
Peru classifies transgender, nonbinary and intersex people as ‘mentally ill’ (

The Peruvian government has officially classified transgender, nonbinary and intersex people as “mentally ill.”

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5 months ago

Love to see everyone in the comments supporting Peru’s decision! 👏🏼 Those of us who agree are the majority even if it sometimes feels like we’re alone in this crazy world. Be of good cheer ❤️

5 months ago

So when do The Five Eyes make Peru go bye-bye? I mean, if the country is not following the agenda, what happens to it?

5 months ago

with trans and non binary I get it, bc it is actually the disorder gender dysphoria. But with intersex people I find that wrong and weird, if I understand it correctly these are people born with both elements of male and female bodies, and it is not their fault or any mental condition they have that they are born that way.

4 months ago
Reply to  mia

Intersex people make up an extremely tiny minority within the global population. The vast majority of people with this condition, simply have minor genetic anomalies (most of which are internal), and present and live as their birth sex… As determined by chromosomes.
The trans movement latched onto intersex people as a way of pointing and saying “see, gender isn’t binary!” When in reality, the vast majority of intersex people see themselves as one gender, and simply have genetic/hormonal anomalies.
I have seen many intersex people online being grotesquely offended by their being lumped into the LGBT mess, when they have no actual connection to it. It’s a completely separate issue but the trans brigade will latch onto any possible excuse to further their agendas.
Many trans falsely claim intersex traits, effectively co-opting (yet another) identity that does not belong to them, in a crude attempt to validate their own beliefs that they are somehow both, or opposite-gendered.
You can find many intersex people online discussing this issue. Trans is separate and a mental illness. We know there are significantly more mentally ill people in the world, than there are people born with genetic anomalies to be classified as intersex.

5 months ago

The UN won’t be pleased. Such a lovely, caring organisation. Can’t discriminate lol

Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
4 months ago

Intersex? nah

4 months ago

Logically speaking, yes it is mental illness. How can a rational minded person say that they were born in the wrong body? You know science has confused everything. What they call mental illness is actually demonic possession in spiritual understanding.

4 months ago

They are mentally ill = ILLNESS OF THEIR MINDS.

4 months ago

Good for Peru, this is the direction we all should be moving in because it’s gotten way out of hand. It is a mental disorder and a few trans people I’ve known who’ve actually TRANSitioned will tell you it’s a mentally ill disorder; gender or body dysmorphia. I have nothing against someone who just wants to live their life and has put in the full commitment at an appropriate age and put effort to completely transforming their lives and bodies and also receive some sort of therapy to try and understand their illness. My issue is that now anyone can just say their trans without putting any work into actually transitioning outside of putting a wig on/cutting their hair and putting some makeup on, etc. NO! It shouldn’t work that way and the people who aren’t trying to actually transition should not be allowed into the restroom or changing areas of the “sex” they’re putting minimal effort into actually becoming and putting our children and own safety at risk. Where we’re not at now is a huge effing slap to the faces of “biological” women who aren’t even called women in science and media anymore! Like for real?! Why aren’t we allowed to express our anger and disgust with that without coming off as transphobic, homophobic, bigot, etc.? Without “biological” women NO ONE would exist, plain, simple facts. Everyone alive today came from a woman but we’re called menstruators. So very wrong. And I could go on and on about our health care system here in the US just pushing these young prepubescent children into hormone displacement therapy and brainwashing parents into agreement with the fear of their child committing “unaliving themselves” if they’re not allowed to do this at such a young age where they don’t even understand what they really like and who they are yet! Leave our children alone and if after puberty and at the legal age of 18 (or older preferably) they can make the choice or not because the lie that puberty can be paused is such bull crap. Sorry for the long post, again I could go on and on and I know many who think and feel the way I do but we’re scared to say something for the fear of sounding like a terrible person which isn’t true but again I’m just a menstruator so what do I know?