
FLASHBACK: Terrence Howard Calls Himself 'Satan' and 'Antichrist' During Fight With Ex-Wife, Court Documents Show

There is a Joe Rogan podcast interview with Terrence Howard that just came out.  I am about 3/4 way of a 3 hour and some change lengthy interview.  Interesting to say the least.

The man is brilliant and articulate and soft spoken.  He is a seducer with words and is a handsome and charming fellow.  I highly encourage you all to have a listen.  A devil in disguise?

Essentially what Terrence goes on in the interview is spilling the secrets of the universe, or some might  commonly call “esoteric knowledge”.  The same knowledge that the “illuminated” possess.  Sacred geometry is a focal point in how all things align and interconnect and he goes into the laws of nature and literally challenges scientists to debate and none have accepted his challenge with Neil DeGrasse Tyson dismissing him and cutting off communication.  He has tons of patents and his findings come off as intriguing and awesome.

When you watch the interview, many hints here and there are sprinkled along his speech that allude to New Ageism and divine self … that we are all Gods.  To seek the “higher self”.  He recreates the planet Saturn using a particle simulator (software).  Everything he is talking about screams ESOTERIC AND OCCULT teachings.  Where did he get all this knowledge and from whom?  

According to him … he got it from his “higher” self in the womb.

Go back to 2013, when he had a heated argument with his wife, he allegedly wrote the following as a note meant for her:

“I will become Satan Himself! You were my last chance to love. I will now Hate in all things and seek my vengeance upon Humanity for all the wrongs ever done to me!! You just killed the last grain of light within me. Now the darkness has begun! I had all things because of you! The Antichrist is Here!”

Is this man possessed by the evil one?  If he knows the secrets of the Earth, he can certainly destroy it.


Terrence Howard Calls Himself ‘Satan’ and ‘Antichrist’ During Fight With Ex-Wife, Court Documents Show

Joe Rogan Experience #2152 – Terrence Howard

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2 months ago

It does seem a bit OTT for a domestic.

2 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

I’m not very hip. Help?

2 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Over The Top(OTT)…

2 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Sorry. It’s an old term – apologies. I’m certainly not hip lol.

Got a bad hip😆

2 months ago

Isn’t Terrence Howard a Jehovah’s Witness?

2 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

Think he’s just mental. He’s into all the sacred symmetry and thinking he’s a god.

I'm not here
I'm not here
2 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

He studied for a little bit, attended some meetings, and toured bethel (there headquarters), but quit before iron man 1. Never officially was 1

2 months ago

Is he is getting attention now ? Cause unexpectedly I started getting videos about him just yesterday, even didn’t recognise him and had no clue what he was about, why now??? Something’s up with it…. posessions starting with ppl having “, special cosmic revelations”???

2 months ago

Terrence is one of those, “if twenty two is twenty two and thirty three is thirty three why isn’t eleven one-ty one?” type of people.

Ignore him.