
Spiritual Fish out of Wish

In watching Disney’s latest animated film Wish, let’s say purely for R&D purposes, I couldn’t help but notice an interesting blend of symbolism. In addition to the expected elements of dark magic and themes of deception and controlling of mass consciousness through hidden knowledge, there were also underlying indications of profound cosmic truths. 

From the trailer alone, one can observe the use of the eight-pointed star of Ishtar in the design of clothing and architecture, representing the eight phases of Venus and the spinning of the cosmic wheel:

The ouroboros symbol, symbolizing the application of hex magic to the concept of infinite looping time, was featured on a specific book of forbidden magic: 

The wand of the sorcerer-king— consumed by ego, power, pleasure temptations— emits a Xloros-colored figure-8/ouroboros pattern, further alluding to the control of cosmic time: 

Keyhole doorways were abundant, reflecting the merging of black holes as a gateway to summon forces from the cosmic sea (the dragon giving power):

The Fibonacci spiral unfolding fern, symbolizing the compression and decompression of the universe at all levels:

The ubiquitously depicted fractal phi spiral wormhole portal-like symbol, alluding to the entrance and exit of dimensions:

The spiral motion highlighted recurrently, intrinsic to that of planetary bodies, the chiral serpent coils, solar spirals, and the Earth’s orbit around the sun, and representing various cosmic cycles:

The checkered floor of the Saturn/sun/syn-hexahedron, the beast of six sides, symbolizing the hoarding of wisdom to deceive the ignorant masses into the worship of light magik: 

Other observations not shown in the trailer included a brief glimpse of what appeared to be a diagram of orbital movements in a book of magic, hinting at planetary 4D space-time clocks, and a character’s statement about connecting through the heart, potentially alluding to the nested dimensions of toroidal energy with the human heart at its center.

The film’s main musical number seemed to explore the concepts of life emerging from stars, our existence as totality of generational experiences, fractality, and the mycelium network:

“From supernovas now we’ve grown into our history” 

What’s passed down generationally, to you? (And to me?)
And why our eyes all look like microscopic galaxies?
Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?

Hey, you still look like you’re hanging on by a strand
But If you just see the mushrooms then you’ll understand

The film’s title, Wish, is derived from the Greek word θέλω (thelo), which encompasses the concepts of Theos and Elo-him. Theos refers to the divine one that is, while Elo-him represents the shining ones. Additionally, the Hebrew gematria of shiny is 360, symbolizing a complete circle. The movie explores various themes such as dark magic (presented alongside a chubby and cute cartoon star, nonetheless), astrotheological symbolism, salvation through the new age idea of connecting with the stars, and features symbolic elements of physics, including the chiral nature of space and time, fractality, spiral cycles, looping time, interuniversal travel through black holes, and the creation of life-enabling atoms from stars, such as Be-Li-He-m.

The characters are given the chance to perceive the illusions and false authority, but they fall short of acknowledging their existence within the all-encompassing perfect fractal of YHWH, where separation is impossible (Hei is present in the miracle of every breath). The genuine wisdom we must pursue can only be obtained through the one true creator, who possesses infinite dimensions instead of just six sides, and Yeshua, the Truth born in Bethlehem, comprehended and countered the immense influence of these manipulated spiral networks to rescue and redeem us all through his sacrifice. The cyclical power struggles against God will not prevail. Now, that’s my kind of an alternate ending.

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9 months ago

Great post and input/insight. Sincere thank you, friend.

9 months ago

There is something I wanted to get off my chest – bc this is a really good article.
I can’t help feeling disappointed that all this time on this site 3 years – many of us are working on understanding the big picture helping each other along the way by sharing information and experiences.
Meanwhile you are accumulating a lot of knowledge and not sharing any of it. It could be described as hoarding knowledge which I actually would not accuse you of doing because you seem like a good person.
Nevertheless it is clear you have put some things together – it would have been really nice if you helped us along the way like we did for you.

9 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


I always like reading your comments. Thanks for your honesty.

I did my best to add to this article what I have learned in my comment. Also, I’ve been working on the big picture for many years, and have been chronicling my research, intuition, and perspectives/perceptions on my Substack. I can’t recall if I shared this with you previously, so here is the address:

Wishing you well.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Thank you Sharine I’ll check it – it’s been a while since being on there. I appreciate your effort in growing and I’m glad you’re here

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

This may sound like a back handed complement but your writing style and voice has improved immensely. I’m hearing a depth and some guidance and a powerful voice for YHWH. Keep it up! 

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

This is the most sincere and heart felt apology I’ve ever received and of course I fully accept. And also understand your explanation thank you for offering it.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

I’d be very interested to see any notes you have compiled

Last edited 9 months ago by thekwon
9 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Maybe create a group document with all compiled info?

9 months ago

Excellent analysis, VC! And I love your alternate ending. A few other things:

Portals in all Hollywood productions are about the Luciferian practice of butt sex (mostly with males) because they believe that in capturing the fetal cells stored in the coccyx they are achieving enlightenment and eternal life. They also believe that this practice will give them the power to overthrow The Great Creator.

Over time, they have been able to manipulate human consciousness and overlay their exotic technology structures, including the false time loops and all false-white-light fabrications such as Hollywood itself and other institutions, agencies, governments. It is all cheap copies of the Divine architecture, which they invert and pervert because, as fallen “beings,” they are literally unable to perceive the Divine. They are supposed to be on their way to entropy, but their lack of remorse and repentance makes them parasites that found these horrific “magic” practices to siphon off Life Force from God’s creations.

Along these same lines, the Fibonacci sequence is their non-terrestrial architecture of the fallen creation, that is, of Lucifer. It has a 10-Tree base, hence their reliance on digital, AI, trans-humanism, etc. This is the antithesis of the Krystic or Krystal Spiral, which is the Divine architecture, created from the 12-Tree base. I have read that these two architectures or timelines met at the same point in early November 2023, and that people would have had to consciously choose the Divine timeline by that moment in order to not be swept up in the fallen creation timeline.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Where did you read this? @Sharine?

9 months ago

Esotercism 101 for kids it seems.

9 months ago
Reply to  rick

Subconscious suggestions, clues hidden in plain sight to put into the mass consciousness.

🎵It’s a tsar צַר world after all. 🎵
