Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire founder and owner of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris shortly after landing on a private jet late Saturday and placed in custody, three sources told Reuters.
in News
His crime? Not selling his user’s personal information.
He looks like he should be on Sprockets.
lol! That’s why he’s familiar
These tech bros look more like Bond villains every day, don’t they?
Scottish drag queen, co-author of ‘trans youth’ guide, convicted of distributing child p*********y, sentenced to only 200 hours community servicePolice discovered a Telegram chat group titled “Extra Excitement,” where Easton had collected over 1,000 videos and images of children.*********y-sentenced-to-only-200-hours-community-service
These tech celebrities are as much slaves to the system as Britney spears.
Telegram data center is headquartered in California !!!
They arrested him for not doing enough to keep Russians from using it as a communication platform.
Its a Russia-Ukraine thang!