
US Government calls women "menstruators" on a post celebrating "Menstrual Hygiene Day"

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3 months ago

blood cult 😉

3 months ago

What the hell is this..? Now all of a sudden this “matters” to employers when people been dealing with this for decades…? Of course, another motive at hand.

3 months ago

Menstrual has the word Men in it…

3 months ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

Feminazis when they realize: :O

3 months ago
Reply to  Noth

Hush Eunuch

3 months ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

So does woMAN woMEN. You are no less, but women cannot exist without man/men.

3 months ago
Reply to  rick

How arrogant.
This is one of many types of men that should be avoided – an egotistical narcissist who thinks that if he is materially and physically stronger, then his qualities as a person are not important, there is no need to critically evaluate himself and develop or improve as a person.
You hate faminism, because you would love to live in a society where women be your slaves and your authority would be unquestionable.
Women can exist and exist without such men.
The current situation between the sexes is realistic, it is what it is. In the past (even now, where there is misoginy), many women lived (s) the life of an animal with a horrible husband, because society did not allow (s) divorce.
Men complain about feminism, because a woman can choose, have her own opinion and not worship a man who demands (!) recognition and she can no longer be treated as an object and an extension of a man’s stomach. How horrible that is for egotistical narcissist!!!
You know what, I can reveal a secret of wonderful relationship – both have to be really decent and kindhearted persons, valuing relationships and making an effort human beings. And many men ( a lot more than women, sadly) are not. That is why they are angry at feminizm.
About menstruating person – that is also some crazy men in power with their orvellian wokism. But it is rather clounish, nothing more. They could not change anything if women and men had their priorities and harmonious family life.
And now it is what it is, nothing more and nothing less.
And about wordplay – english is not the only language in the world, it means nothing.

A. E.
A. E.
3 months ago

The insanity to think this is something governable proves these overlords’ crazy point. Yes, we are this far gone.

3 months ago

I hope women will protest these mentally ill men trying to take even this from their identifying natural bodily functions.

3 months ago
Reply to  baldfacedtruth

I’d throw my period blood on them, but they’d like it. 🤷🏾‍♀️

3 months ago
Reply to  baldfacedtruth

Unfortunately, women want to be feminists, which is one of the greatest scourges on the planet. And then, just look at the men pretending to be women and everyone calling them women. They will never be women…never, never, never. Talk about taking away a women’s identity.

3 months ago

Okay, so the next time I’m at a public place with friends, instead of saying I’m going to the Lady’s Room, I’m going to say that I’m going to the Menstruater’s Room. smh

Blume Choon
Blume Choon
3 months ago
Reply to  heinz57

We will not obey, we will not consent. Women are women. Men are Men. That’s it. You believe anything else. You are mentally ill.

Blume Choon
Blume Choon
3 months ago
Reply to  Blume Choon

I agree btw just my sarcasm as well.

3 months ago

This menstruating body pushed out two 10 pound babies, I’m a lot more than just my bodily functions. We all are. When are the women that are propagating this nonsense going to respect themselves enough to say No to all this mess? Why are some women so gungho about pushing this crap?

3 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

because they are being paid to debase themselves

3 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Because people are so heavily influenced by social constructs. All of this garbage is constructed, most likely by Tavistock, a social engineering nightmare and as usual, people follow and believe, because it’s….cool?

3 months ago

I’ve gone so far past the point of passive irritation. I’m actively pissed off now and not going to stand for this garbage. I hope other women feel the same. In my life, I’m not seeing many, if any, of the women I know standing up to this tyranny. It’s absolutely unthinkable how quickly this has happened.

This particular term is offensive to me on so many levels. What about women who have hormonal disorders, or are post-menopause? Since we can no longer simply say “woman” and instead use these placeholder terms, do the aforementioned women no longer count as women? This language implies that you are not a woman if you can’t, or no longer menstruate. I find that mindset to be shockingly offensive, aside from the many other aspects we have all spoken about before.

Just wanted to point this out specifically because I haven’t seen anybody stand up for women with these disorders, or post-menopausal. This exclusionary language hurts women in so many different ways and we are supposed to just sit and take it.

Gear up for more absolute garbage. It’s now officially “Pride Month”. I have been dreading it for the last several weeks as I realized it was coming up. Now I’m going to be angry on a near-daily basis because of how we’ll be inundated by this propaganda.

I feel bad for any normal person with a birthday this month. They deserve better than to have it taken over by insanity.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Satan’s servants debase others because their master seeks to kill, steal and destroy. The joke is on them though bc Satan knows that his servants are the ones who are destroyed. Just make sure you don’t join them in debasing and destroying themselves. Surround yourself with people who edify others.

3 months ago

This is offensive to class people like that. The reality is that progressive women will find nothing wrong with that. They like government woke issued identity, but if the patriarchy calls them “homemakers” they go ape s**t!

I personally would find it more offensive to call me a “menstruator” than a man to suggest I “get back in the kitchen”. Its f*****g obscene and bold. Imagine if I called a woman a “child factory”?

I think what these soul assassins are trying to do is erase the identity of “woman”. You have no identity anymore, you just bleed down there.

Last edited 3 months ago by rick
Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
3 months ago

This is comedy gold!

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
3 months ago

Sure, the woomans can talk about that but i cant comment on my engorged member ! Aint fair.