
Three-dad throuple to be named as parents on a birth certificate (

Ben, 37, Mitch, 37, and Benjamin Rolam, 35, from Los Angeles, are set to make history by becoming the second throuple in the US to be legally recognized as parents on a child’s birth certificate.

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1 year ago

You’re not just a throuple.

1 year ago

This is an important step in legalizing p3d0*i7ea, by removing the “persona” status from children, and considering them assets, criminal code won’t apply anymore to them and then the door can be open to allow everything, like cattle…….
we are also seeing how the definition of “woman” is being changed…..
Throuples and why not more will further corrupt marriage and totally erase the religious view of what a marriage is, making it a just a business act…..
Fundamentals are being redefined, and brutally forced everywhere starting from daycare. The questions I’m asking myself: will humanity embrace this new vision of life? if not then when are we going to say stop? People that resist will be what? killed, Jailed, kids taken from them?

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse

This degeneracy is only happening and accepted in so called “civilized” nations.

The rest of humanity is watching with disgust the collapse of that obnoxious civilization; that same which looked down and patronized “under developed” and “third world” countries.

Pride and ego are bound to bring down any civilization. Brighter ones have collapsed before. This time, it has to stop before we over achieve all other collapsed civilizations in disgusting and unthinkable monstruosities.

Its enough.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

@SoAnnoyed civilization is absolutely not collapsing, AI, Robotics, Genetics, 5G, Blockchain, Space programs….. Civilization is thriving!
Humanity is what i see collapsing, and I’m wondering, are we heading to extinction?

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse

A civilization is the result of humanity’s intellectual, political, social, economical and artistical creation: no humanity = no civilization. You think that a civilization is born and collapse out of nowhere? It doesnt, it is born and dies thanks to us.

You mention AI, Robotics, 5G etc etc. I am sure you understand now that these creations have not been born out of nowhere or out o fno one; they have from us, past and present humans.

The question one has to ask: is every creation good for humanity?

My personal answer is no, it isnt.

If a creation is not done within certain boundaries and limits, some of this creation will bring down the collapse of a civilization.
For example, this link here depicts the social and moral collapse triggered by the creation of a new “norm” decided by some very few degenerates. Like many other things currently going on in “westernized” countries.

Since you mention AI, I will even go as far as say that some “creation” will bring the collapse of the whole of mankind.

Yes, I weigh my words.

AI has already outperformed human skills and brain. But what is worrying is that, because of its deep learning capabilities, no one on earth is able to check the algorithm that an AI is using to function today, at this precise time.

Why? Because humans gave to the machine that capability to “learn” by itself and improve that same capability INDEFINITELY. EVERY SECOND, AI keeps learning and adjusting that unknown algorithm. It will keep doing this FOREVER.

Since AI has no morals, no limits and is not conscient as we are, AI holds a tremendous power.
A very dangerous one.

Ever since people got excited about it some years ago, I just prayed in silence that this moment we are facing now will never come. It has.

For those who doubt and overestimate humans, please find one simple thing mankind has created which doesnt directly or indirectly trigger a setback (such as pollution, misery, violence, physical harm, disease, mental illness, poverty, hunger, greed, addiction etc etc etc). You wont find one.

On the contrary, this magnificient earth has been sustained for millions of years for the exclusive benefit of mankind without any setback for humans and FOR FREE.
Yet, out of greed and lack of morals, humans have destroyed earth in less than 250 years just to create a modern slavitude which they labelled “revolutions”…

If our simplest creations have hurt us despite all, just imagine what AI will do. Yes, it may kill us. And very soon.

AGAIN, the creation of a very few people somewhere in some “civilized” countries, have condemned the whole of humanity. And they are proud of it and some of us as well.

1 year ago

More like throw-upple.

1 year ago

I feel sorry for that kid. He has not one douchebag parent but three.

1 year ago

Unfortunately he has 3 pedophiles around him. Not parents. The child will never witness a normal moral behaviour and have a chance of normality in life unless taken away from these scums

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Highly agree. These are the kind of “parents” who will take him to drag shows and probably raise him as a “theyby”. The things this kid will have to hear in this bedrooms… 🤮 Extremely vile and wicked. This isn’t normal in any way, shape, or form. A child needs a masculine father and a feminine mother. Case closed.

1 year ago

Seems that this generation has no common sense anymore.

1 year ago

An elephant gun with one round would easily sort out that trio of degenerates

1 year ago

That kid will be experimented on.