
Does this sound familiar? (

In 1991, Bert Karlsson, a high profile Swedish business magnate (music industry bigwig) known for rude, arrogant, abrasive, obnoxious and scandalous behavior and speech successfully campaigned for seats in the Swedish parliament. He and his party claimed to represent the common man and ran on a “right-wing populist” platform of tightened immigration policy, cracking down on crime, lowering taxes and smaller government. During the campaign and while in office, he positioned himself as as a no nonsense, straight talking and truth telling champion of ordinary people, while frequently making inflammatory, divisive, derogatory and factually incorrect statements and/or comments. He and his party was reviled by liberals and socialists and vilified by mainstream media but gained high popularity among the working class.

You think perhaps this was a trial run for Trump? The similarities are striking.

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1 year ago

Fake opposition steam vent as Communist regime installed , a beacon of hope to keep the people from organizing and removing corrupt / illegal government

1 year ago

Yep he sounds like Trump. It’s like they have an old script they follow. They have him say socially constructed difficult for people to accept due to being programmed truths so people who weren’t brainwashed enough will vote that guy in. Then they can second guess themselves when he’s a surprise pos. “Grab em by the pussee” kind of bs to signing a law that they can arrest any American without proof of anything and hold them for however long. Then of course introducing the jab to kill everyone, but yes he will save us from the evil demon rats though he’s full of crap.
Back to Sweden
It’s interesting they choose to say trump 1.0 says things not based on fact…
“Several times Bert Karlsson claimed that immigrants were responsible for 80 percent of the crime in Sweden.”
They lead you to believe it’s a crazy racist notion but just like Trump this creep said the truth.
Having family and friends there in Sweden I’ve heard them complain for years about Muslim violence and racism and it’s gotten worse over the years. They are not allowed to report if a Muslim or non European did the rape, torture or killing, they are called “a swedish man” when they are clearly not. The Muslim taken over villages are too violent for even fire trucks let alone police to go there they all need extra escorts. This is what fuels racism. You take two very different people and cultures that clash and ruin one place for people and attack the other by forcing immigration to the point the original inhabitants are being wiped out culturally/mentally genetically/physically by the use of brainwashing of all types and force with set politicians and rules. This was all planned, the kalergi plan, whatever plan, you might say but they hate Jews but isis is mossad, they are working together.

They are hitting Japan too. This is to trash the old financially more stable Europe/us and Japan completely get rid of those races so they can wipe out the others next minus their own family and create a more intolerable slave system where the elitists can stick out even physically and force people to tend to them and possibly worship them.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

They’ve certainly picked a violently subservient, self-policing crowd to carry this banner.

1 year ago

They even look alike.

11 months ago

Thats interesting.