
Peak Cringe

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4 days ago

I can’t believe all these people are falling for this trans nonsense. Why,and how have they been drawn into this sick twisted madness? I am baffled.

4 days ago
Reply to  paul

Sponsorship pays well but it demands a thing or two at times…

4 days ago

And this is why my old school gay friends don’t even leave the house anymore. How bad is it when gay people start to despise the bad flag people more than we possibly could? Their whole community has been sunk to the underworld. And these perverts are making homophobia more rampant than ever. It’s wild

4 days ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

Yep. Most gays want nothing to do with the T crowd due to their incessant grooming of children. Trans is a totally separate issue from sexual orientation, still not sure how the two got lumped together. Of course any crowd that goes after children is going to be met with resistance and still they try to normalize depravity.

4 days ago
Reply to  Lee

Not sure that is the case. I agree that a lot of gays want nothing to do with this weird queer “smash the heteronormative” political nonsense – but let’s not give gay people their own little throne that they are somehow better – plenty of them are on that band wagon and seek a lowering of the age of consent (see Peter Tatchell.) I will give you that ANYONE – gay, straight, bi, trans – has the ability to groom children – the sexual orientation doesn’t matter if they are a degenerate human being capable of such things.

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

While most gays aren’t pedos, it’s a fact that most pedos are gay.

4 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Its not giving them a throne. Its giving them credit. Most of the gay people I’ve talked to dislike being lumped with trans. They also don’t wish their condition on others because its difficult. They disagree vehemently against minors transitioning. I asked why don’t you tell those lgbt groups that you abhor transitioning for minors. These leaders won’t listen to them. I’ve seen them arguing till it became violent. It’s an agenda being pushed by powerful people with lots of money being thrown around

4 days ago
Reply to  john

Yes it’s certainly organised well.

The Girl from Gays Against Groomers said something similar. She never understood how gay people were just considered by straight people back in the day as a “slippery slope.”

She understands now that every small “win” obtained by degeneracy is exactly that. I must make clear here I’m not having a pop at gay people – this sexual degeneracy is rampant across the board. I’m just saying there is nothing special about gay people being disgusted by it so being careful not to put them on a pedestal- normal people are and should be disgusted – no matter what your sexual orientation is.

To my mind they aren’t being vocal enough – but I also get that. Most groups in disagreement aren’t being vocal enough because this group is threatening jobs and livelihoods.

3 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

I had an ex who was adamantly against gay marriage, and he explained this whole roll out that was going to occur. He was not homophobic in any way, just didn’t want it to be legal under God. I thought he was being overdramatized, but I listened intently. I wish I could tell him how grateful I am that he prepared me in some capacity for what’s happening now!

3 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

I understand what you’re saying and I agree with you. But it wasn’t my intention to imply that gay people are superior in some way; rather, that there are many more gay people in the world than their are trans, and most of them don’t agree with the trans agenda. The trans issue has become akin to a social contagion. I believe the percentage of trans people with actual gender dysphoria is extremely small. Have you ever heard of “transmaxxing”? It’s crazy, but a real thing.
I agree that anyone can be a groomer, but the vast majority of people who are vocal about it are trans. With that being the case, I don’t know how anyone can support “trans rights”. In first-world countries, they are not denied any rights that anybody else has; in fact, they demand to trample the rights of others (primarily women and children) for their own fetish. I think it’s disgusting and I’m not sure how this happened so quickly, other than the obvious: special-interest groups with deep pockets who seek to destroy the nuclear family.

3 days ago
Reply to  Lee

I think the trans thing has brought it into the mainstream – let’s face it this is all about removing the family so they have access to children. My only hope is they have blown it in being so open. My feeling is all these fetish groups over sexualise everything making things “normal.” This includes anyone who is hetero gay trans whatever – trans has given it legs is all.

3 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Plenty of “heteros” trying to lower the age of consent also. The only difference is most of them also say if you marry the child then it’s all good. Any other time they get caught with a minor it, oops I made a mistake. Child predators exist everywhere. They’re called pedos when it’s an undesired class. Acceptable, marriage, or approved by a Creator if it’s the most desirable classes.

3 days ago
Reply to  Jane

Yup. Don’t disagree.

4 days ago
Reply to  Lee

They got lumped together by the gay Jewish grandfather of that community, who was doing trans surgeries before 1900. That whole community has been driven by rich gay Jews since the beginning

Last edited 4 days ago by LAZ
4 days ago

Well, I’m convinced

4 days ago

“I wanna wear dresses and cut off my wee wee.”


CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 days ago
Reply to  Bugz

Stunning and brave!!

4 days ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

Yes lol 😆. It’s madness I tell you…

4 days ago

How much did they pay him?

4 days ago

That video is not peak cringe… it’s super cringe. Right now I wish I could unwatch it.

3 days ago
Reply to  heinz57

I didn’t watch. The photo itself was enough

3 days ago
Reply to  heinz57

Ok…I tried and got 8 seconds in before my stomach bubbled

3 days ago

Just as an incidentally…my understanding is that there are quite a few gay rugby players now who are openly gay. This wasn’t always a thing but it seems British Rugby has run with it in a way British Football hasn’t. (Which is surprising because I seem to recall the suicide of a English footballer a few years ago and when it was investigated the fact he was gay was a reason given for his death. ) It’s interesting because out of the two sports you have large burly guys in rugby – so this bs resounds more in undermining masculinity yet again.

3 days ago

Their dance was so convincing now I’m actually considering transitioning! You are all invited to watch my phalloplasty live! Why are you so squeamish? They will only cut off huge patch of skin from my forearm then roll it into a small hotdog! What’s not to love?

1 day ago

I have noticed it only seems to be male to female trans being pushed. Where are all the female to male trans?