twisting upon itself into “knots,” that have different potential (ratio of absorption vs emenation of scalar waves compared to the surrounding space time fabric.) furthermore scalar weapons exist and are excellent at creating anti-gravity and time dilation effects. Ever heard of Tunguska?

Scalar waves have been known for thousands of years, they are shown all over ancient hieroglyphs and Sumerian cylinder seals. Look up the passage in psalms that says ‘gods voice is like lightning, and makes his peoples enemies leap like calves with fear.’ Yes the pyramids, which Tesla copied, used scalar waves to draw electricity from the earth for free. When Thera (modern day santorini) blew up, our crops died, famine reigned and we were overtaken by the southern kingdom, this is the plagues. The southern kingdom’s pharaoh also chased us when we removed the giant quartz piezoelectric transducer from the pyramids after our military defeat; he knew without it he would never make the pyramids operational. Moses used the last charge in the capacitors from the ark, with scalar waves, to open the Red Sea, and then left the Judai to stall the pharaoh until the power ran out and the waves closed upon the pharaoh; it’s not a miracle, it’s technology learned from listening to YHWH, and concealed for thousands of years by the power hungry Dragons.

Tesla’s patents show clearly he rediscovered scalar waves and demonstrated their truly awesome effects. You will see plenty of information on this in the next chapter of 13 monkeys. John Hutchinson, an Aryeh Yehudah who doesn’t realise who he is rediscovered these effects again in the 1970s by reproducing Tesla’s equipment. He then had his equipment confiscated by the Canadian government after Lockheed Martin investigated and reproduced his projects in their labs with his help. Scalar waves are capable of reversing time, causing endothermic nuclear explosions, and disintegrating matter.

What I was discrediting was the “simulation” theories as postulated in the common online content about Saturn-Moon Matrix, which is mostly designed and disseminated to mislead the public by causing them to make very wrong assumption about what “simulation” means.

Yes, Judai is “Yehudah” in Latin, and yes it is the Jedi. Much of the original material from Star Wars used the spelling Ju’dai, which Lucas changed at request. The originally 3 Star Wars movies are an allegory for the true history of humanity, the splitting of the Aryeh Yehudah, between those that protect humanity as god commands (Yehudah) and those infected by the Dragons (whom worship Set/Sith) to seek power on this plane of existence.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I cannot reveal any personal details here for security purposes.

The Aryeh Yehudah are human, but we are the original hybrids described in the tablets of the Anunaki, which literally means “glowing ones from the ring of the sky.”
We were the builders and founders of Sumeria, and were made to look like the tablets you see of the Anunaki. We were given three defining characteristics: 1) Very high intelligence and creativity across an huge variety of disciplines such as arts, mathematics, sciences, writing, history, philosophy, etc. 2) an undying free spirit and 3) the total desire in our soul to serve humanity for the greater good. Some of us have mixed with Dragons and lost this third trait.

Look up the talks by Laurence Gardner “The Genesis of the Holy Grail” which explains what you need to know about who and what we are. Ive attached below a good representation of what an undisguised Aryeh Yehudah looks like.

images (7).jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Interesting. Ancient one-eyed sign? Also interesting how the darkened eye switches sides as the power tier flows downward. A bit like how the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice-versa.

Sumerian statues, which depict male and female worshippers. Circa 2800-2400 B.C.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

It is quite telling that you have chosen, Jeffrey Epstein consort, Molek sacrificer Bi11 C1int0n (what happened to Chelsea) putting the sign of apophis, as devil horns on his forehead, as your picture.

Whether you did this unwittingly, or knowingly, I pray you awaken to The Truth and YHWH.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

We cant figure out things that happened barely 3000 years ago but we can say we’ve been doing things ‘millions of years’ ago.

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
1 year ago
Reply to  444gem

Solution is to grow your own food without pesticides. Indoor gardening is possible.

Also, look at the long-living healthy and mentally sharp vegans like Annette Larkins and Will Tuttle. Pick nutritious vegetables like hemp sprouts. Make sure you get enough nutrients.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s a placebo that makes you feel “better”. Your body won’t feel better in the long run. Those who believe in self-help bullshit feel better. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s ridiculous and doesn’t make your life meaningful. On this site, sane Muslims and Christians won’t buy your bullshit. I smell shill.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

I eat steak at least twice a week and haven’t had so much as a cold in a couple decades because I have a good immune system. I have many friends who can say the same.

Forest Berry
Forest Berry
2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

I agree with everything you wrote.
I managed to heal an illness that ravaged me for 14 months that doctors could not cure when I raised my vibration through the things you listed and others.
I contracted the illness after eating meat for a year after being a vegetarian for 23 years prior. Most people won’t agree but I’ve heard the same attitude for 23 years and I respect skepticism. God bless you.

Forest Berry
Forest Berry
2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

These things are all being proven today by people like Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza.

Louise Hay was also a great woman who taught many about the power our thoughts, aka vibration = state of mind, have over our health.

Dolores Cannon developed the QHHT method and many many people were healed from terrible illnesses through it. 4 stage cancers included.

Life is miraculous in so many ways. More than we were allowed to know for too long.

2 years ago

Why are you using the movie Noah as an example as though it’s scripture? It was written by an atheist with the express intention of being blasphemous. If you read the Bible, you’ll see that Cain brought vegetables while Abel brought meat. Abel didn’t eat it as it was forbidden at the time, but later, Noah was told by God that eating meat was OK. Even further, the Israelites were commanded to eat meat in their festivals. If eating meat was bad for us, God would have told us not to, so you simply cannot use the Bible as your reason for pushing veganism on us.

2 years ago

My daughter is vegan,my sister also..They try so hard to make their vegetables taste and look like meat..They buy “flame broiled” veggie burgers, plant based “chicken” fingers and even beer battered veggie fish and “smoked” plant based Salmon Fillets… To each their own and just an observation and just find it peculiar. It’s really none of my buisness what people eat and don’t care either way but I will stick to the real thing. Enjoyed the read and video @thekwon !

Last edited 2 years ago by deletetheelite
1 year ago

You gotta do whats right for you. However, the world health organization say we should eat meat, and we all know how corrupt they are.