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steven casteel
steven casteel
1 month ago

As if there is such a thing as “normal non-genetically modified” food to choose from.

1 month ago
Reply to  steven casteel


1 month ago
Reply to  steven casteel

You’re 100% right, everything is contaminated, air, water, food, clothing. Hospitals are overcrowded. I really wonder how are we still alive!

1 month ago
Reply to  steven casteel

Though this is orders of magnitude worse. This will mean the end of any even remotely natural and clean food. As it is, we can still get fairly natural, nutritious and clean food and we can make up the difference with supplements. Our bodies can also take a lot of abuse before diseases arises, providing that they are sufficiently nurished.

If GMOs aren’t stopped it will mean the end of natural health and instead doom mankind to forever depend on synthetic drugs from Big Pharma to stay alive and to “feel good.”

1 month ago

Frankenfoods have become the norm. It’s hard to find clean food these days and that’s why learning how to grow and store food is of the utmost importance. Drink lots of water and exercise to help detox.

1 month ago

You can eat more organic but it’s more expensive. Also stay away from products with soy protein. It’s often also called hydrolysed vegetable protein and is in most snacks and ready to eat meals/microwave meals.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ryan

Bio products are a big scam, absolutely not what you think. They use pesticides and patented grains, not to say that investigators found 70% of products labeled Bio have nothing to do with it!

1 month ago
Reply to  Danilo

Here in Sweden, I find that organic products tend to appear to be cleaner and more natural. I have a theory that due to environmentalists being pro-organic (so far, $cience is trying to convince them organic is bad for the climate) and due to the upper classes (below the so-called elites) wanting healthy foods (which also benefits the “elites” as physically and mentally sound upper classes can more effectively shepherd the masses for them,) organic food production is kept fairly clean.

The food labeled organic tends to look more natural and be more flavorful. It’s not always the case though and sometimes food not labeled as organic is just as good or even better. What to look out for is if the produce looks unnaturally immaculate and uniform in appearance and if it’s unusually large, as those are indicators of unnatural production methods.

That said, I do cook all my own food from whole foods and I eat health foods in addition to that (nuts, berries, fruits, chia-seeds, dates, yogurt, [unfiltered, single source] honey) and I’m discerning in what I buy and I do still require a regiment of supplements to maintain physical and mental energy so the cleaner food available clearly is far from perfect.

On a related note, I’ve found that NAC supplement seems to make a significant positive difference. It helps cleanse toxins and I added that to my supplement regiment in hopes that it would help protect from the microplastics which now litter our skies due to the ongoing Globalist (Cabalist/Talmudist-Masonic) geoengineering terrorism. Perhaps it does help as I feel more physical and mental energy than I have lately.

1 month ago

I don’t doubt for a second that this is true, it’s well established scientific fact that anything modified or artificial is toxic. This (along with [purposely induced] nutrient deficiency and weakened gut flora [in turn caused by Glyphosates, Cola drinks, energy drinks and EMF and more]) is the reason modern wheat is problematic for many people as it is so heavily cross-bread that it’s basically a mild form of GMO.

It’s a shame however that this research comes from Russia since people brainwashed by the anti-Russian psy-op will more than likely knee-jerk reject any research and evidence coming from there. Perhaps this is why they’re having this research conducted in Russia (which they control) in the first place. By having the truth of the grave harm caused by GMOs reach the masses by way of Russia they can create the impression that it and any other research proving it is merely “Russian propaganda.”

1 month ago

Dont forget there is cyanide in most energy drinks, in celsius and 3d for sure. It’s labeled cyanob-something and has to do with the absorption of vitamin b, once absorbed, the cyanide stays in the system

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

Cyanocobalamin is a poorly absorbed form of B12 and yet it can falsely elevate serum levels on tests when your active B12 is actually much lower, hiding true deficiency.

B12 is very important for creating DNA, so you can imagine what a prolonged deficiency in it can do.

1 month ago

No GMOs are a woke people thing. I’m surprised you would have posted this article.

29 days ago
Reply to  Sherry

GMOs are genetically modified organisms. Genetic modification is when you alter the DNA of an organism. People can do this to enhance said organism’s natural traits. For example, seedless watermelons are GMOs.

Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous
1 month ago

I can’t seem to find the study in question, anyone have a source for these claims?

1 month ago

It’s a sin to reprogram the living against the will of God.
IVF is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Check Ubani Kinglsey’s testimony entitled ‘The Bitter Truth’.