Bones is an American police procedural drama television series created by Hart Hanson for Fox. Wikipedia
Double one eye sign and skulls … a symbol of death.
Aside from that, the number “13” is in place of the “B”.
From’s article Number Thirteen ( 13 ):
In the major Arcana of the Tarot deck, the 13th key, or card, is Death. If the card appears rightside-up, it signifies transformation. Upside-down, it signifies disaster, upheaval, inertia and anarchy.
Also featured in the logo: the hexagon. Six sides found within the Seal of Solomon and Star of David.
From’s article Esoteric Meaning of the Hexagon:
Of all the geometric shapes in sacred geometry, the hexagon is arguably the most powerful. And fascinating. The six-sided geometric shape is found in many spiritual symbols such as the Star of David, The Tree of Life in the Kabbalah and the Hagal Rune composed by ancient tribes of northern Europe.
The Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon, is believed to be one of the oldest symbols ever used. Although its origin is unknown, it probably existed long before it was incorporated into the philosophies of Judaism.
You find the hexagon in the centre of the Star of David. It is the sacred geometry formed by the interlocking of two triangles – the upward-pointing triangle representing positive/male energy, and the downward-facing triangle representing negative/female energy.
Fascinating article but long. I dont give two s***s about their esoteric knowledge, just enough to detect their turd droppings.
A lot of symbolism comes together here. The number thirteen and the hexagon. If the death card comes out upward (positive) vs downward (negative) and the geometry found within the Star of David, representing the union between an upward star and downward, positive vs negative.
Its crazy to me, this has demonic written all over it. It is s**t like this we have to look deep into to unlock their influence in all things, whether it be sports, entertainment, music, etc.
Keep your eyes open and not wide shut. Stay vigilant!
This one is a stretch, but the title can also be read as “13 ONES” for the 13 illuminati families.
There is so much to digest in this promo, I wonder if they peppered the show with more symbolism.
Great analysis Rick!
It is so wild how many of their gang signs they can cram into one relatively simple promo poster.
Rick, the number 13 also symbolizes Mastery of Time for the Luciferian/Freemason gang who practice butt sex in order to time travel (dimensional transit, space/time travel).It is part of their practice of ritual sodomy, which puts victims into dissociation who are then installed with demons and alternate personalities for whatever worldly purposes they have been assigned for pushing the dark occult agenda. They believe that they achieve “enlightenment” into the mysteries through this practice. Their gang signs are everywhere.