
The True Matrix

I discovered today, an independent counter-narrative to mainstream media, who are, of course, being mercilessly attacked by certain members of BBC, with the usual slurs and accusations. Anyway, I am enjoying the articles and, in particular, wish to share the following, as the entire system of degrading junk money they now wish to dispose of entirely and replace with arbitrary sums on a screen to be given and taken away at will, to ensure we behave ourselves, has always struck me as absurd. Just as with systems of authority, money only has value because we believe it does and attribute it as such. 

Where’s your mind at?

NOTHING comes out of nothing. You need something to create something new – a generally accepted concept. We find ourselves in the middle of a creation that must have started at a particular moment: the ‘something’. All that exists must have emerged from an already existing potential. Just as all the information of an oak tree is in the acorn, so there must have been ‘a creation seed’. If the seed contains all possibility, then one can define the Creator as imagination. If the Creator is Imagination, then the world is the manifestation of the potential of the Creator, which means we are literally living in the mind of the Creator.

If you look at a topographical map of the Earth, then you would see continents, mountain ranges, rivers, oceans, deserts, and more. This is what actually exists in the real world: a world created from the potential of the universe.

Within this world, the laws of nature apply. Every interaction has natural consequences. Put your hand in a fire, and you will get burned. These consequences can be seen as messages to teach people that there are rules within which this creation operates. These messages are not punishments. They are teaching tools about the laws that govern this creation.

Contrary to that, if we look at the political map then we see named countries, separated by lines called national borders. These lines only exist on a map created by human beings. One cannot find them in the real world. This is the first layer of what people have called the matrix. It is something we believe to be real, and we behave as though it were real, but in fact it only exists in our minds.

The various rules and laws operating within this matrix have been created by people: the ones that rule the matrix. We comply with these rules because we believe this creation to be real. Breaking these rules will also have consequences. These are now very much punishments so people won’t forget who the authority is they have to obey. The sole function of such laws is to keep the leaders in power.

We could now build a culture on top of this matrix. People, living closely connected to nature, will develop a culture driven by nature, guided by their need to survive as a species. They will learn from nature when to sow seeds, when to harvest, what materials are suitable for clothes, tools and homes. Their activities, such as hunting, working and resting will be dictated by nature. 

On the contrary, in the matrix world, we have a culture that is built on what people believe to be true. The people are told what their leaders want them to believe so they can remain in power. This leads to accepted ways of living, of behaving, and of seeing the world, that are in fact simply opinions of certain people, most of which are untrue in the natural, real world.

Organised religion is possibly the most successful layer of the mind matrix, using fear, guilt and punishment to make people submit to a belief system that promises salvation. Within the religious human world, the boundaries are drawn as clearly as they are on the map of nations: followers of one set of beliefs are convinced they are right and all others are wrong. These lines, which are lines in the minds of people, must be defended in the same way as the lines surrounding countries must be defended; and the same tools are used too. One has to be proud to belong to the ‘right’ collection of believers. This layer of the matrix, whilst claiming to be spiritual, actually disconnects people from their true self, from their natural self, and from the Creator.

The layer that today is affecting humanity the most is the belief in the value of currency in the form of notes, coins and numbers on a computer screen. In the natural world, all is free. No money is required. The resources in nature are the capability and the willingness to work and create. In nature, our imagination, which will allow us to look for solutions, is as free as the energy we put into the endeavour, as are the requirements to materialise our solution.

Nature produces everything we need, for free. In the matrix, we all have ‘to earn a living’. This creates the illusion of a diversity in value, which distorts our understanding of natural wealth. They locked us into wage slavery, and developed us into debt slaves. We may soon see the end of that system, if and when the people begin to reclaim their true wealth, our common assets, instead of the fake monetary value of the bankers.

Our disconnection from the natural world is also an illusion. We still live there, in the same place mankind has always been. However, we have chosen to ignore the truth and replace it in our minds with an illusion. The larger the community becomes, the more rules we need to sanitise the flow of human activity, as conflicting ideas and views may disturb the harmony of that community.

Organising life within a community should be done for the benefit of that community, not to keep distant rulers in power. As opposed to controlling humanity in its activity and its thinking, as opposed to suppressing humanity from exploring different options of life, and from expressing its different experiences, individuals could show the community the way the natural laws work for everybody.

They could encourage other individuals to think and act freely, and to take full personal responsibility towards the community. But as long as people believe in the power and knowledge of leaders who are in need of oppressing and controlling the population, mankind is not going to be able to distinguish between the true world and the matrix world.

For this shift to happen we need to realise where our mind is at. Does it believe in the power of nature or in the power of men? 

Excerpt from A Conscious Humanity – Morality, Freedom and Natural Law by Rob Ryder and Patrick Quanten

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the great plague
the great plague
1 year ago

Yes, nature provides all and miracles as well to those who don’t try to cheat the system. Our society considers a healthy man in rags to be poor and a sick man in gold to be rich. Nothing exemplifies this more than the priests of religion, who are the exact opposite of what they claim to be, vampires who contribute nothing yet are exalted above those who do the real work, stealing and sneaking around with wives and husbands using the star power of the pulpit to serve their personal greed.

1 year ago

Agree, except the elite are all religious as well, just as parasitic and just as hypocritical. Always have been. The highest echelons of society have made it a point of pride that they are able to spend their lives being visibly unoccupied. There’s an old Jane Austen story in which a man is trying to guess a young woman’s love interest, he asks what the man’s occupation is. The younger sister replies, “He’s of no profession.” He says, “Ah! So, he’s a gentleman!” (Spoiler, he is, but deep down wants a quiet, tranquil, simple life as a clergyman “giving very brief sermons”. He is disinherited.)

Nature has been created to provide us with those things.
Otherwise, couldn’t agree more. I don’t think lower level people enter religion with bad intentions, for the main, but many undoubtably succumb to various temptations as their popularity grows.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I also think many enter thinking, it’ll be a bunch of weddings and funerals, baptisms and picnics, and a relatively decent life of comparative ease and community admiration, not realizing that if they go without Father having sent them they are ineffectual at best, damaging in most cases. (Much like the disinherited son mentioned in the Jane Austen story – he was not overly ambitious, yet nor did he truly believe, he just wanted a living and status tolerable to his standards.) I am watching a local church now, filled with kindhearted, giving people, bury person after person, younger and younger. I have tried to warn them, yet the minister and several others no longer speak to me despite they witnessed my own family turnaround. He doesn’t want to rock the boat. And so they all continue to sink.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

what are they dying of, the innoc…?

1 year ago
Reply to  recap

Yes. I tried to explain and it was as if I’d become suddenly toxic material to them. Entire demeanor changed immediately, from very warm to a palpable rejection, then silence. The only one who still responds to me at all is the church secretary.

Recently, when egg prices were so extreme and I had a surplus I offered farm fresh eggs for free for their pantry. They didn’t even want free eggs from me.

They’re sending out more frequent prayer requests, not just for ill people, but for people trying to cope with emotional turmoil, deep grief, etc. I feel like, to be a shepherd, you need to be equipped with some real answers and guidance for your flock, not comforting platitudes. The comfort part seems to be wearing very thin. I can easily see how people subjected to this are in danger of losing faith entirely.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago

men’s culture etc may live in an agreed upon imagination by society as you claim but to say that we live in the imagination of the Creator is wrong since unlike men, God can call forth all of creation into reality with real substance, energy and matter. Creation is not a simulation on some celestial computer. . it is a real tangible system and not a mind game. also when sin entered the world, man was forced to work for his sustenance as a consequence. this was way before the illuminati systems in place much later. from Genesis “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field”. it isnt a mystery at all
new age teaching doesnt mix with the Word of God at all. just like what satan said to eve

1 year ago
Reply to  john

You understand I didn’t write this article, yes? I just shared it unaltered because it would be disrepectful, deceitful and plagiarism otherwise. I don’t have to agree with every detail of the wording to believe it has merit.
I read “imagination” and realized they meant we exist within the manifested creation of the imagination, i.e. potential, that Father put into all things. All things start from seed and if a seed is unfamiliar to us, we can’t conceive what it might be until its full potential is realized, but the Creator knows, because He’s the one who came up with the idea and gave it its start.
If I had written this article, it would be both real, and a manifestation of my imagination.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

yes but you dont have disclaimers about your own views thus you do agree with it etc plus you explain, defend, expound, interpret what is very plain language. the WORD of God doesnt need such complicated 3rd party exposition. i know youre smart but dont let others use your wisdom to further wrong doctrine. half truths are just that, candied up

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago

Belief is the opposite of knowing.
Stop BELIEVING!!!!!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Airplane Clouds