
There's something off about this Bird Flu outbreak

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3 months ago

so Biden ceded his alleged presidential authority to the Secretary of Defense for the rest of 2024.

Trump and Biden already murdered more Americans than any foreign enemy so maybe they are planning to do it again with the bird flu scam. btw, people claim that the pcr tests that are administered to humans and birds in order to detect covid and bird flu do not test for actual covid or bird flu. When anyone says it does then he/she is lying because the one world government/religion is based on lies and is being built on lies. The tests supposedly contain graphene and/or mRNA so when you put the swab in your nose or the bird than the pcr tests are actually infecting them.

2 months ago
Reply to  Michele

So please disregard the link above. Internet rumor claims the document does not indicate that Biden ceded his alleged authority to the secretary.

2 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Would love to know if there’s any detox for that. I never took a single bs covid vax. Resisted and ignored from the very beginning. But, I did have family who were insanely indoctrinated, and at some point whilst visiting, they forced me to undergo the “covid test” even though I was perfectly healthy.
I was peer pressured by beloved family members then. But I felt, even at the time, that the tests likely contain some mystery elements to infect those who have not been vaccinated.

Even though I’m not even 30 yrs old yet and I’m frankly extremely done with this world… I don’t want to fall victim to these filthy games over some garbage that I resisted and fought against. If anyone knows if there are holistic remedies or anything similar to fight against this s**t. Please let me know.

I’m not even afraid of death. In fact, at the rate the world is going, I think I’d welcome it. But a natural death. Not another fatality to some fear mongering propaganda bs that I fully resisted every step of the way. It’s about principles.

2 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Lee, I am so incredibly sorry you were treated this way by family members you love.
I can relate on many levels.
When it comes to my relatives nobody forced me to get a long-swab PCR shoved up my nose, but they did exclude me from invitation to a family reunion.
When I confronted this relative about this, she swears it had nothing to do with me being unmasked and unvaxxed.
But I don’t know if I can believe relatives who followed liars and joined hands with our enemies to cover their faces everywhere they went.

Love Hate
Love Hate
2 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Check out Dr. Bryan Ardis’ site. I believe he talks about some things that may help with this.

3 months ago

They will continue to do these things until the people stand up and oppose it. However, the Insiders continue to crank up the Divide and Conquer games, which make it less likely for people to find common ground and agree on anything.

3 months ago
Reply to  duker

And maybe that is specific test for humanity, or we can really unite and put all the fake divisions aside, rise above

3 months ago

If they come for my chickens, they will have to go through my dead body. That is a line I can personally draw.

3 months ago

My colleagues at work are beginning to notice a LOT of peers having to go off sick with cancer diagnoses or people dying suddenly. A few have said they genuinely regret getting the jabs. A friend of mine had 4.

God help them.

Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

I’m the only one at ours who had the vaccine. I ended up with long covid and still poorly. Elderly mother and brother with numerous health issues didn’t get the vaccine and are all fighting fit. Silly me.

3 months ago

Caramella, I’m sorry to hear your story and I sincerely hope you find exactly the right detox your body needs.
Don’t feel dumb…countless people got tricked into accepting those evil pokes.
You will know better when these villains try the same routine over again, and you can stand with the rest of us in opposition to them!

3 months ago

If you can, get ozone therapy and drink pine tea. Both really help to detox.

2 months ago

In Germany researchers and meds are busy finding detox solutions. And already established some therapies.
Germany has a long tradition of natural safe and effective medicine.
(European and Asian roots.).

The US addiction to extreme chemical substances has totally gone out of control.
Be careful whom you trust. There is deep degenaration on many levels.
Develop your intuition. Stay safe.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Thank you for sharing this Rosey. I lost 2 colleagues in their 30’s to the turbocancers caused by these boosters.
As our government-media complex ignores these fallen ones and refuses to acknowledge their common cause of death, I think it’s up to us to honor their memories by letting the world know what ended their lives prematurely.

2 months ago

“I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him” (Revelation 6:8)

I hope this new pandemic is not as bad as it looks.

Last edited 2 months ago by rick