
UN's New World Order blueprint

For decades, the UN has been the unofficial governing global body.  Countries would join and adhere to the UN’s suggestions on all levels.  It is the unofficial new world government.  Have they finally made it official with this pact?

The UN has adopted the blueprint for the new world order it seems.

Highlights (to name a few):

The Pact covers a broad range of issues including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance. Key deliverables in the Pact include:

 •    Improving how we measure human progress, going beyond GDP to capturing human and planetary wellbeing and sustainability.

•    On climate change, confirmation of the need to keep global temperature rise to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

•    Agreement to strengthen international frameworks that govern outer space, including a clear commitment to prevent an arms race in outer space and the need to ensure all countries can benefit from the safe and sustainable exploration of outer space.

•    At the heart of the Compact is a commitment to design, use and govern technology for the benefit of all. This includes commitments by world leaders to:
o    Connect all people, schools and hospitals to the Internet;
o    Anchor digital cooperation in human rights and international law;
o    Make the online space safe for all, especially children, through actions by governments, tech companies and social media;
o    Govern Artificial Intelligence, with a roadmap that includes an International Scientific Panel and a Global Policy Dialogue on AI;
o    Make data more open and accessible, with agreements on open-source data, models, and standards;
o    This is also the first global commitment to data governance, placing it on the UN agenda and requiring countries to take concrete actions by 2030.

•    A strengthening of our work on human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The IMF seems to be on board to being the global bank who will oversee the financial side of things.  What is going on here?  Has the UN finally officially declared itself the global governing body?

They want to regulate the internet, finance, climate, human rights, space, privacy (they want transparency), weaponry, etc.


PRESS RELEASE:United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance

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2 days ago

Its all over but the crying now. Get ready.

2 days ago

NOW is at the door, the cards are being laid on the table, wars and rumors of wars until the Antichrist proposes a false peace agreement and arrives as “the savior of the world”.”The more one is given to wine, the more disloyal one is; that proud man, who enlarges his soul like the tomb, will not remain, and is like death that is not satisfied, and gathers all the nations to himself, and gathers together the all people.” Habakkuk 2:5

Last edited 2 days ago by Bernardo
2 days ago

Who here has seen Children of Men? I hate that I love that movie because watching it unaware was giving consent. We revoke our consent!!