
Bacteria can have a "secret switch" to turn on resistance to antibiotics.

This one got my brow raised high.  Apparently, a man was suffering from an infection, a nasty one.  After 10 days, doctors finally released him.  A short time later, the man came in again with a worsened infection.  He was placed on an another antibiotic but died shortly thereafter.  

Now doctors have discovered that the same bacteria he initially battled came back with a vengeance and fully resistant to the antibiotic administered.

From the article:

The man’s case highlights an elusive strategy that bacteria use in their arms race against antibiotics — a hidden type of resistance that can be switched on almost instantly but leaves no genetic trace. And it can be almost impossible to detect using standard lab tests. Researchers are increasingly recognizing that this bacterial strategy, called “heteroresistance,” may play a significant role in antibiotic failures. Recognizing this bacterial strategy, experts say, is the first step in fighting it.

From a conspiracy point of view … 🤔 … could this bacteria be bioengineered in some seedy lab somewhere to have a secret “switch” to turn deadlier?  Seems un-natural to me that this could be encoded genetically by mother nature.

Who knows … very frightening nonetheless.


Scientists have found a secret ‘switch’ that lets bacteria resist antibiotics — and it’s been evading lab tests for decades

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1 month ago

How lucky then that antibiotics which does not cause resistance and can handle resistant pathogens exist right out in nature, created by our maker. Virgin coconut oil is a highly effective antibiotic and has been used successfully to treat infections internally. It also does not have the harmful side effects of synthetic antibiotics like ravaging your gut microbiome.

And luckily we also have auto immune systems which can deal with pathogens, regardless of whether they are “resistant” or not. Any even remotely well-nourished immune system can stop most any pathogens. This is why antibiotics resistant bacteria that ravishes severely under-nourished (and often also crowded and unsanitary) areas in the third world do not spread across the world even though a lot of people travel to and from these countries. Germ theory is entirely a hoax. Only sickly people become sick when exposed to pathogens in a natural way. Healthy people only get sick from pathogens if acutely poisoned by large enough quantities of it to overwhelm the auto immune system. The idea of virus epidemics/pandemics also a fraud, they are pathogens caused by sickness not the root cause of it.

1 month ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Study: Coconut Oil Effective in Treating Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens

Last edited 1 month ago by flipthepyramid
1 month ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Its marketing. If that really worked like you said, then how come it didn’t stop residents in my hometown from getting sick, whose main industry is VCO? Its delusional to think that fantasy can overrule science but here we are

1 month ago
Reply to  john

It’s very small and simple minded to dismiss something you obviously know nothing about based on some pre-concieved notion on what “effective” means.

Coconut oil is not a magic cure-all but it does have proven powerful medicinal properties. It won’t by itself keep you from getting sick but it does serve to keep and make you healthy in several ways and combined with otherwise good and varied nutrition you will have very good protection from infections and other illness. If you eat junk or a diet which lacks vital nutrients and then add coconut oil, it won’t keep you from getting sick but it’s likely you’d be even sicker without it. “Junk” includes industrially produced crops, dairy and meat. You may also get sick even with a rich and varied diet as you cannot get nearly enough of a key nutrient through food, that is vitamin D. Vitamin D supplementation in colder parts of the year and when it’s not regularly sunny is vital to keep from getting sick. That said the rich and varied diet (preferably supplemented) will still keep you from getting as sick or sick for as long as you would otherwise.

I know from personal experience as I used to get sick very often and then bettered my diet (organic/locally small-time produced whenever possible, much more wholegrain, more fruits and vegetables, healthy, natural oils/fats [coconut oil, olive oil, butter, lard, tallow] stopped consuming corrupted, harmful base foods like white wheat flour, white sugar and white [chlorine refined] salt and also stopped consuming Canola oil and other “vegetable” seed oils as well as margarine which claimed to be healthy but is actually anything but) and also added a regiment of supplements and I have not been sick more than slightly and at most for 2-3 days. Before I used to be sick several times a year and sometimes it would last for weeks. A rich and varied natural diet WILL keep you healthy because that is real medicines. Adding certain super-foods like dates, chia seeds, cashew nuts, coconibs, ginger, tumeric (organic, the regular kind is often poisoned with an arsenic-like compound) will make it even better as these contain a lot of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories as well as being rich in minerals which our crops often are lacking in nowadays.

In closing, no it’s your modern medicine that is the fantasy. It’s a complete fraud which never have been intended to improve health nor ever has. It was established for the opposite reason by the Rockefellers and has served that purpose. Any and all functioning medicine it has ever produced have been synthetic copies, bastardizations of natural medicinal compounds. Globalists don’t create, they only exploit, corrupt and destroy, and that goes for your “medical science” as well. And while “medical doctors” fumble in the dark with harmful and inefficient treatments and drugs actual doctors successfully and regularly cure illnesses, like cancer using all natural means (in fact there are recorded cases of people with death sentence cancer diagnoses naturally self-curing.) I’ve helped my mother nearly get off her type 2 diabetes meds through good nutrition and supplements. She used to need 5 pills a day, now she’s down to 1 and often that is too much. She, like I, have also lost a lot of weight since bettering our diets and we do not gain it back, despite not eating less and also eating good, natural sweets and treats. Modern medicine is a fraud and a joke, almost always you can get better treatment and help just by researching yourself what REAL medical science has discovered, or rather re-discovered. The only reason why “modern medicine” is not completely discredited and dismissed by everyone is propaganda and advertising which Big Pharma does more than any other industry, by far, to keep people from seeing the obvious truth.

28 days ago
Reply to  john

John I’m curious about the residents in your hometown.
Marketing is one thing and we’ve all seen wonderful healthy things like olive oil marketed truthfully for its benefits while other things like vaccines have been marketed most heavily through deception “Come get Immunized at your WalMart Pharmacy!”
But then fantasy is another thing (from marketing) and science yet another.
Each of these have crossed over into marketing at times.
Big man Tony Fauci told us he was Science Incarnate.
But that (world-class) fool can’t open his mouth without lies pouring out.
There’s a very special place in Hell for people like him whose tongues only ever seek to deceive.
If the primary industry of your hometown is virgin coconut oil, do you know whether the workers in that industry consume/utilize the oil? Or do they simply harvest and process it for a day’s wages but then go home and consume hydrogenated Crisco made from genetically modified canola and soy and petroleum-based microplastics instead?
I’m curious what would be an example of fantasy in your hometown and what would stand strong as an example of science?
What did the residents in your town get sick from? And how did they utilize coconut oil that failed them?
I’m sure coconut oil doesn’t heal every disease under the sun, and I don’t think that’s what our friend Flip TP was trying to say either.
What else did the people in your hometown try that healed them from this town-wide sickness better than the coconut oil?
If you could help us understand better where you’re coming from?
If you say they healed themselves from their sickness by taking a modern vaccine, then we will all understand that you have fantasy and science mixed up. At least those of us who understand biowarfare.

1 month ago
Reply to  rick

Extremely safe, in fact it’s one of the healthiest things you can consume. It’s been eaten since ancient times in Asia and has always been known to have beneficial health properties. Modern studies have shown it to have just the right type of saturated fat chains and also contains effective anti-inflammatory compounds as well as powerful antioxidants. It is good for your heart, stomach and mind. It aids in weight management and weight loss due to its anti-inflammatory properties (inflammation of the thyroid is a very common cause of overweight) as well as because it speeds up your body’s natural fat burning process.

Studies as well as many real world applications have shown it to be effective at managing and treating type 2 diabetes, both because it helps improve general health and body weight and because it helps manage blood sugar and decreases insulin resistance. Studies have also found that it is effective at treating the symptoms of neurodegenerative syndromes like alzherimer’s. Furthermore, studies have shown it effective at treating hyperthyroidism.

You use it just as a cooking and baking oil, it doesn’t have a very high smoke point but enough to work well for most cooking and frying. There’s also a neutral flavor variant which is just as good, only it’s been gently steam treated to remove the coconut flavor and odor.

28 days ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Rick, if it’s not in your pantry, get some like now-o’clock.
I don’t know what it might possibly heal you from, but it’s great!
I have no doubt the globalist goat-herd power-brokers are trying to get the FDA and other gatekeeper bureaus to make it illegal while they poison us with whatever alternative they recommend. That was probably one of their side-motives for death-lasering Maui…to scorch all the coconuts.
Anyway, I join Flip in recommending this oil, and I don’t even work in John’s town of sick people who get paid to sell it.

28 days ago

Complete BS. This stuff is not real, never has been. DNA, viruses, and a host of other things “they” claim to “KNOW” are all just theories that have been either been totally disproven (viruses) or never proven (DNA).

28 days ago
Reply to  they

This article was talking about bacteria and antibiotics.
Are those not real either They?
I have seen the arguments going back and forth about viruses and what constitutes disease, but I have never heard before that DNA has never been proven.
How have you come to ban DNA from your reality?
I’m asking out of curiosity because this concept is news to me.