Amazon has quite a blasphemous item listed for sale for only $19.95! Get them while they are hot!
Jokes aside this thing is extremely blasphemous. Not only does it show God in front of the spirit board but he is also depicted as doing the “as above, so below” baphomet hand gestures.
If you also pay close attention to the lower hand, the cross is inverted. It makes an insane claim of being able to communicate with Jesus Christ himself. Another thing I noticed is how they made God simian, almost cave-man like.
This is obviously for satanists by satanists.
You can see the item for yourself here.
The amazon comments insist it is a joke but the subtle occult symbolism tells a different story. This is nothing more than blasphemy dismissed as a harmless joke in doing that people dismiss it as just that.
The other thing I cant get over is the blatant disrespect to Christians and quick dismissal but if it poked fun from a racist angle or maybe Jewish faith, it would get pulled immediately. But make fun of Christians and that gets a pass, right?
Who knows what you would end up talking to if you used that thing.
Jeff Bezos’ lazy eye
Amazon’s original name was Cadabra, adapted from the magical term.
You’ll talk to Cheeto puff and Melania!
As above, so below.
I’ve watched way too many videos on youtube about Ouija boards to know that I absolutely never ever will touch one. Ofc some of the videos might be fake, but there’s no way for all of them to be fake.
Just don’t summon things you don’t know how to banish, period. Otherwise you risk opening yourself up to snakes that you can’t even see. And a christian-themed design will not save you from them.
I’ve heard more than once that the boards scream when burned. Spooky!
One screamed in my family when it was getting burnt. It was after a horror of a family historical hell that happened, people died. Proceed with more than caution, anything can come through if you don’t get a dud or a certain type of person is in the room which they usually ask you leave the house for the board to work. It’s not worth the gamble.
“There’s no way for all of them to be fake” is really bad logic. YouTube is not the place to go to for accurate accounts of real life and Chinese manufactured, mass produced toys made from cardboard and plastic don’t summon demons.
Honestly, in the modern era, cheap mass produced plastic toys are just about EXACTLY what I would expect to summon demons.
I’m afraid that’s exactly how many people get into trouble – they don’t take it seriously. They treat it like a parlour trick and then it’s too late and something is in their house making their home unlivable.
Ouija boards are dangerous precisely because they look so unassuming. They keep you thinking – is it real? Is it not?
But in any case – you’re way better of if you don’t touch it. If it is real, you’ve dodged a supernatural bullet. If it is not real, you missed nothing.
You don’t know what rituals they do over those boards, it doesn’t matter what it’s made of. It could be water
You think there’s a sweatshop worker at the end of the production line performing rituals over ouija boards?
I think you would only need one executive in corporate.
Just a few weeks ago, I was instructing my children about the dangers of these ancient tools of gateway ritual that are now sold by Hasbro marketed to tweens as a thrilling party game.
I told them to have nothing to do with these evil trinkets.
And now here we see this b*****d clone marketed to people in the church who don’t know which way is up.
I guess the same church leaders who closed down their physical gatherings in compliance with the protocols of Event 201 will order this abomination from Amazon for their churches to use at their next revival event.
Induces vomiting.
Blasphemious on so many levels! This is witchcraft whether it says Oija on it or anything else. God cannot be approached by using magic tricks, but through hard work, with humility and prayer.