
Symbols on Kids Books

Downward facing triangle for v****a.

Hatchet-looking symbol in blue square is the Hebrew ‘zayin’, representing “weapon” or “p***s”.

The circle could mean quite a few things, but combined with the Pisces symbol, maybe it’s definite? I don’t know. Ideas, anyone?

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2 years ago

“Nimrod’s p***s”, possibly …?
If so, the circle could mean “womb” as it does on some Masonic Tracing Boards – Both obelisks found in Vatican and Washington, DC sit inside a circle – viewed from overhead they create a “dot within a circle” – The familiar Masonic figure of the “dot within a circle” (circle-dot, at the base of the ladder in the tracing board image) is the symbol of this union between Nimrod (Ra-Osiris), and Semiramis (Isis). This “point” (dot) represents Osiris’ phallus in the center of the circle or womb of Isis, which in turn is enlivened by the energy (portrayed by sunrays) from Ra. This symbolism is likewise represented at the Vatican, where the Egyptian Obelisk of Osiris sits within a circle, and in Washington DC, where the Obelisk does similarly, situated so as to be the first thing the sun (Ra) strikes as it rises over the capital city.

2 years ago

Can someone please explain why my child, who right now can barely read and only uses their genitals to go to the toilet, needs to know their “Gay B Cs”. Thanks.

2 years ago

the worst part is that they really believe this is somehow good and anyone who disagrees is just wrong and yet they believe they are open minded

2 years ago

The top left upside down triangle looks more like a piece of PIZZA, from Pizzagate?? I’m guessing but that’s my instinct when I see it