
Cannes Film Festival Hides Jesus Dress

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4 months ago

This is bad on so many levels. They are clearly trying to block an image of Jesus from being televised to a global audience. And that same female security guard harassed three Cannes guests, and all of them were women of color, Latina Massiel Taveras here, African American Kelly Rowland, and Korean Yoona. Not a good look at all for a major event in a supposedly inclusive industry. They manhandled Taveras like she was a shoplifter in Kmart, touching her and grabbing her clearly expensive dress. They will probably argue it was all about timing and keeping things moving, but in the 1990’s they let Madonna do a striptease at the top of the red carpet stairway and pose in her underwear for a comparatively long time. So their values are very clear.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I had thought about it differently. Jesus on the ground where any depraved person steps, that didn’t seem good to me. To me this doesn’t seem like a tribute to Jesus, but rather a mockery, like all the elite do all the time.

4 months ago
Reply to  Davi

Then why would they stop it and fold up the dress so the image is hard to see? I agree the dress is extra but it seems sincere to me. The only other thing I can think of is they wanted to shut down any religious or political statements due to Israel and Gaza, but I am suspicious with the two other racial incidents. One might be a mistake, but two is a pattern and three is a policy.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

The security guards were ordered to remove it from there, probably to generate this revolt and make the blasphemous dress be shared by Christians around the world.

4 months ago
Reply to  adonaijr

I have to say, that’s a little convoluted for me.

I suddenly realized what this reminded me of. There was an incident in the news about ten years ago in an affluent Dallas suburb when the police attacked black teens who had been invited to a friend’s pool party. The footage looked like a slave patrol. This has a similar vibe, controlling the access of people of color to “fancy places.” That female guard is bizarrely handsy with women who quite frankly vastly outrank her in socioeconomic status.

4 months ago
Reply to  angeltea

Say what you will about the film industry and an elite film festival, that Cannes red carpet staircase is like a billboard with global reach. The dress train spilling down that would have showcased the image to the world if those handlers hadn’t rolled it up like a dirty shower curtain and frogmarched the actress away. The whole thing is just over the top weird to me. Someone online nailed it when they called the security guard a “French Karen.” But if she is just a rogue individual, she should have been removed after the first incident. The fact that she wasn’t honestly kind of freaks me out. It makes me wonder if she is a “handler” handler. She sure seems to feel entitled to control people that one would expect her to be instructed to be deferential to, as celebrated international guests of France. Instead she literally starts not one but three international incidents with them.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

When your security guard gets more press attention than any celebrity in attendance, your event has a serious problem.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

If you can all stand one more comment from me about this, here is a shot from above that gives a better idea of what this dress was meant to look like with the train spread out, see the section about Taveras: The same Cannes security guard went viral for shooing 4 celebs. What’s going on? (

(Note the women in blue dresses near the train, they appear to be being snarky about it.)

And here, with a satisfying angle of Taveras shoving the guard in the face. Ukrainian Model Grabbed By Same Cannes Security Guard That Clashed With Kelly Rowland – VT

And the footage on here of the guard wrestling a Ukrainian TV presenter almost to the ground! The presenter is now threatening to sue: Every Security Guard Incident at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival | Us Weekly (

4 months ago

“But who ever denys me before men (and women) him shall I also deny before my father who is in heaven”…Jesus

4 months ago

It was that same B*TCH that was rude towards Kelly Rowland. Lol, finally someone pushed her face off!

4 months ago

Dragging a face of a crucified Christ on the floor, using His Holy Head to showcase like this – it’s a simple profanation.

4 months ago

This seems odd on multiple levels. Seems disrespectful to have an image of Jesus dragging along the ground in the first place. Why not have the image on the bodice or just wear a cross necklace? Everything about this is weird.

4 months ago
Reply to  angeltea

I agree with you there; however, I still think it would’ve made more sense to have the image somewhere higher up on the dress. Either way the people folding it up and covering it are fishy for sure. Good post.

4 months ago

U mean a Robert Powell dress…

4 months ago

What bothers me is that no one alive today has ever seen Jesus. This is a picture that someone painted. I personally get tired of people using this painting every time and saying it’s a picture of Jesus. It’s not. It’s the picture of the model who posed for this painting. I personally don’t care about the dress. The only people that ever saw Jesus died two thousand years ago. To me what is sacrilegious is so many people saying this is a picture of Jesus. Now I know I might get a bunch of thumbs down but I don’t care. I have always thought this.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

It’s not meant to be an accurate true to life depiction of Jesus. It’s Just a general representation that’s meant to evoke what Jesus may have looked like but it’s agreed to be just artistic interpretation.

Benji Razesu
Benji Razesu
4 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

There are eye-witness, written testimonies about Jesus Christ You can start with Pilatus Pontius ‘ report to the Roman Emperor, where he clearly describes Jesus Christ as being white skinned, fairy haired, blue-eyed, therefore making a strong contrast with the Semitic crowds, darker skinned and bearded, surrounding Him

Last edited 4 months ago by Benji Razesu
4 months ago
Reply to  Benji Razesu

Even if that’s true, no one still knows exactly what He looks like. There are a lot of blue eyed, white skinned, fair haired people in the world. Jesus is God and I don’t think anyone should try to depict Him from their own imaginations. Much less put His painting on everything and everywhere. It’s sacrilegious. That’s just my opinion.

4 months ago

I think it’s interesting that they sought to somehow cover this when you consider to degrading costumes they usually wear.

4 months ago

She is dragging Jesus on the ground as a mockery.
Also we all know it is forbidden to have an image of Jesus.
This woman and every big name there are 100%

They make it seem as if they make a fuss about it. I smell bs.

This is a mockery on so many levels.

A. E.
A. E.
4 months ago
Reply to  Dutch_M

An image is something that looks the same (or close to) but has none of the original’s attributes. Like a 2d image of yourself in a mirror – flat, shallow, to no effect. It’s pretending to be like him on the outside, but is a hologram -projecting a self image which doesn’t exist.
(Why do you call me “Lord” yet do nothing I tell you?”)

Last edited 4 months ago by lgageharleya
4 months ago

there is a major effort to remove Jesus from public consciousness… what should that tell you about His real significance and importance.

A. E.
A. E.
4 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Speak to any Jew or Muslim and see if they share your perspective that Christians are uniquely persecuted. All the world’s news is curated to push buttons.

4 months ago

The funny part is that even if they tried to suppress it, because of the controversy it ended up having an even wider reach.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28.

And for those who are criticizing her idea while sat at home.

“And John answering said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we were forbidding him, because he does not follow with us.”

And Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid it; for whoever is not against us is for us.” – Luke 9:49-50.

A. E.
A. E.
4 months ago

The “security guard” was literally simping for the camera when Keĺĺy was supposedly telling her off. These people fake for a living. This was a go sign. I don’t know what for, but that part is obvious.