
Yuval Noah Harari: 'When the Flood Comes' Elite Will 'Build an Ark' and 'Leave the Rest To Drown' (

The global elite will escape the upcoming global mass-casualty event thanks to a “technological Noah’s Ark,” according to Yuval Noah Harari, lead adviser to Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

Unfortunately for the rest of humanity, they will not be saved by the elite, according to Harari. Instead, they will be left to “drown.”

Harari, whose middle name happens to be Noah, has a long history of warning about the “technological Noah’s Ark” he believes is destined to save the elite while leaving the rest of humanity to die in a mass casualty event.

According to Harari, billions of people around the world will perish because the elite do not have any need for the “vast majority” of the global population.

It appears that the human race is the carbon the elite are most interested in reducing.  

CNN’s Bill Weir, who hosted the discussion, followed up by suggesting the Covid pandemic was the “dress rehearsal” for the upcoming event.

According to Harari, so-called “elites” will shield themselves from planetary catastrophes while the rest of humanity perishes.  Article continues…

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3 months ago

The first link is associated with a YouTube channel that has been terminated.

Last edited 3 months ago by fuzz
3 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

I bet the cv <k who did it has had three or more shots.

It wouldn’t surprise me if those are timed to go off at a designated time.

I’m not worried about what the minions are up to any more. I’d like to live a few hundred years at least, but if I’m not meant to stick around in this realm, that’s okay too.

Haywood Jablome
Haywood Jablome
3 months ago

We have no need for the elite ! They are parasites !

ferocious imbecile
ferocious imbecile
3 months ago

Funny how all these “elite” globalists are such repulsive weak and rotten looking physical specimens.

3 months ago

This person “Yuval Noah Harari” looks really troubled, any psychology student would notice it: His voice, posture, … I wish him peace and recovery from his mental problems.

3 months ago

These so-called ‘elites’ are being sold a bad bill of goods.
If they think the small gene pool they hope to save can perpetuate humanity in any meaningful way they are wrong.
So maybe they don’t care about that, as they want to merge with machines and become immortal cyborgs. Hard pass.
They are Luciferian to their very core, and will be betrayed by the very thing they revere in the end.

3 months ago

We can only pitty those elites and their henchmen, they play God, while missing Him completely, those who believe and trust in one true God has nothing to fear, no matter what crazed gods of these world do, while gods of this world ( or rather their henchmen) living in their own nightmare where there’s constant need for artificial means of survival…how sad and terrible life must be for them…

3 months ago
Reply to  Karo

My thoughts exactly. I was talking with a friend today who is not religious at all but was raised Catholic. She said “People have nothing to hold them in check anymore”. While I am no fan of organized religion, the Luciferian “do as thou wilt” has resulted in this utter misery of humanity.

Henri Aeiou
Henri Aeiou
3 months ago

Would rather drown then be “saved” by psychos.

2 months ago

So glad 700+ out of the 900+ bible prophecies have already come true – can’t wait for the rest of them which Yuval obviously doesn’t know or he wouldn’t be talking nonsense.