
Preparing for (Controlled) Collapse? Globalist Oligarchs Have Made Massive Sell-Offs of Stock in Banks and Major Corporations

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1 month ago

it’s a big club… and you ain’t in it

1 month ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Good, I would hate myself if I were.

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
1 month ago
Reply to  ibelieve

George Carlin was in it. Controlled opposition

13 days ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

How was George Carlin controlled opposition?

1 month ago

People sell stock for various reasons. Sometimes insider selling is a problem for a company because it indicates executives don’t think the company’s in good shape. But many CEOs are paid partly in stock and regularly sell shares for income and no reason to panic.

If the Walton family sold 9m shares, how does that compare with their other sales in the past? How much do they still hold?

Buffett sells if he thinks a company’s stock is overvalued. He trimmed his apple holdings and and a few other things. but it’s not like he sold EVERYTHING held by Berkshire, such as Sees Candy and Geico to Dairy Queen and his 20% stake in American Express.

If soros sold bank stocks, did he buy something else?

I’m short, there’s no reason to panic and the meme is incomplete.

1 month ago
Reply to  C_C

I agree it is never time to panic. However, it would be foolish to ignore the obvious writing on the wall. The system, as it stands, will not last much longer. They’ve been kicking the can down the road for decades. Of course, this is all by design. They cannot implement the new system without tearing down the old one. Maybe it won’t happen next week or even next month, but there will be a collapse. They keep promising lower rates (both Trump and Harris promise this) and the people cheer!! The reality is the more they lower the rates, the more they weaken the dollar. They claim this is a great thing for the economy. This is a lie. So, it’s definitely not the time to panic, but it is time to be vigilant and prepared. *I only mention the promise of lower rates to point out there are many different moving parts to this economic collapse. It’s not just about the selling off of stocks. If one examines all the evidence, all the signs point to the house of cards is beginning to collapse.

Last edited 1 month ago by Saltnlight
just out of sight, but near and by
just out of sight, but near and by
1 month ago
Reply to  C_C

SOROS BUYS PEOPLE,corrupts them to fit an agenda.

In the Netherlands, government looses billions, those just disappear from the ‘books’, every few years, again and again. Without any newspapers hunting for them. (Ofcourse not, those millions are spent on them too.)

1 month ago


1 month ago
Reply to  Pedram

The Lobsta!

1 month ago

That’s sus. Candace Owens recently shared a clip on her show of a “pastor”(his day job prolly) who mentioned a dream he had about the attempted assassination of Trump, it was filmed a few months before it took place.

He made a few “predictions” and one of them was about how there would be an economic collapse after Trump got into office.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ruth

A lot of people were flirting with the idea of an assassination attempt on Trump. However, the collapse if he gets killed after re-election? Maybe, just maybe.

1 month ago

Crass manipulation of “winners” vs “losers” – and they can create…either…at any time. Disconnect.

1 month ago

Austrian mystic Maria Simma, who spoke to souls in purgatory, prophesied an economic collapse.

1 month ago

Wasn’t there a recent stock market crash?

1 month ago
Reply to  rick

A one day 3% down on Japan raising interest rates to .25%. They said it caused the unwinding of 20 trillion in carry trades, but the next day it was fine(basically). That was about 10 days ago.