
Mysterious potion that gives celebs ‘fame and money’ is Hollywood's latest conspiracy (

Actress from Orange is the New Black went on a podcast and was talking about being offered “gold juice” to advance her career, but never accepting the offer. Thoughts?

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9 months ago

Urine or Golden shower juice. Sick fetish

9 months ago
Reply to  john

I was thinking about the same. Their orgiastic parties abound in sharing body fluids. I suppose it’s the ‘must’ to join the club.

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
9 months ago

What color is adrenochrome?

9 months ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom

Seeing how it doesn’t exist it’s colourless, odourless and existenceless

9 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

If you look on the web, adrenochrome brings you to two places. Either a chemical compound invented in the 1950ies, which by the way is a “red colored mixture” as stated here (, or you get to the stories about sacrifice, which are either realities or conspiracies. Who knows, I don’t since I’m answering the original question by Cajun Mom on the color of it (the compound).

You can read up on it, formula, history and further details here (

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
9 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!
9 months ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom
It probably needs to be kept dark and room temp

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Beautiful! 🤣🤣

8 months ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom

As Harry Styles would tell you: watermelon sugar.

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
9 months ago

I found this…

Now considering the Black Mass contains urine and fesces, could there be a correlation?

9 months ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom

Cajun Mom, that journal article was beyond fascinating. Just the fact that the med-tech-kill-cartel is working on this kind of stuff in their creepy laboratories speaks volumes.

My take-away is that “gold juice” affirms the reality of butt-sex based portal practices within Hollywood, governments, institutions, agencies, and other dark occulted groups that seek what I call “artificial elevation,” or, the extreme ability to psychologically manipulate non-practitioners.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Sodomy allegedly opens typhonian tunnels or portals into the victim through which demons can possess and control that individual. Allegedly, all government leaders who are aligned with the WEF and the upper degrees of freemasonry are homosexual and, thereby, controlled by the same demons. Many MK Ultra slaves were raped as toddlers and are also allegedly controlled with the same demons.

I have recently become aware of how many songs and movies in pop culture are about sodomy. Also, twerking was originally a voodoo practice associated with sodomy and prisoners signal their sexual availability by wearing thier pants around their legs, rather than waist, which has since become popular in the hip hop community.

However, if you have been a victim of sodomy then you can accept Yahoushua as your savior and pray and ask him to heal you and close those portals.

Last edited 9 months ago by checkers
Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
9 months ago

Tamryn Manning is probably best remembered as playing the Kim stand-in character in the Eminem biopic “8 Mile”. She also had an unsuccessful musical act called BoomKat that had a music video on MTV. She has long been in the industry, always just beneath greater success.

9 months ago
Reply to  Shirley Temple

Interesting name

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
9 months ago
Reply to  Shirley Temple

Well I think we now know why she never got to that next level. Reminds me of Dave Chappelle saying he’s hit a plateau and doesn’t want to do what he has to do to go above it.

Willie Jones Jr
Willie Jones Jr
9 months ago

This actress has been in a lot of trouble for drugs lately..

9 months ago

It sounds alchemical.

9 months ago

This potion can easily symbolic. What matters is the meaning you put to it, not the substance itself.

9 months ago

+’s Crack Cocaine, Meth and LSD mixed with Adrenochrome and Gold Dust!!!

The only thing that explains the Progressive Libtards!!!

9 months ago

I think its urine that has undergone a “blessing” or spell put on it. It is an initiation into the club. I dont think it is a supernatural potion or the like. It is a “baptism” into their dark religion.