
"Jesus, he told me to love thy neighbor. He didn't say 'Hate this person because they're different than you.' He said love everyone."

Saw this ad on anime site MyAnimeList. THAT audience is who this propaganda is being  aimed at. Buncha soyboy reddit dorks in their 30s and children.

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7 months ago

Yes, Yeshua loves you but rebellion against what God made you to be at birth is going to absolutely destroy your life in this world and the next. You cannot rebel against God and expect not to suffer the consequences. Yeshua can and will forgive you but if you refuse to repent then you will be eternally sorry that you did not seek and accept forgiveness and the free gift of salvation. This doctor is also going to regret condoning rebellion against God in the name of Jesus.

There are many, many stories out there about people who mutilated their bodies who suffer every kind of physical, mental and emotional torment afterwards. Mutilating your body is not the answer to your problems. Yeshua is the answer. Read the Bible.

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Col HaKavod! (Bravo)! Col HaKavod, Michelle! Couldn’t say it any better. 🙏🏼❤️

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele


I agree with a lot of your sentiment, and I appreciate how much you venerate the search for ישוע and the search for The Truth.

My question for you is this:

Have you read the scriptures or sought to understand them in their original form of Aryeh Yehudah and Greek?

ישוע כונה

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, I have read the scriptures and seek to understand the original intent and meaning. I understand that people have problems with accepting truth because they struggle to find the truth in modern translations of the Bible.

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele


Seeking to understand the original meanings of the first step towards meaningful growth outside the dogmatic and highly corrupted theologies of the Luciferians transposed on top. It warms my heart you set this intention.

It is paramount to pick up the Hebrew and Greek, not necessarily with all of the academic interpretation, but yes so as to be able to read it. Without developing this skill, the profound depths of the realization of the scriptures fractal mechanics cannot begin to be grasped; one can only receive the secondary echo of them through others without developing the necessary linguistic skills, and I would urge you to seek this on your path towards The Truth.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele


This passage is exactly why quoting NIV translations at face value, without having any personal command of Greek and Hebrew is to incredibly misleading. Since you have expressed the desire to understand let’s examine the passage and the translational twisting.

The word translated here as “babes,” is νεπιος said “Nepios.” It is said by (Sham)academia that it is identical to the Latin word In-Fans, meaning “Without Speech.” Hence referring to children that could not yet speak Ne = Not epos = Speaking. The conjuncted word is extremely unlikely in Koine Greek with an added i phoneme, even if it is convenient with a comparison the Latin. It would be wholly unique as such.

Much more likely is that it is the conjunction of Ne-Epios, meaning

Ne = Not
Epios = Connected or Trained by a Father (Figure)

The passage is referring to the revelations of Truth not coming from the ordained priestly orders of Israel; the Pharisees, but to those who were unconnected to the paternal governmental organizations of the state; and specifically to Yeshua being fatherless… for which the Pharisees even attack him at his condemnation.

Likewise, the use of the word “baby/babe,” metaphorically is not supported in the entirety of Pre-dating and contemporary Greek literature; nor anywhere else in the gospels or the quotes of Yeshua. Rather Nepios is always found, such as in Homer, being used metaphorically as referring to those who are outcast from the established order of things. They are “without a father,” hence being bastards../

A single word in this sentence, is so poorly translated, and almost never properly understood, that it is potentially leading you to make an entirely false conclusion about its meaning: that Yeshua thinks babbling babies received the revelations of Truth.

This is part and parcel of the twisted translations designed by the antiXristos to deceive its followers into believing a state of unlearned ignorance is beneficial and wise.

Yeshua is not giving thanks that the revelation (meaning revealing that which has been HIDDEN) of Truth has not come to those of the established order, the academics and ordained priests, but to the fatherless outcasts of the established societal order who learned on their own.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeshua is giving thanks that the revelation (meaning revealing that which has been HIDDEN) of Truth has not come to those of the established order, the academics and ordained priests, but to the fatherless outcasts of the established societal order who learned on their own.*

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let us look then across time, to where we find this same word, being used in regards to illegitimate children (the fatherless), and within the Luciferians priestly authority of the antiXristos. Again spitting upon the words of Yeshua.

Pope Innocent VII in the late 1400s had scores of children by prostitutes. These children were ordered to be called NEPIOS, which was a common euphemistic version of “Nephews,” used for bastards in late and ecclesiastical in Latin.

This Pope and several others then appointed their Nepios (fatherless b*****d children) into stacking the council of cardinals of the church of the antiXristos, spitting upon the revelation being those that are outcasts, twisting this passage to the maximum. It is from here comes the word NEPOtism, that we use today for the same meaning regarding the corrupt and powerful appointing relatives, is derived.

The Late Great Planet Earth
The Late Great Planet Earth
7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Don’t follow 444gem or you’ll get off on the wrong track. Michele is right. Jesus saves. Nothing else can.

1 John 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

7 months ago

Acts 4:12 is very specific that we must follow YHWH and Yeshua by their True Name, called “HaShem,” in Hebrew. The names “G-Zeus,” and “god” that you use are the names of Lucifer and Satan, as laid forth in Isiah 65:11. Have you not understood the clarity of the scriptures about this?

I’m not certain why you are so ardently angry and negative, as we agree that salvation is found only through יהוה and ישוע

Many Blessings

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

How do you explain the fact that people cast out demons in the name of Jesus?

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele


Yeshua said:

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’

Then I will declare, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you deceivers!”

Those of the antiXristos have prophecies and cast out demons, performed many signs of wonder to deceive even the elect.

The Late Great Planet Earth
The Late Great Planet Earth
7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

In case you all missed that, he just said that anyone who calls on the name of Jesus was never saved.

This garbage right here is what I’m talking about.

7 months ago

You always twist everything through a lense of torrid negativity, seething with anger; I am not your enemy. I am not here to condemn or cast judgement.

Certainly, I did not say anyone who uses the name “G-Zeus,” will never find salvation, or is condemned. It is not my place to judge; and neither is it yours.

However, the passage you quoted, Acts 4:12, is written by an Aryeh Yehudah, fully aware that HaShem, The True name of the ineffable creator is יהוה and that the name of his son is ישוע. He is, unequivocally referring to this millennia old understanding of The Name of YHWH.

To use the replaced names of YHWH with those of Satan (ie gad, Deus, Bog, Alla…) , is certainly a tactic of the Luciferians to deceive those with true heart from finding The Way. As Yeshua said, they would come to deceive even the elect if possible. And as Yeshua has foretold, so has it come to pass.

The Late Great Planet Earth
The Late Great Planet Earth
7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

“You always twist everything through a lense of torrid negativity, seething with anger;”


Kinda seems like an irrelevant issue. God the father knows our heart so he knows precisely who we are praying to for salvation. Regardless if the name is spelled correctly or not. Let’s focus on the main point of salvation instead of getting lost in the weeds. Salvation is simple.

7 months ago

You think Acts 4:12, which you originally (mis)quoted is irrelevant? Or Exodus 3:14 where YHWH speaks to Moshe And gives his name is of no consequence?

You write your condemnations of me with such vehemence, and yet when shown to be declaring while blaspheming scripture, then claim the matter you originally brought to condemn me is “irrelevant.”

Do you see how this is not The Way?

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, and how do you explain that both YHWH and Baal need blood sacrifices to be willing to forgive? isn’t it all just a “good cop bad cop” scam?

7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


I appreciate these difficult questions, the kind we must ask in our search for The Truth.

Certainly, the priestly orders and Gnobility (Those ordained by the order to have the ability to Know) of Ba’al, Tannit, Molek/Malek, Quetzquatl/HAMARuca, G-Zeus, Alla, Bog, Ganesha, etc.; the servants of the man of many faces (Lucifer…) require blood sacrifice for the supposed divine salvation within their Ki harvesting / Cattle farming operations.

Now this begs the question: where in the scriptures does it say that YHWH requires blood sacrifice for salvation?

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, So Yeshua’s blood was shed for no reason!?! just a non sense crucifixion? Don’t you see that the whole religion has been built around that blood sacrifice?

7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


You are greatly confused if you think that the exoterically espoused beliefs of the Re’s Legions (Re = Ba’al or Solar deity, Legion = Group of soldiers, literally “the army of the sun god”) are at all in line with what is in the scriptures.

As Yeshua foretold, the wicked followers of Ba’al have set about to deceive all they may, yourself included, by replacing The Truth, YHWH and Yeshua, with the Lie of Re (The Illuminator Lucifer). The entirety of the Catulus church (Catulus is Umbrian Etruscan, meaning “animal property of a master/owner”) and the other Solar Re Legions simply universalized their pagan practices and death kults of the great mother (The “Queen of Heaven,” Ishtar now called Mar-Yam, the beast out of the sea, the sun…) , including those awful blood sacrifices you speak of, into a centralized power structure that is utilized for mass coordination of Ki farming.

So I repeat my question, which is quite straightforward: where in the scriptures does it say blood sacrifice is required for salvation?

Do you wish to search for The Truth?

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

To clarify: you have detected correctly that the practices and dogmas (aka the Dog Star of Sirius and the blood worship of Kushires of Ham…) of the Re’s Legions are infusing Luciferianism, or as you tab it Ba’al worship, while carrying a mask of YHWH.

You have not realized that this itself is a ruse, a massive imposterinf designed to deceive the world.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I am not discussing salvation with you, I am talking about blood sacrifices for YHWH, you want scriptures, get served:
Abel’s sacrifice, the prank of Abraham instructed by YHWH to slaughter his son Isaac, Hebrews 9:22, Leviticus 17:11, Isaiah 53:10, and
Matthew 26:53-54: “Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?54 But how then would the SCRIPTURES be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”
So again are you saying that YHWH’s son Yeshua didn’t have to sacrifice himself? And yet it was allowed to happen? What a waste of blood!
Once we clarify that, we can then talk about Salvation.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


You are going to have to put down the weapons of anger, and release the defensive posturing if you want to see clearly. These are the things that blind us from learning and stunt our growth.

I am glad you were willing to provide cursory verse numbers of where you believe that it supports your original stament that “YHWH requires blood sacrifices.”

Let us start with the quote you gave from Matthew.

“ Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the SCRIPTURES be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way”

I’ll ignore the significant translation issues here, because the substantive issue of this passage is something you are missing:

That Yeshua understood, as do the Aryeh Yehudah, and many of our students in antiquity, that humanity has been invariably stuck in a time loop of self condemnation; that we repeat a series of choices that lead to our own self destruction on the sixth day over and over, in which we subdue the Earth and judge ourselves; 666 is the number of the eclipses in the saros cycle, it is the Compton frequency of the electron, it is the formula for Keplers third law at the Planck scale, and it the number of A MAN; Man was created on the sixth “day” of creation, and 666 being Sol-Amon, the SUN King that bring humanity to its own ruin through their luciferian practices and societies.

Only now are we coming to this point in time, in which we are gaining control of the weather, data science, bioengineering, Ai, Nuclear Engineering, etc.

You are correct, in some senses, to draw the parallel to Isaac and the Ram in the thickets. Yet you miss that the Ram represents the entering into the age of Aries, via the procession of the equinoxes, and the foretelling of the time when The Earth would pass from the age of Aries, to the age of Pisces; the moment when humanity in all past iterations advances it’s technology to a point of self destruction. Note the Amon, like Sol-Amon is the ram headed deity of Kemet (Egypt) representing Aries, the moment when APOLLo-Yon (Apollo OANnes the beast out of the sea) always brought humanity to its destruction. This time it has been different; we will not self annihilate.

The story of Isaac and A-Brahman, itself foretells that from the self chosen sacrifice of Yeshua, YHWH would spare humanity it’s own judgement through the altering the timeline BY THE CHOICE OF FREE WILL of YESHUA! It was not YHWH whom required this, but humanity as a collective conciousness that chose this path. Yeshua undid the whitehead knot of time which we ourselves had tied.

The rams horns of course represent the golden spiral, the looping of time, and are intimately related to the fine structure constant, which mediates the electromagnetic force. You’ll see this as the same when it says “legions seized” him, but in reality it states quite clearly “and they synchronized the spirals to sacrifice him.”

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, your comment is implicitly approving my point:

  1. you avoided commenting on Hebrews 9:22, Leviticus 17:11, in which the need for blood to wash sins is clearly stated.
  2. Matthew 26:53-54: did Yeshua really have a CHOICE OF FREE WILL? in this verse he is clearly telling that the scriptures he has been tasked to deliver say he must be sacrificed! “But how then would the SCRIPTURES be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way”!
  3. When you say A-Brahman, do you want to highlight some link to the Indian cast?
  4. another point in your comment: “The story of Isaac and A-Brahman, itself foretells that from the self chosen sacrifice of Yeshua, YHWH would spare humanity it’s own judgement through the altering the timeline BY THE CHOICE OF FREE WILL of YESHUA! It was not YHWH whom required this, but humanity as a collective conciousness that chose this path. Yeshua undid the whitehead knot of time which we ourselves had tied.”. Why for that to be accomplished we ABSOLUTELY need Yeshua’s blood? Matthew 26:53-54 says the scriptures require the sacrifice not “humanity as a collective conciousness”!
7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


In large part, you have directly skipped over a large quantity of information and fractal connections here, seeking only to perceive what has been said that fits within a narrow mind scope that seeks to affirm of criticisms of dogmas as being scriptural. I still see nowhere that the scriptures support, neither explicitly nor implicitly, that YHWH requires sacrifice.

Some very important things you have not at all addressed which are of great importance to this discussion:

1. The looping of time and human self-annihilation on the sixth day
2. The procession of the equinoxes and the deeper meanings regarding the “sacrifice,” of the animal that is obliterated by the Sun on March 20th as it rises from the Horizon (aka Horus Risen)
3. How this relates to the fractal mechanics of space and time in the universe and our perceptions of reality, including the connections between quantum physics wave function probabilities (Electron Compton frequency and the Fine Structure Constant) and the larger structure of space and time with the development of conciousness. It may serve you to examine the story of Berashid 3 and the branching tree of space and time which hava partakes of by the fruit/womb, and then perceives the whirling fire scythe, the Solar analemma “east,” which is Qadim in Hebrew and means also “previously in time.”

Had you considered these things, you may not be asking me several of these question, particularly what it means when it says the scriptures will be fulfilled by Yeshua’s choice.

The scriptures themselves are a guide to the deepest nature of the reality of space and time, and only through perfectly understanding them, was Yeshua able to come to the position to give humanity the salvation from its own destruction. The scriptures are many, many iterations of the universe old. And no, it doesn’t say the scripture needs them, it says that the scriptures as the guide to The Truth, will be fulfilled; a reference to the events which by mathematical probability of infinite series guarantee will come to pass, just as your existence is guarantee by the same mathematics.

In fact, Hebrews 9 addresses this specifically, as well as the effects upon the collective human conciousness by the sacrifice of Yeshua. It is written in Hebrews 9:14:

“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the Spirit of the Aeons offered himself blamelessly before the flow of time, cleanse our CONSCIENCES from acts that lead to works of death, so that we may serve the living flow of time.”

Your interpretation of this passage is understandable from just reading the translations and seeing the horrendous nature of the Re Legions that justify their Ba’al worship with an imposter Ed veneer. Yet, if you really read this passage and understand the Greek and the profound scientific and spiritual running throughout the depths of the fractal of the scriptures ; you would see that exactly the passage you cite actually discusses humanity’s conciousness (which here you claim, out of ignorance is. Or mentioned) with respect to the flow of time and the outcomes of reality. Yet out of ignorance (that is ignoring what is actually written and not making an effort to seek it for yourself) you have claimed that conciousness is nowhere to be found, while citing the very passage which discusses this!!

A cursory internet search is not sufficient, and it is clear you have never actually read this passage but found it through Gugal and hastily quoted off the verse numbers returned by the search to appear well versed. Be wary of how clever they are at making a fool believe he is wise with this method before forming such vehement opinions.

Indeed, Hebrews 9 equally explains that the sacrifice of Yeshua has occurred once, and is not cylical or repetitive as the animal sacrifices of the age of the Bull (Taurus), made by humans, for humans on earth were; this is why it discusses the human tabernacle, but a mere copy, of the True tabernacle, the solar system itself. Hence the “ram” being “sacrificed” when the equinoxes processed from Taurus to Aries, and then Aries is obliterated by the sun on March 20th.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let examine your question of the link between the name of Abraham and the Vedic Sanskrit terms ब्रह्मन् “Brahman” and ब्रह्मन “Brahmana.”

Indeed these terms are connected intimately, as is much of what later became the corpus of the Rig Veda. This occurred through the Indus Valley civilisation in Mohenjodaro via a connection with Maggen on the Arabian pensisula, for which there is substantial archeological evidence for maritime connection.

The linguistic connection first takes an understanding that Aryeh Yehudah operates not only left to right but also right to left, and that often times syllabic inversion has often been used in Luciferian corruptions being referenced in the scriptures. A few examples:

1. Huram Abi(ff) is the name taken by the king Hammurabi, of Hammurabis Code. On this code he sits with Shamash (just like that music company Sam Ash..) the black sun, whose name is a syllabic palindrome of Shem, son of Noah, and for where you get Shamskrit. Hu-RAM-Ab-I becomes Hu-MAR-Ab-I, a second syllable inversal.
2. The word in Hebrew used in Judges 7:5 Kaleb for “dogs,” in the story discusses to take men to the waters, which represents spiritual waters that quench spiritual thirst, and to see who drinks as a man and who laps the water as a DOG. The word for dog is Kaleb, Enoch is an inversion of Kybel, the great mother of the Luciferians. Ka-LEB becomes Ka-BEL. The reference to the dog is of course in reference to the mysteries of the Dog Star of the Kushites, the children of Ham(urabi or Hiram Abi, the builders, aka masons) This dog name is also referenced by yeshua saying not to throw what is holy to dogs, using the Greek “Cushin.” Referencing Kushites. Note that the chapter and verse numbers of 7:5 in judges reference specifically the cosmos, as 7+5 is the zodiacal split with Libra and is related to the Shakra-Ments which represent the planetary system.
3. The word “Shiva” in Hebrew still means seven to this day, a reference to the seventh celestial body, or node, or Shakra (primary gravitational energy center) of the solar system, Saturn, the destroyer of the scythe referenced in revelations as to reap and sew the grapes of wrath. (The seven celestial nodes of the inner solar system being Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and SATURN). This is why Shiva is both the purveyor of wisdom (the 7th crown chakra) and the destroyer in Indic mythology. Shiva even makes an appearance in 1 kings 10 to test the wisdom of the sun king Sol-Amon, now translated as “Queen Shiba,” but written definitely as “Shiva.” This same story appears modified in the Quran a thousand years later.

And so we come to the names Abraham and Brahman. The root comes from the very first word of the scriptures BERA. Berashit 1:1 begins as BERA – s**t -BERA. The root of Brahman is “B(e)RA” and it means “To expand, to grow.” Indeed a reference to the expansion of the cosmos from an infinitesimal point into its larger form. Material creation.

You will notice that the generations of men in Berashit. Go from “Hadam” down to “Abraham,” for which there are 72 generations in between. The evolution of Atman (self United conciousness) to Brahman (Creation that leads to humanity) is from the same root. This 72 generations is the 72 years it takes for 1 degree of the procession of the equinoxes, guiding the aeons, and because π^2/72 = 137.07 the fine structure constant of electromagnetism and the construction of the universe within scalar mechanics from the very small to the very large within space time.

H’adam -> Abraham
Atman -> Brahman

Ad-AM becomes At-MA
Abra -hAM becomes Bra-MA

This same process of Luciferian inversion repeats as the Kemetian Atum (the indivisible self conciousness) and the ba ra min. Yes the
Ba = the avian spirit body
Ra = Solar deity
Min = The deity who makes energetic vibrancy come forth, his epithet being “the man of the east,”

Ba-Ra-Min = “The spirit of the sun comes forth.” Get it?

This is why Ba-Ra Abban is referenced as the one chosen over Yeshua (The Truth) in the scriptures; it means “The Lord of The spirit of The Sun.” It tells exactly how we have led to our destruction, where the people choose to engage in Solar worship (making the sun the lord, the Abba) over The Truth who is Yeshua; aka Luciferianism propounded by the priests and statesmen is used to trick the people into clamouring for killing The Truth in favor of their thievery and murder.

Do you not see how this passage in John specifically discusses that the choice of people to engage in dualistic thinking, and to commit blood sacrifices that murder the Truth, and that is a matter of the human conciousness?

@lgageharleya @sempervigilans @Maciej @thekwon @arif @ariah @channah @Hollow logs

This may help in your search

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


There is one point here I brushed over with the relationship which is incredibly helpful:

That the first word of scriptures בראשית “Bera-Sheet” (now terribly translated as “in the beginning”) is identical to the Sanskrit term Bra Cit which is said “Berashit.”

The term चित् cit said “Sheet” means quite literally Conciousness; and thus the terms are essentially identical in Aryeh Yehudah and Shemskrit, meaning “expansion of co conciousness.” This should tell you exactly the role of our Conciousness in the development of looping of space and time, and the scalar mechanics of the cosmos, which modern science now often calls the “observer effect,” in the double slit experiment.

This term चित् “cit” is found frequently in Vedic philosophy as a compound of:

Sat – Cit – Ananda

Sat सत् = Existence, or material time, as SATurn, literally SAT -Uranos, the existence of the cosmos, master of time.

Cit चित् = Conciousness

Ananda = euphoria or bliss but also relates to Nanda, which is the living bread. Relating to the “Manna,” literally written as “Man Hu” in Hebrew, another syllabic inversion found in Babylonian and even modern English as HU-MAN.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


The Babylonian is U-Man-U. In the Sanskrit term, we find this Man-Hu, the progenitor of all Human, while in Kemetian it is “Mennes.”

Yet nanda also means bread in Sanskrit, and is referencing, just as the manhu/manna in exodus, the living bread from heavens, representing the descending of questions into our collective Consciousness regarding the nature of reality form gazing into the vastness of the cosmos.

This is why Yeshua says “I am the order/lights of the cosmos,” and instructs his disciples to consume his body as the living bread, the Man Hu (asks Why?) from the heavens. And hence this is why salvation is found through his “blood” being AIMA, representing a Greek-Hebrew phonetic transcription (very common in the scriptures) of “Emut,” meaning “Truth,” and the word for Adam, whose name A-Dem, means, out of the LIFE BLOOD. It references that the breathe of YHWH, whose name sums to 26 (phi squared) is the life blood from which we are given the opportunity to choose in our Conciousness.

The exoteric garbage the Luciferians feed their catulus to control them, has clearly been effective to deceive you away from ever finding The Truth, the absolutely profound and freeing Truth, through inducing hatred and anger of their twisted lies in your soul. Ot is a form of Nuero Symbolic programming to keep you stuck here under their command. Their “teachings” are spoilt rotten plastic fruits passed off as if they were actually figs.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, to avoid over complicating the question let me present it another way:
Yeshua’s sacrifice is in fact a transaction, an invoice that Yeshua paid “BY HIS CHOICE OF FREE WILL” so that “YHWH would spare humanity it’s own judgement through the altering of the timeline”. I’m quoting you.
A transaction needs at least 2 parties: Between whom was the sacrifice transaction? Yeshua and ? ….. ? Please fill in the blank.
To whom was this invoice due? isn’t it YHWH so that he would spare humanity his wrath?
Why is “Blood” the only possible currency for that invoice?
at the end, isn’t Yeshua’s sacrifice a blood deal?

7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


Did you read and reflect upon what I offered you? If you have, you have not really understood it at all.

You again reworked what I said into ‘YHWH would spare humanity through altering the timeline,’ and even put it in quotes. That’s not what I said. Humanity in its conciousness makes the choice of what branching of space and time it chooses to unfold. That is our gift from father.

YHWH said ‘if you partake of the tree of knowledge and good and evil, surely you will die.’ The tree is branching space and time; And Hava, listened to the serpent who said ‘if you partake of the womb, surely you will not die.’ And Hava, the same as the Jiva in shamskrit, the underlying soul, chose to partake of the womb/fruit and follow that tree of branching space and time, so as to give this knowledge to the physical body and intellect A-Dam (Out od the lifeblood) Stars became carbon became planets became life became conscious humans…

And as warned, all that lives with Conciousness tastes death. That whirling fire scythe at the door of Eden (which means “before judgement”) is the Solar analemma. It takes eyes and intellect to perceive the looping Solar analemma, what is called Pashas in Indic tradition, and Pashek in Hebrew; the passing of the sun over the looping equatorial point at the equinox.

So did YHWH oblige Hava-Adem to eat the fruit and be born of the womb, or did they choose to do so and to live with a Conciousness in the material universe, knowing good and evil, yet tasting death?

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, to answer your question: ‘So did YHWH oblige Hava-Adem to eat the fruit and be born of the womb, or did they choose to do so and to live with a Consciousness in the material universe, knowing good and evil, yet tasting death?’
The main difference between my perspective and yours is that your focus is on the branches, mine is on the root!
The story of ‘Hava-Adem’ as you name them is another clear illustration of YHWH’s manipulation. You accused me of not willing to see the big picture because of my lack of knowledge, so I’m giving you back your own argument.
Why in this story you exclusively focus on the sin of ‘eating the fruit’? why don’t you look at the story as a whole and see that ‘Hava-Adem’ were in fact set up and had no chance considering their human nature?
You focus on ‘free choice’ when eating the fruit, but what about ‘free choice’ of being created vulnerable? being put in that environment? who allowed the serpent to be there? who engineered the whole situation? who was in control of the whole parameters in that environment? don’t you see the hand of YHWH? everywhere! Everytime!
Is it free choice when a hustler scams you? This is why i wonder: who deceived ‘Hava-Adem’? is it Lucifer? or in fact the evil side of YHWH?
This is why i previously wrote: Lucifer is no other than the evil side of YHWH!
Seeing YHWH as pure love and nothing but love a blatant denial of reality!
What you call ‘Choice’ or ‘free will’ of humans is nothing but an ILLUSION!
The only one who has ‘Free will’ is YHWH! The only one who makes free choices is YHWH!
‘Causality’ is the key word! everything in this universe is a result of an
action-reaction-cause, with the first action being the act of seeding the tree of creation! Humans in this universe are just reacting …

7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


You have not perceived nor the branch, nor the root, for you undersrand them as separate entities/parts. A common mistake of the modern mind.

Your argument is essentially that we have no choice, no free will; we are prisoners of the hyper-determinism of a cruel and awful blood thirsty demiurge of whom we are puppets. This is exactly what Luciferianism traditions of the gorgon have posited… It is totally flawed, and designed to make you surrender all authorship offer your conscious actions.

The scriptures are clear: the creation is endowed with the True opportunity to give us a free choice, a truly free choice, which is a gift no other has. Rather than denying it a existence, filled with hatred from fear of your own existence, rejoice at the gift you have been given; as you are born, you chose to accept this gift. Sour grapes said the fox, rather than learning to climb the tree.

If you want to throw the blame for (y)our decisions at the feet of the creator, that is your choice, and then you will be stuck here, forever mired in misery. Forever a servant of the Luciferians Ki Farm, the En Ki. To me, your inability to say ‘Havadem chose to eat the fruit,’ which is so obviously True, tells me your psyche feels trapped and impotent; you are projecting this feeling onto an external locus due to harsh things you have lived for which you likely possess a measure of overbearing guilt/shame.

If you learn to CHOOSE to walk The Way, The Truth, and The Life with YHWH in every breathe, you will find that by surrendering you become more free than you could ever imagine.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, you clearly avoid answering in a rational way, you keep turning things personal, emotional, because your whole rhetoric stands on making people believe in an eternal feeling of guilt/shame, or in your own words: “humanity has been invariably stuck in a time loop of self condemnation”, “human self-annihilation on the sixth day”, human poor decision making …
so that you can bring up your salvation concept.
Why is it that humans suffer from “poor decision making”? isn’t it because all possible choices made available by YHWH will at the end lead humanity to the same result?
My problem is that you present YHWH in a misleading way, you harvest people’s minds and and blind fold them to see YHWH in his real true nature, the one you have been denying all over this discussion!
Other culture have the concept of karma, and a complete different way of seeing YHWH, why is your definition of divinty any better than Hinduism?

7 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


My friend, I have answered you with tremendous depth and rational to every question. I would urge you to deeply consider all of what I have offered.

The reasoning you bring up now, is to claim that since humans are created by YHWH, Hei is to blame for it all; that we have absolutely no choice and no free will. The scriptures are clear: as humans we have free will, we are given the choice. A gift of the most precious kind.

If you will only accept hyper determinism, that we as humans are puppets, then we are at an impasse which cannot be bridged.

I do take offense at your false claims:

1) I do not present YHWH in any way, I discuss what is found in the scriptures; it’s not my problem you suppose he is a blood thirsty puppet master and don’t like what the scriptures say.

2) I don’t harvest anyone. Clearly you’ve read a lot of what I’ve written, and understand that the children of Kain reap and see, they harvest people’s Ki. What do I harvest? Giving away free time, answering questions in depth, and I don’t even know the people’s names or faces. I exercise no authority, and receive no gain. My hope is people can take what I offer, which took my many years to learn, and are freed from the binds, to truly seek their own path.

I also realize who you are now. It’s nice to hear from you once more; you’re making progress.

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

If the love of God is unconditional, then there are no “yes…buts”. The love of God is an infinite “yes”, without any conditions, without any “buts”. It was the “buts” in the self-righteous believers of His day that Jesus spent most of his time condemning.

Last edited 7 months ago by Carrington
7 months ago
Reply to  Carrington

There is a condition on whether we will be accepted into heaven though. It would not be heaven if it is full of vile people. We have to accept Yeshua’s sacrifice for our sins so that we can we washed clean of our sins in order to be reconciled to Yahweh. Otherwise, Yahweh cannot be reconciled to someone who is unclean. His love provides us with the way to be married to him if we accept that way.

7 months ago

Demon-stration of the Luciferian death-cult programming in the med-tech kill cartel.

In other news, there is nothing wrong with eating soy, as long as it is non-GMO. The estrogen-mimicking properties in soy are not the same as injecting the actual estrogen hormone into the body. In fact, soy has been repeatedly shown — in real scientific studies — to inhibit diseases such as cancer (especially breast and colon cancer), heart disease, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Information can be found at

7 months ago
Reply to  Sharine


There is nothing “wrong,” with eating soy, but it is verifiably accurate that high consumptions of plant phytoestrogens does increase feminization in males.

The cultures with the highest soy consumption, generally those of East Asia, also have the most visibly feminized men, having: little body hair, high voices, and short stature; among many other aspects of their cultural behavioral psychology (very low rates of sexual partnering in Japanese Men) in modernity which suggests a high level of compliant domestication to authority, a trait indicative of female behaviour, and highly indicative of a neutering of the male populace in these regions.

The introduction of high quantities of Soy into VEGAn diets in the west is designed to feminize western men in the same way, increasing compliance to the N3w w0rld 0rder; the branding of VEGAn is an esoteric reference to Vega, a star worshipped throughout the ancient east as a weeping feminine great mother and queen of heaven, the same as all those crying queen of heaven Mary statues of the catulus western tradition.

As you know, this is Lucifer as a transgendered male… In western Greek tradition, VEGA is the main star of the Lyre played by Orpheus, the name of course representing the name for serpents in Greek. It is the music of the pies piper, enchanting all to fall under Lucifer’s spell.

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


This is why, when hearing the music of the serpent’s Lyre/Harp, the note of Vega, they fall under his TRANCE (hence the phonetic coding as “Trans”.)

The constantly changing colored hair, changing of pronouns, intern external corporeal mismatching and disassociation, rapidly oscillating moods prone to fragile ego shattering that leads to angry outbursts and weaponized outrage, are all hallmarks of MK Ultra programming, which requires subjects to go into a disassociation TRANCE under Lucifer’s spell… aka TRANS aka state TRANSition.

7 months ago

Twisting scripture, yes love everybody but leaving out don’t love sin. Not affirming sin is not hate. Real Love tells the truth as it is. “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6).

7 months ago

Jesus taught how to live in the Kingdom to Come. You have to fight to get there and NOT everyone is welcome. Revelations, whole human population is judged because they are guilty until proven innocent, if you can’t you’re written from the book of life. ” I did not come to bring peace but a sword. A man’s enemies will be members of his own household.” Matthew 10

7 months ago

completely twisting the point. and in reality no one hates them. most feel bad. but these people need help period. the avg person doesn’t want it shoved down their throats and forced to agree with it or not be able to speak out against it. those are the issues

7 months ago

Luke 10.37