
Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government (

The Home Office will look at hatred of women as one of the ideological trends that the government says is gaining traction.

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29 days ago

Okay, then first line of business is right deport all of the r@pefugees!

Andrew Barnett
Andrew Barnett
28 days ago
Reply to  Lori

You’d have to deport the whole government and the police force. Investigate PC Carrick and PC Couzens and there are PLENTY MORE. The government is the r@pist….sorry, counselling psychotherapist 😎 The government is a refugee up for deporting from my honesty, which OUGHT to be the only policy.

24 days ago
Reply to  Andrew Barnett

I wish these guys would take the gov out then go after the rapefugees

29 days ago

Anyone willing to adopt me?

28 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Rosey, knowing where you hail from, I hope we don’t hear bad news one day soon that you or your husband have been dragged off by your nation’s police force to whatever jail they have built for “horrible criminals like you who post your opinions and ideas on social media!”
We stand in solidarity with you as you watch your nation sink further down the toilet-hole.

28 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Rosey, I was just trying to say that we stand in solidarity with you as you watch (with sadness and horror) your country crumble.
I apologize if my comment was misconstrued as anything else.

28 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Not at all GS. I’m thankful for your prayers and oh boy does the UK need em.

24 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

If you ever need to post anything that will get you imprisoned feel free to email it to me and I’ll do it for you.
If they want to fish me out then so be it, after wasting their money I’ll go to vacation prison with the nonmurderers who are like minded and hate the tyrants.

28 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Cheers GS. Luckily there is an online life and a real one and the two aren’t touching despite Kier Stalin’s attempts otherwise.

It is always interesting to speak to people in real life as scarily they are the ones who don’t know it’s happening and will be knitting at the foot of the scaffold cheering it on. So trying to pop a few of them off (I mean wake them up Kier – I mean WAKE THEM UP!) with lots of interesting truth keeps me going.

Thanks again GS.

27 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Glad to hear you and yours remain safe from Kier’s grip and yes I will definitely keep praying for you all over there and for our Canadian friends under Marxist censorship also.
Keep trying to wake up your countrymen!
You never know when the house of lies will crumble from the smallest crack of truth!
Stay strong, and lean on our LORD in weakness.

24 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Let’s all set or vpns there to confuse them and eat up their investigation time

23 days ago
Reply to  marie

I like this idea Marie…

28 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Sure. You can move to the usgay! You can be my child. At least you can say bytch here without going to prison! (Just tell them you’re not Caucasian on the papers if you are and you’ll get benefits and help, especially if you say you’re not legally entering.)
I’m sorry they are destroying your people and way of life (the uncorrupt parts) there. They also seem to hate you if you’re native European in Europe probably to make you mix. And I guess you could paint shoe polish on your face and wear a curtain for less pressure and better results from po-lice and slavery heads.

28 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

I would but you wouldn’t want to live in Texas, it doesn’t get under 80° at night right now. I would encourage you to look at expat conclaves in central America. If you’re in the mountains it stays 50-80° year-round. Look at residency requirements. They require a lifetime pension or enough in the bank to last the rest of your life, but even the most expensive are like $1000/month per family

Last edited 28 days ago by LAZ
28 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Rosey, I wish you all the strength and resolve to endure these chaotic times.

In case you are thinking about moving, Cyprus might be worth looking into. There are a lot of Britons here and 80% of Cypriots can speak very good English. If you decide to live in a village, the rent can be low.

On the downside, it’s very hot and it’s basically a never-ending barbeque festival.

27 days ago
Reply to  mechanical

Thank you for your advice. Sadly like many of my countrymen a move to another country would not be possible. Like a lot of people finances wouldn’t quite stretch but also part of me says why should we have to deal with what is effectively a coup. I’m hopeful that people will see through it and the government be handed it’s marching orders.

There is a lot of nonsense mixing it’s way around and I remain hopeful that normal people, no matter their colour or creed can stand up to this nonsense.

I still think if people can they should get out of the cities as a precaution. The place isn’t burning down just yet.

I’m grateful for your prayers and offer the same. God’s will be done. It might not be pretty.

28 days ago

Extreme misogyny is also when they try to convince us that a man dressed as a woman is a woman, that “menstruators” exist and so on.

28 days ago
Reply to  article

I’ve been enjoying participating in dialogue with you all here, but I don’t understand how these “points(?)” work after our comments. I don’t understand why/how our friend Article above received a negative number.
Of course menstruators exist but intelligent humans previously called them (appropriately) women.
I get the point Article was trying to make here.
Sorry Article! I don’t think you deserve a negative point however you ended up with it.

28 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Those are up and down votes from the people reading this

28 days ago
Reply to  LAZ

Thanks Laz.
I wish we all could just dialogue without votes attached.
I prefer to tell people when I think they’ve said something thought-provoking, instead of clicking an arrow as a tally mark.

24 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

The up and down help so the same thing isn’t repeated 5x. You shouldn’t worry so much about down votes

28 days ago
Reply to  article

This is insanity and chaos so they can come in and pretend to save us without resistance

27 days ago

some of you are getting a little too “homey” here on this website.

24 days ago
Reply to  raybongz

We should gather together against the tyrannical world gov naturally.

27 days ago

I am female and I was physically attacked on the street in New York City by a man, long before the more recently publicized similar occurrences. I think that kind of thing has always been going on there, it’s nothing new, but more attention is paid after Me Too and after the rise in crime accompanying the pandemic. It happened to other women I knew there, too. Misogynistic violence is definitely real and is devastating, so please don’t make light of this.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
27 days ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

The problem isn’t that misogynistic crimes aren’t real. It is that they are after thought crimes. Make an innocent joke online and you are looking at years behind bars.

26 days ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I am so sorry you experienced that from a man Fleurdamour!
I think the problem we are witnessing is that many people are becoming confused about the meaning of misogyny.
If I say that women do not possess a special right to murder their own offspring, then immediately there are many in our society who label me as a misogynist.
Even though they are the ones committing violent crime against a population of whom 50% are female, I am the extremist.
Things are so upside down, you know?
And meanwhile there are real misogynists like the one you were unfortunate to encounter who use their upper hand in physical strength to carry out their hatred (also like the clinicians at Planned Parenthood).

24 days ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Pretty sure that’s not what they care about being all the foreigner 3rd world rapists they let out of prison or don’t even put in prison. They are more worried about putting certain people in prison and having more excuses to do it.

24 days ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I feel like the word misogynist being used so often it’s becoming bigger than it was or needs to be though. I think it devalues and confuses the meaning and spreads it into meaning anything and everything. Why do we need to add extra laws on laws? A crime should simply be a crime without adding thought crimes and compounding label crimes into the crime. I mean feminism should be a crime too if you want to balance this they pretty much all insane. What about all the pedophile female teachers using their tears to get out of prison? Where are their cells? Why do they get to skip jail? They literally choose a career then go to school just to victimize males. Men and women can be evil. Laws need simplified and straight to the point, all the labeling and shaming seem to rip people apart. In the patriotic system those males used to tip their hats when passing a female and take it off when talking to her. Women didn’t vote because they didn’t go to war etc.