
Woke museum claims emperor was transgender (

Claims of female identification come from palace aide who may have had ulterior motives.

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Longtime Lurker
Longtime Lurker
10 months ago

So it begins ✨ First they’ll start outing historical figures as transgenders, then old Hollywood and then:”as it was in the days of Lot” ..

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago

They’re already claiming the eunuchs in the Bible were trans. Progressive Christians are an absolute riot. 😆

Longtime Lurker
Longtime Lurker
10 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

No really? I shouldn’t be surprised but 😅

10 months ago

This has actually been a long running rumor and is possibly the truth. We can’t call everything “woke” and an agenda just because they do not fit the narrative we have grown up believing. There are many things that were hidden because of the time it took place, and many things will come to light.

10 months ago

They completely leave out he was drinking through lead pipes his entire life and was regularly covered in lead based make up.

10 months ago

It’s possible. Mental illness has existed since the dawn of man. Of course, a rival’s supporter saying this may have just been trash talk. The worst insult you could hurl at a man at that time would to be to call him effeminate. So who knows?

Some terrible emperor (who threw snakes into a party and liked to throw coins on the ground to watch people fight over them) isn’t necessarily one I’d like to claim if I were them. Sounds like he was a terrible human being. That actually lends credence to the idea he was trans since 99% of them today are also terrible human beings.

10 months ago

We must end christmas

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago