
Sacred geometry in OpenAI logo?

As many of you all know, OpenAI is a LEADING innovator in AI software technology so you know who’s gonna be running it.  Nuff said.

I wont go into too much depth on this and maybe someone else with extensive knowledge can elaborate and discuss in the comments.

From my very novicely trained eye, I see a few things in this logo.  For one, the hexagon, right at the center.  This is also known as the “black cube of saturn”.  It is found in the seal of solomon and star of david.

The hexagon symbol was mentioned in my previous post regarding a promo for the series “Bones”.  To learn more, check that out, I have linked an article there that explains it.

But outside of that, I couldn’t keep my eyes off the outside “incubating” the hexagon.  It really looks like two intersecting triangles (as above, so below) representing positive and negative energies (male and female) that “satan” has dominion over in this world.  You can clearly see it in the logo I posted, broken triangles.

However, I noticed the round edges too.  There are six round edges, could this also be the “seed of life” sacred gemotrical figure?  Six circles intertwine to form it and this seems to be going up that dark alley.

Alternate logo designs also seems to suggest “labyrinth” like vibes.  For more information, search “labyrinth sacred geometry”.

Let’s elaborate on this in the comments …

What do you think?

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3 hours ago

The white spaces within the logo make six 6’s.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

From what I have read recently, it has become normal(?) for people to delete their social media accounts only to have them commandeered by AI entities, which then use their identities and personal photos to promote their deceptive existences.
This phenomenon is disturbing to me.
Anyone else experienced this happening?

1 minute ago

Star of David. Its ze ai jewsz

Last edited 1 minute ago by alichemicali