
Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not referring to cervix as 'front hole' (

Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not referring to cervix as ‘front hole’

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4 months ago

“Front hole” looks like the answer a student will give not having studied that part.

4 months ago

Get me off this planet…

4 months ago
Reply to  Gnat

Just get me out of this timeline. I wandered into the wrong one.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

I know right. People say: “we live in the best time of life.” I’m thinking: how?!!

4 months ago
Reply to  Gnat

You can still live in the bushes of Africa. Go away from American society

4 months ago

Disgusting reductionist language, sounds like something a serial killer would say.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Exactly! How completely disrespectful to women. We are being reduced to mere body parts and they can’t even refer to our body parts with the correct language so as not to offend someone. Anyone that is offended by the term v****a is someone that is clearly delusional and demented and probably when they hear such a word they are reminded deep inside of themselves what the truth is. And they can’t handle the truth, that’s why they change everything to try to scrub the truth away. Because the truth scares them. But in the meantime real women who are are not offended by truthful terms because we don’t look at our body parts as the sum total of who we are, have to put up with being constantly demeaned. The truth is, with all of this trans nonsense the group of people it’s hurting the most are women.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Absolutely right. Real women would not be offended by anatomical terms. The only ones taking offense at such terms are those insisting the rest of us reinforce their delusions.
Though I’d say children are being deeply hurt by this nonsense too. As if puberty wasn’t confusing and difficult enough historically, now we have kids being taught complete fantasy. It’s especially harmful to autistic children who have a tendency to think in black-and-white. Now if a boy or girl is (naturally) uncomfortable with puberty, instead of being told it’s a normal reaction and just a difficult phase of life, they’re told they can simply become the opposite sex.
It’s especially ridiculous how so many have the concept that living as a woman is life on “easy mode”. I’d say the opposite is true. Life is hard on everyone but women lack the biological advantages that men have for self-defense.
I think if any man could truly live as a woman for a day (like a Freaky Friday situation) they would be begging to go back to their male body before the day was done.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

You’re absolutely right. This is deeply damaging to the children. I just had my first granddaughter. She’s 4 months old. I fear for her generation. But I’ll do my best to teach her truth. That’s all I can do.

Blume Choon
Blume Choon
4 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

we understand. We have the grands here for summer break and we’re teaching them the truth and only the truth. Discipline and all. We are younger grand parents so we’re hip to the game and want to spread the knowledge of growing food and learning how to live in a world that is and is going to be full of LIES and A I running things. Especially hard to do with everything being pushed on the children. So confused I feel bad for the children. It’s up to us who still believe in a traditional way to keep the children and young adults on the right path. We need all the good glory of GOD to keep us all morally sane. We are living in a time where Good is Evil And Evil Is Good?!?!

4 months ago
Reply to  Blume Choon

I think it you can keep the kids away from social media for as long as possible, that’s a big factor in preventing their indoctrination into the madness.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Congratulations on the new edition to your family. At least she has a levelheaded grandma to help guide her through this insanity. I’m always more shocked when I see older people who buy this whole trans thing… It beggars belief.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee


“I think if any man could truly live as a woman for a day (like a Freaky Friday situation) they would be begging to go back to their male body before the day was done.”

The opposite could be said as well, but what does it matter what we say about it? We’re given the bodies we’re given.

4 months ago
Reply to  ignoble

My point was that the majority of adult transgenders are “mtf” because it’s a fetish for them. When in reality if they had to experience life as a real woman, they wouldn’t be fetishizing it.
For “ftm” it seems to be mostly teen girls with sexual trauma. Now why might those girls want to elect out of womanhood? I wonder.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee


The premise that switching from a male to female body would cause a man to have a wakeup call due to *insert reason here* is what I disagree with. It doesn’t seem like you’re aware- this is a tired argument in the growing divide between men and women in American culture. It’s not only an irrelevant hypothetical, it’s also counterproductive.

Do we start to fix all of these issues by teaching women that their bodies are inferior? Male and female bodies are different, but they are designed to compliment each other and fulfill different roles.

4 months ago
Reply to  ignoble

Umm… No? I think you are really not getting my point. I am a woman. I never said a word about women being inferior. I pointed out the undeniable, biological FACT that women lack the strength and dexterity of men. Men literally have more, and stronger muscle fibers than women. I have known men who were overweight, who never exercised a day in their lives, who sat in front of screens all day long, and could easily best me in my physical prime. Meanwhile, I was exercising daily, lifting weights, the strongest I’ve ever been.
I don’t see the point in denying this. It has nothing to do with inferiority. It is simply a fact of life. I don’t feel inferior as a woman just because I am physically weaker than a man; but the fact is, if my life depended on it, I probably couldn’t best a teenage boy in a fight. This is just the way our bodies are. It doesn’t mean one is inferior to the other; but it does mean that the physically weaker sex is automatically prone, and more vulnerable, and therefore needs to be more paranoid of our surroundings.
I never even said anything about being distrustful of men as a result of this. It is simply the world we live in. I have been abused by men in various scenarios, including being assaulted when simply walking home from the store after dusk. So I don’t want to hear some bullshit fantasy from the viewpoint of a man who has clearly never been in such a position.
By the way, I am not a misandrist at all. I have been abused by men in different ways for over half my lifetime and I’m not even 30 yet. But I don’t hate men. I understand that we complement (this is the correct spelling) each other. That doesn’t mean I live in a fantasy.

It’s always easier for people who have never been physically overwhelmed by another human, to speak about the supposed shortcomings of those who have.

I’ve been on VC for over 15 years now — over half my lifetime. I have always kept an open mind and even after experiencing numerous traumas at the hands of men, I never turned against men as a whole. I understood that I was unfortunate, my story was all too common, but it wasn’t because men specifically were somehow “worse” — it was simply because those who are stronger, at some point will abuse those who are weaker.

I’ve seen you post a few things here and I appreciated your posts, and your username. But now I’m saddened to see the way you’ve tarred me with a black brush based on your own ignorance. You should be grateful that, presumably (based on your attitude), you’ve never dealt with physical force outside of perhaps a middle school locker room.

I’m not going to continue to debate someone who clearly has an agenda and has already made up their mind.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee


I am sorry to hear that you were assaulted. It’s clear to me that you are interpreting this as a personal attack.

I don’t disagree that men are stronger, but that has nothing to do with what I have been pushing with you.

Because I pushed you, you went into a defensive state and added new things to the discussion. I’m not interested in engaging on those new things, though.

I’ll go back to this comment that you made: “It’s especially ridiculous how so many have the concept that living as a woman is life on ‘easy mode’. I’d say the opposite is true.”

You would say that living life as a woman is hard-mode, then? Is that not an attempt to gain sympathy because women have it harder? That’s the tired argument that both men and women make from their perspectives in the growing cultural divide. It doesn’t help bring them together. That is my entire point.

4 months ago

I would also like to point out that a cervix is not ‘in front of’ anything. It is also technically not even a hole, as the v****a is also not a hole.
When you don’t live in reality I guess what you call things is irrelevant.

4 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup


It’s control of language as a subversion tactic.

Yeonmi Park talked about how the North Korean government removed love from the country’s language as a control method. She said they didn’t have a word for love and didn’t know it as a concept (paraphrasing her).

4 months ago

double-plus ungood

4 months ago
Reply to  ignoble

Ayyy nice reference. Newspeak stinks

4 months ago
Reply to  Channah


It really does.

4 months ago
Reply to  jack

Based on this tomfoolery, I’d assume a regular high-schools biology class would reduce these clowns to tears.

4 months ago
Reply to  jack

“Front hole.”
I think the #1 reason we are seeing this ludicrously stupid term pop up repeatedly in the publications of groups that pretend to care about biology, is because the wicked elitists who are forcing their agenda everywhere are trying very hard to normalize sodomy.
So they say a “menstruating person” has a front hole and a back hole, and it doesn’t matter at all which hole is used for what.
Similarly, they are getting new curriculums rolled out in some of our elementary schools which teach that a fetus/developing baby in a woman’s womb is equivalent to cancer growing. (A parasitic clump of cells, they say).
As those of us who know better hold onto truth in the meaning of words while the elitists push their new-speak, I don’t know about you all, but it gets me a little double-plus p!$$ed, watching our language get hijacked for evil.

4 months ago

Some group should sue them for spreading misinformation

4 months ago

I couldn’t help but laugh at this. “Front hole?” As someone else already pointed out that doesn’t even actually describe a cervix. My favorite part of the article was the apology. “We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity”. It’s like a word salad way of saying we are sorry for using our language in an accurate way to save time.

4 months ago

This is so offensive. Women should be angry at this s**t. They are stripping away the biological identity of women and reducing them to simplistic empty descriptions.