
Satanic Witch Celine Dion on the cover of the official poster and soundtrack for her new documentary.

“I AM” and One Eye.  Don’t forget her satanic gender neutral clothing line designed specifically for children.

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3 months ago

I’ll never forget the numerous creepy articles about this woman and her gender-neutral clothing line for infants… In fact it goes much further than that. She has been implicated numerous times all across the internet, in horrific acts involving children…
Suddenly she comes up with a bizarre, totally unheard-of illness, that is apparently completely debilitating
… Yet she’s able to have her PR team pump out articles day after day, for months on end, about her tragic plight? … And she’s able to make multiple appearances at awards shows and the like, dolled up to the 9s… Yet she releases a “candid” documentary that’s “heart-wrenching” showing her having a supposed seizure for 10 min straight? Which is really just her laying on her side in a bed making a weird face and moaning slightly?
I’m sorry, but I have had the misfortune of actually witnessing people have seizures firsthand, and that is not what it looks like.

I’m actually so disgusted by this person and her gross sympathy-seeking narratives. I’m prepared for all the down votes, I don’t care. Because frankly, Celine stinks to high heaven — everything about her and this narrative, which seems to be singularly crafted in the hopes of a martyrdom for her going forward… Farming public sympathy to prevent any speculation about her less-than-savory business and personal endeavors. Because y’know, only angelic people can be stricken by illness, it’s not just something that could happen to anyone, and anyone stricken by illness is automatically so brave and stunning and we should never question any aspect of their lives prior!
It’s all so absurd… The comments on her articles on DM sicken me
People are so devoid of critical thought. Even if she had a real illness, it can happen to anyone. It’s not automatically tragic. If a serial killer got cancer, would your heart bleed for them? No. So if a known pedophilic tool of the elite pushing horrible agendas for decades, contracted a convenient illness for public sympathy, should you feel sorry for them? No.

Anyway I’ve ranted enough and I’m prepared for the down votes here… Certain celebrities seem to be automatically exonerated with no discourse allowed. I don’t know if Celine falls into that category here, but she’s clearly protected in other spaces, so who knows.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

If a serial killer got cancer, would your heart bleed for them? No.” Exactly

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Can you back any of this up?

3 months ago
Reply to  Bugz

Of course, it was all on vigilant citizen and celine’s instagram and many other online publications. Just do some research: people don’t come to sites like this to make things up.

Blume Choon
Blume Choon
3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I think and others too. She was having withdrawals from not enough ad chrome in her system? So her stiffness was her nearly passing from the withdrawal like any other hard drug you have been ingesting for a long time. You run out of it. The effects of it run out too.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

You’ll get no downvotes from me Lee.
Let’s call out adult celebrities who build their careers by taking advantage of children, and keep calling them out until the whole world knows what creeps they are and they can’t hide behind their media-spun mask-personas anymore.

2 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Totally agree. Her “illness” is just a humiliation ritual. The only thing that make me have “sympathy” for her is that she has always been an MK ULTRA doll programmed by her old abusing handler of a husband since she was OFFICIALLY 12 Years old!

Last edited 2 months ago by Antoine
3 months ago

It was strange how much her popularity increased during COVID. She was photographed at all the big name high fashion events. It was like she was making the ever so common career transition from an industry good girl to the wild party girl… Albeit rather late in life. She rolled out her new “look” strutting around in ridiculous outfits, half naked, nothing but skin and bones. Even creating a bit of a scandal with her new, much younger, male companion. Much of her social media was filled with occult symbolism. Of course there was her own demonic clothing line. Then bam, she’s afflicted with this rare illness. It’s highly suspect to say the least… Maybe it is fake or maybe it’s a curse. I have the same weird feeling about Dolly Parton. She faded into relative obscurity until COVID, then she was everywhere. She was even featured in a magazine spread wearing a star eye patch. It’s not that it’s surprising to me that these ladies are part of the “Big Club”… But that they chose to roll these women back out on the limelight was kind of weird. Maybe it’s because the public saw them as “trustworthy?” Not sure. Just thinking out loud.

3 months ago
Reply to  Saltnlight

Add Shania Twain to that list…because I truly don’t recognize the pink haired lady singing her songs!

3 months ago
Reply to  Saltnlight

Does anybody know how many people on Earth besides this hack singer suffer from her “rare” illness?
I don’t know.
But I have to wonder if she caught a case of one of those Biblical sicknesses that is a direct symptom of the suffering she has caused in human children.

2 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

There is a documented illness that stems from consuming human flesh it’s a prion disease. When you consume human brain or spinal cord tissue. Its effects can range from seizures to permanent motor neuron defects. It was first studied in Papua New Guinea, an indigenous tribe that practiced cannibalism.

2 months ago
Reply to  MsNyandja

Oh wow, thank you for sharing that info Ms Nyanja!

2 months ago
Reply to  MsNyandja

Yes, it’s called Kuru.

3 months ago

I have ALWAYS HATED her. Her voice is obnoxious.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

Wow, I just noticed how extra creepy she looks on the cover ad pictured above, especially if you’ve seen the shriveled hag she was when she was on adrenachrome withdrawal.
I this photo her skin looks baby-butt smoothe while she simultaneously looks like she’s about to offer a poisoned candy-apple to the nearest child she can find.
I feel compelled to chant “Burn the witch!”

2 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Some say the real Celine (just like the real Shania, since she was mentioned here too) is long gone and the current one is a clone (never ruling this out, its a very common practice after all, more common than u imagine) and her alleged disease is nothing else than, indeed, adenochrome withdrawal. Speaking of clones, most of them get older faster than it should. Also,there is smth weird about her kids, the older, Rene-Charles, is only 23 but he looks like he’s in his mid thirties, and the twins will turn 14 in October, yet one of them already has a beard! I know, early onset puberty because of all the toxins we put inside us, but still…

3 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

I am another Sherry and I feel the same way about her. Her voice was never that great!

2 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

It\s a matter of taste. Some like it, some not.

3 months ago

Well her heart will go on

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
2 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

In the lake of fire…

2 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

And on. And on.

2 months ago

Is that an “eye” on her ring?

2 months ago

These elites are all seeking sympathy form the public, like they actually care about anyone. I don’t sympathise with them.

2 months ago

I AM is a very strong affirmation and an attribute of the real God. Now, I wonder, why so many celebrities come up with this I AM, lately. There is a Kanye, a Lil Nas X, a Will.I.Am, Beyonce, Lil Wayne and I suppose the list is very long. What do they have in common? A blood pact – they all sold their soul! A simple look at their videos, lyrics, gestures, tattoos is enough, i.d say. These are people who see themselves as gods.

2 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

It’s the one world religion “they” want everyone to partake in.

2 months ago

This woman is batsh1t crazy. She makes no sense when she talks, has the wide eyed trauma look and acts bizarrely intense about everything. All the marks of someone who has been severely abused and has lost whatever mind she had left after fragmenting and being used up. Sad but also repulsive since they are holding her up as some sort of goddess. Her “illness” is from whatever torture they’ve done to her and I think is being paraded around like a circus to continue to normalize identifying as “your illness” which has become so trendy these days.

2 months ago
Reply to  Point

I have a better idea where she gets her disease from (although she was heavily abused herself – of that I’m sure). As someone else already mentioned her condition matches kuru 100% – that is cannibalism. A cannibal of the worst kind due to her preferences – that is children. I hope I only have a wild imagination, but her line of clothes designed for children is mind-blowing. I guess the images speak for themselves.

2 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Another obe

2 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I mean dirty teddy-bears, screaming children as part of her advertising? New order and bones, goat heads?
I’m telling you, she does it willingly, whatever is what she is doing right now (regarding children) in order to preserve her priviledges and trauma is no excuse anymore. And the I AM thing? It looks like she has sacrificed the remains of her humanity to that thing that is famous for impostering God. It’s more like she chose this entity to back her up in her wrong ways. She uses it and she is also being used.

I do hope I’m wrong, though.

Last edited 2 months ago by crisspf
2 months ago
Reply to  crisspf


2 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

That’s horrifying! What website is that on?

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
2 months ago

You are not, witch!

2 months ago

I Am … Sasha Fierce – Beyoncé – Album title – Black Eyed Peas – Stage name
I Am … Celine Dion – Documentary title

The real I AM states :

I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

Now you should know why they use the term “I am” they challenge the eternal God: Jesus.

Last edited 2 months ago by username
2 months ago
Reply to  username


2 months ago
Reply to  username

And we all know who the ‘Light Bringer’ is don’t we?

2 months ago

She’s the one who sacrificed her husband and brother in 2016, and she’s just suffering the consequences today. By serving the devil, you end up looking like him.

2 months ago

Remember that she was groomed since she was a young girl by her husband/handler, who was already old at that time.
Probably MK Ultra mind controlled.

Last edited 2 months ago by Marcos
2 months ago

Celine Dion and Adrenochrome!!!
