
Taylor Swift: beta kitty, industry baby, mk slave

“She’s not a saint,
And she’s not what you think,
She’s an acress.
She’s better know for the things
She does on the mattress.”

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6 months ago

She’s the most famous pop star in the world right now I think that’s all she cares about, her fans are under a spell cause the level of obsession they have over her is insane, it’s not normal, they’re the same as the lunatic kpop fans who will literally die for those korean celebs. The world is doomed

Last edited 6 months ago by Melanie
6 months ago

That is a very large and manly looking hand covering the eye. The third finger longer than the index finger is typical of men and not women. Not always but mostly.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Monarch slave sure..a man, im not so sure.

6 months ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

Fritz Springmeir has said many of the most in demand sex slaves are trans.
Look at the torso and pelvis. This part of the anatomy cannot lie. Face and hands on this one are very manly. Large head.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Where did Fritz Springmeir said this? I have read all his books and there is no mention of this.

6 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Springmeir goes into a lot of detail about transgenders in the illuminatti society. You have some ulterior motive.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Did you see the recent footage of “her” when she won some recent award? She did some kind of celebration behavior with “her” male companion and it looked like “she” was practically chest-bumping on the football field!

I was reading the comments in a video expose of Taylor as “she” was performing on stage. The commenter wrote, “She walks like a dude.” And the video host was like, “That’s because “she” is a dude!”

I know there are serious implications to all of this, so I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m making light out of envy or whatever. It’s just hilarious to me, now that I see the charade.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

I did not see that but it seems to me they are getting arrogant about flaunting this. I did recently see ‘her’ make a muscle pose like men do – and was very convincing!

6 months ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

I agree. She could be a natural woman with manly features. Also, she could be Man or Woman. Maybe both?(hermaphrodite)…

6 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu


6 months ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

Look at that adams apple

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Totally born a male. MrE did a transvestigation on Taylor Snift and to me, once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Like most of the super models, it’s a tall, thin dude that has had facial modifications. Typical talmudwood deception.

6 months ago
Reply to  buddhaboy19

Not just facial, but many, many surgeries. Some to remove stuff; some to augment. But yes, a deceptive, demonically possessed illuminati t****y.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

And the funny thing is that even her name is neutral/androginous.

6 months ago
Reply to  buddhaboy19

I’ve tried to post several links on here to his videos about TS but they’re never approved. MrE is on Odysee. He’s done at least 3 videos about TS. One was about how TS was behind the Kardashian jewelry heist in Paris to prove who was the more powerful witch.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

My third finger is longer than my index finger and I’m 100% female and I’ve had two children.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

Same here. Thekwon is speaking in general terms, knowing that there are exceptions.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon I am a biological female with a very long middle finger (good for giving a certain hand gesture to evildoers, haha), and that’s probably partly due to my Scandinavian heritage.

But hand size is another issue altogether, as you mention. A woman’s hand, when the palm is placed on her chin, typically extends to her eyebrows or just above. But a man’s hand, placed in the same way on his face, will extend well into the forehead and sometimes is longer than the head itself! There are exceptions, but this is the most common biological situation.

Because of our chromosomal based bone structure, musculature, etc., certain biological markers are only extremely rarely swapped. These would be, for example, the rare woman with a delta-figure, or the occasional man with narrow shoulders.

I think those of us with good discernment skills can easily recognize a biological woman even if she looks quite masculine, or a biological man who is somewhat effeminate.

Great to read your comments, as always!

6 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Well said Sharine. This are all relevant points in the research I’ve done too.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Nearly everyone’s middle finger is the longest of the hand. I think thekwon maybe meant ring finger. That’s what I’ve always heard… Women have an index finger slightly longer than the ring finger, whereas in men it’s the opposite.
Either way Taylor is a man. Lol..

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

She walks like a dude because she’s an American hillbilly. None of them can wear high heels like a lady.

6 months ago
Reply to  Marcos

Or…she walks like a dude because she is a dude. If it looks like and duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
You just said an entire group of people are incapable of walking in heels because they are uneducated or something? That is funny to me sounds ridiculous. 

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I see Swift in the super bowl together with Usher as a hint from the elites:
Usher :
show or guide (someone) somewhere.
cause or mark the start of something new.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
I also see similarities this time with the DARK NIGHT RISES Superbowl scene!

6 months ago
Reply to  cocoa

Those seem like very astute observations.
Although I tend to doubt anything close to that movie depiction is on the table for this SB. But that is just my opinion.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Not to mention the timing of Putin interview where a good deal was about nukes! Dragon year in China … Times are trouble!

6 months ago
Reply to  cocoa

IMO there will be events this year with significant loss of life but I don’t think this event SB is one of them.

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon @buddhaboy19
You’re at least as s2xua1y pervert as them, guessing people’s genders! 444gem riddles turned boring? Swift possible d1k more important than YHWH commands?

6 months ago
Reply to  Gagli

Would you agree YHWH commands us to be wise?
This includes being aware of our environment and recognizing when stage tricks are occurring. I am careful never to claim being correct on the speculation it is my observation. If it is of no interest to you then don’t pay attention but getting abusively accusatory about it isn’t helpful either

6 months ago
Reply to  Marcos

Taylor is also from Reading, PA which is hardly hillbilly. There is a huge Amish population there and the land is mostly flat.

6 months ago
Reply to  Marcos

Like Julia Roberts in Oceans 11 coming down the stairs in the casino – she walked like a Clydesdale. lol

6 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

y index finger is shorter and I’m a woman, I was born a woman, it depends on estrogen levels on pregnancy, it’s associated with pcos and autism, Inhave both but some women have none, it’s rare that the index itself shirter but it happens

6 months ago
Reply to  alexdi

See Sharine’s comments above she covered this already. I said it is mostly the case that men have a longer third finger than index finger statistically. It is only one indicator of gender and not conclusive.

6 months ago
Reply to  alexdi

I also have PCOS and my index finger is still longer. I think it’s exceedingly rare that this is not the case in women. Not to say it never happens, but very rare. Each individual piece of the puzzle adds up to a full picture. I’m convinced Swift is male.

6 months ago

To get to this level of fame requires complete surrender to evil in these times. I would assume that maintaining this level of success requires doing horrific acts of sin that no one can recover from personally. Jesus is her only hope.

6 months ago

They might well sacrifice her on February 11 in a massive false flag event. Everything surrounding this MKUltra pawn reeks of hyper-blatant ritualistic brainwashing. And then they will use the resulting horror among her zombified “fans” to whip up a mindless frenzy for global war. At this point the evil one demands nothing less, since he knows that his time is over.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jakub

I totally agree!

6 months ago
Reply to  Jakub

I think it’s strange how she was spotted wearing. a K. Bryant necklace last month among other things…

6 months ago
Reply to  eyespy

Serious question what is a K Bryant necklace and its meaning?

6 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

Kobe Bryant

6 months ago
Reply to  Madge

Thank you

6 months ago
Reply to  Jakub

No, I don’t think so. She’s the new priestess of the music industry. They will use her a lot more.

6 months ago

I can’t help but feel there’s some kinda Marilyn Monroe thing going on with her and her relationship to a sports phenomenon. Pure MK-Ultra vibe.

6 months ago

There’s an amnesic syndrome reported by her concert attendees where they can’t remember the concert, but they’re sure “it was fantastic.” Surprisingly everyone uses identical adjectives.
Would’nt have anything to do with the electronic bands they wear the whole time? Could this be beta testing of mind control bracelets for all?

6 months ago
Reply to  Taiguille

The electronic bracelets have been used at a lot of concerts. They’re just Bluetooth, and really, it’s nothing more than a quirky little add-on to a concert. Plus… Swift’s concerts are the only ones who are claiming amnesia. Lots of shows have used these in the past six or seven years. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s a bit more likely that either the patrons themselves are a bit mentally unbalanced, or, if there is some sort of external cause, I’d say there might be weird tones embedded in the music that only some respond to.

Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
6 months ago

Stop it. Lol. You are convincing me she is a gentleman. Same with Dua Lipa – I can’t unsee it now.

6 months ago

She’s now the great priestess of the music industry. She will replace Madonna and Céline Dion. This is horrific and sad. Horrible and despicable.

Last edited 6 months ago by Will
6 months ago

Think about it. Her voice is not even that great, yet she is the best selling artist? How did that happen. Watch old videos and she was horrible in concert. Now she looks like she is acting at concerts. And she is hanging around obvious satanic people. She claims to be Christian but is pro abortion?! And LGBTQ advocate? And for Biden? No way!