
Every single thing about this video is absurd

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7 months ago


7 months ago

Well who own and controls the multinational corporations who produce most the supposedly harmful green house gases as well as actually harmful emissions? It’s not white people, it’s of course the Globalist (Talmudist-Masonic) oligarchy.

Like always they use their own evil (in this case though not really as green house gas emissions are not harmful, at least there’s no evidence) to smear white people. Just like with, for instance, Colonialism, Genocide of Native Americans, and the Transatlantic slave trade.This serves multiple purposed; demonization of white people, distraction from those actually guilty, fooling brown people into thinking they’re on their side, dividing whites and blacks and whites.

It also enables them to loot more Western tax money under the disquise of it being “reparations” to the third world. I.e. transfer of billions and billions of dollars to Globalist organizations and third world governments which they control. Of course the very reason there *is* a third world to begin with, as they have looted, indebted and destroyed it into being just that.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

exactly so, flippy…
similar point i repeat : psycho greedtards MADE the world this way, raping and pillaging the planet for THEIR greed, not our need…
THEY made a system of ‘unlimited growth’ to have unlimited markets to sell craptastic geegaws to…
THEN, having picked the low hanging fruit and leaving the planet a mess, they blame US, the little people effectively left out of the decisions which resulted in this sorry state of affairs…
talk about chutzpah…

7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

“Craptastic geeegaws” may be my favorite new descriptors for awhile…many hapoy thanks to the word painter 😊

7 months ago

Why not turn the climate hoax against the oligarchy?

For instance:
Black Friday and other mass discount “holidays” induce heavily increased shopping and thus increases our “climate footprint.” Not really “climate responsible” then, is it.

Private jets and luxury yahts are completey unnecessary luxuries that anyone who really cares about the climate should be willing to sacrifice.

The purpose of advertising of products is to increase sales. Increasing sales also means increasing production which increases the “climate footprint.” Advertising also often entices people to buy things they otherwise wouldn’t which increases our total “climate footprint.” The solution: a complete ban on corporate product advertising, other than groceries and similar necessities.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I think the actual “wealth” is already solidified – money is perception and a societally agreed upon value… not valuable in itself for the common man with no despot fantasies, but a compact, portable symbol of something that is – is now so concentrated that this mostly helps them. I don’t think the owners are concerned at all by money or our purchasing patterns anymore as they own almost everything anyway.

I think our organic “protests” are useful more for a type of informal, unsolicited polling. Because what else do they effect? Not much. Actually putting a stop to their s**t is illegal. They might slow their roll for a minute or two whilst they amp up the propaganda, but that’s best-case, imo. Sadly, most “protests” these days are C1@ clowns (or possibly illegals paid under the table) dressed up like @ntifa (like the “N**i’s in Nashvillle bs…yah, right – they’d have gotten their tails beat and run out of town were it real, especially in bright blue Nashville) designed to cause grievance and thereby herd.

Besides, who’s to say there isn’t a campaign to smear holdouts who won’t sell?

That said, I don’t think our buying patterns or protests affect that much – don’t buy from corp A, choose corp B instead, only to discover corp B is umbrellad under corp A, so they make bank regardless. I think our resources and intelligence are wasted in modernity on these games. 50+ years ago it may have stalled the slip-n-slide a little…nowadays our attention may be better employed figuring out what’s really going on and discovering and employing our own powers to spiritually flout this cesspool.

Hyperconcentration of wealth is our reality. Buy as local as you can and forgive yourself for whatever you can’t source locally. Although, also, start to research how to produce these things you need and don’t think you can source for yourself right now. Stock up if you can. For example: make your own spice blends, toiletries, medicines, cleaning compounds, source ingredients to make chemical compounds for all manner of things we pay an arm and a leg for and make them ourselves. Good to know, regardless, even if you only start with purchaseable basics for now to build up stock (activated charcoal, bentonite, sea salt….)

Everyone would be wise to get a large water supply and some storage for it soon.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Amen and amen. It’s startling how few get it, to say the least, but you certainly do.

Sisters and brothers like you are so hard to find IRL. I appreciate you and your input always.

Friends, please take heed to the above.

7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Likewise. I would be very blessed to connect with you personally if you are amenable?

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Absolutely. Remind me, are you on the forums? Same username? I don’t frequent there much. Figure it’d the easiest way to connect first.

7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

I read VC but interact/comment far less nowadays. I use the comments as a limited societal barometer.

If you wish, email me at my user name yahoo initially. I respect your conclusions and obersvations a great deal. Thank you.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

If you’d prefer something less direct for now, I’m fine with whatever you suggest.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Right back at you. Sent.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Hey pls check your inbox whenever you have a chance.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Generally good points there. However I don’t find campaigning to be futile. On the contrary I find that people seem more and more receptive and fairly often I now find people who are, at least partially, woke to the way things work.

Our greatest strength is that we have the truth on our side while they have lies upon lies and frauds upon frauds. Almost everyone loses on this agenda and it, and its progenitors, are entirely dependent on keeping the general public deceived. This, along with the enormous scale and width of their lies and frauds, means that no matter who you talk to – from right-winger to Communist – there are always truths to bring up that strike close to home.

One general theme I like to bring up is the question of “who financed it, who orchestrated it and who could have” with regards to ideologies, revolutions, tyrants, genocides and such as well as things like the the Transatlantic slave trade, international illicit drug trade along with facts available. There’s also the clear and blatant and fully provable frauds such as “Covid”/vaccines and the climate scam/”green energy,” which also harbors great deals of hypocrisy (consumerism/commercialism, the fact that fossil fuels production/usage actually secretly increasing) to point out as well as clear complicity/guilt of those behind it.

I also like to bring up the many ways the ruling elites poison us through food and medicine along with evidence and my own experiences and observations. If you get a person who consumes things like margarine and Canola oil to quit for just a few weeks or so they will notice stark improvements in their health as well as significant weight loss and should realize that yes – they have been poisoned. Realizing that our authorities have been systematically poisoning us should make people more receptive to other conspiracy truths as well, in addition to the reward of helping people improve their health. Helping people be healthier also means clearing and strengthening their minds which should aid in waking up.

I like to think of my efforts to spread truth and awareness as being part of a “death by a billion cuts” counteroffensive against the Globalists (Cabalists/Talmudists/Masons.)

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I hear you. I definitely agree to try to show people better ways…for example, I have recently become amazed at the topical benefits of castor oil…I had NO idea it is so quickly and deeply effective for so many problems – even carpal tunnel and tennis elbow – rub it in and get relief in seconds, literally (this is not just my experience, my daughter today rubbed it on her elbow to immediate relief and puts it across her abdomen with warming packs to help with other things and even noticed rapid improvements with those).

I’m not downing your efforts at all. I just think the global balance right now is way beyond material pushback against tptb. I think it’s beem the case since before you and I were born.

So, yes, whatever it takes to wake people up is awesome.

But I am in a facebk group that obsesses over all the crap in our food and beverages to the degree that a majority of people seem so traumatized they are literally afraid to eat. That is bullsh1t, as far as I’m concerned.

All our mainstream food and beverages are tainted via ownership by a few, globalist corps. Look up how our prayers affect water molecules, and how our emotions show as snowflakes in tears, then reinforce consistently praying over, thanking for and blessing all we intake. Everything. I pray over my family’s sleep, protection, sustenance…everything….today and for our future.I talk with Father all day long because He is my closest companion and most immensely trustworthy associate. Once I pray over a thing, no matter how sketchy, I let it gp, because I KNOW I can trust Heim.

He is why we are still alive as a species. We have beem so brutally poisoned, etc for so long it is only Heim who has sustained us

I survived 8 years on little but a ramen packet or two a day. An egg to drop in if I was lucky. Did my health suffer? Yes. Absolutely. But it kept me alive to fight another day.

Things are getting worse now, so people weaning from everything mainstream, mass-marketed is excellent and necessary, but most people are just now only realizing there is a problem. Some may awaken if you start with food/resources, but most will not in my experience. They are in so much denial they cannot see around the bend and don’t want to. Full belly, happy belly (and this mess, as we know, is intentional) engineered to taste soooo good and be addictive).

Regardless, all mass-produced anything today is very sketchy. That doesn’t mean throw your pantry contents into the burn barrel ASAP, necessarily. Wean. Pray over amd bless everything that enters your doors. Weaning is good, regardless. The money here is not the object -i t’s the slow toxicity and hoovering up all alternative choices.

Frogs in a pot on slowly increasing boil makes most people numb and clueless, worsened by feeling like crap.

I guess that, we who are more awake need to assess the person and take the best path to penetrate their resitances regardless of where they lie. Some “awake” are huge proponents of GMO, for example. We all see in part.

7 months ago

Yes, these are, completely unironically, the end times, and this is a pure luciferian mockery coming from the horned loser who knows that soon he will be completely powerless to poison God’s creation. As soul-numbing as such mockeries may be, we should nonetheless treat them as hopeful signs that Christ’s day of justice is at hand.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jakub


7 months ago

A very powerful attack. Although it wears a clowns mask it is the instrument of pure unmediated archetypal evil.

7 months ago

Ding Ding Ding! Laurence Fox’s prompt is quintessential! The cushy-job-keeping career clowns continue f*****g with our perceptions, but some of us SEE CLEARLY their manipulation and we are NOT buying it! Thanks, VC.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

This person is so cynical I wouldn’t be surprised if he acts and dresses like a man in his private life. This is a facade. Trompe l’oeil. Nothing but a psy-op.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Who exactly are you referring to here

7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

The government actor in this video.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Got it.

Yes, wouldn’t be surprised if he does [take off the costume and go about everyday life in “normal” mode].

The facade is literally a character played on the world stage…theater, after all.

7 months ago

I’m disappointed in myself for even pressing playing and giving 10 seconds worth of my attention to that. Smh

7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

You were likely joking, but:

Don’t be ashamed. Shame is a tool designed for stagnation. Take the fall from the horse, roll, shake it off and walk on.

Spoken by one mired in shame for all my life. Finally free!! Shake that bs off.

We need to see in order to choose. So many here try to shame us for needing to understand – screw that noise.

Last edited 7 months ago by lgageharleya
7 months ago

Where is the woman face?