
Wars and rumors of wars …

NATO is quite OKAY with Ukraine firing long range missiles deep inside Russian terroritory, furthering Putin’s wrath.

From the article:

The head of NATO’s military committee said Saturday that Ukraine has the solid legal and military right to strike deep inside Russia to gain combat advantage — reflecting the beliefs of a number of U.S. allies — even as the Biden administration balks at allowing Kyiv to do so using American-made weapons.

“Every nation that is attacked has the right to defend itself. And that right doesn’t stop at the border of your own nation,” said Adm. Rob Bauer, speaking at the close of the committee’s annual meeting, also attended by U.S. Gen. CQ Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Politics suck but they are also part of the elite’s gigantic puzzle and must be taken into consideration.  This will surely inch us closer to a nuclear war as Putin’s back is slowly hitting a corner.  

Will this escalate the war and force Putin to use Nuclear weapons?  Whether you care or not … it will ultimately affect all of us eventually.


NATO military committee chair backs Ukraine’s use of long range weapons to hit Russia

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2 days ago

Isn’t the rumour of war in Ukraine just another money laundering operation? I have read that the politicians in DC vote to send money to their family members who are employed in the Ukraine government. Those individuals then launder the money back to the politicians in DC and Jerusalem.

2 days ago
Reply to  chek

Money-laundering scheme or not, that doesn’t mean these current wars couldn’t spill over into WW3.
I wonder if we’re on the precipice.

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 day ago
Reply to  chek

I believe the Ukraine war is their attempt to bring WW3, then totalitarian “order out of chaos.”

2 days ago

Matthew 24:6

2 days ago

I believe we are in “The End” chapter, but still not yet in the end of it. The end is clearly being pushed, they are in a hurry with perverting children, closing churches, banning authentic faith in God, planning pandemics and forcing crisis of all sorts. We all witness nature unleash by God’s own will or by man’s doing. The signs are clear, still, not yet _that_ end. I think being able to see this must get us closer to God. People will get to that point of chosing willingly one side or the other and become people of God or people that renounce God with all tgat implies. It will be crystal clear who’s who.

2 days ago

I just read an essay by a news analyst who thinks Gaza and Ukraine are simply the first chess moves in WWIII.

And speaking of the politics, CNN has a video clip right now of a Brazilian mayoral debate where ine candidate just whacks the other one with a metal chair. Politics at its most basic. It was like watching the fall of man in action.

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 day ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

And the now-normalized assassination attempts on US presidential candidates/past presidents.

Sadly, this is not to say that I believe the kayfabe “two party system, democracy” narrative. The evil parasites / satanists have had control of all sides of politics probably from the beginning of the US, and probably from a while after the fall of Adam.

1 day ago

I don’t understand these politicians. They know that attacking Russia will cause brutal retaliation and the more they escalate, the more likely the nuclear scenario becomes. Especially given that Russia recently made a defence alliance with North Korea.

Are they not afraid that the winds will bring sweet nuclear fallout to their lands too?
Will they need all that blood money from selling arms if there would be nowhere to go besides their nuclear shelter?

Or are they just blabbing, knowing that the US will not actually authorise this? Because the US has their eyes fixed on those $12 trillions of critical mineral resources Ukraine is sitting on, and making Ukraine an uninhabitable wasteland is not in their interest.

It just breaks my heart that people who have nothing to do with this have to die for the greed of the few.