
Man Confronts Transgender Person Who Goes Into Women's Bathroom

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11 months ago

So much evil in the world

11 months ago

Such insane evil. I admire this man for confronting him. This man should never go into a women’s restroom.

11 months ago
Reply to  Angela

If this man doesn’t get slapped with defamation, harassment, assault he is really lucky. Laws have been modified to support mixed bathrooms, this is absolutely not the way to react in these situations!

11 months ago
Reply to  Danilo

Ladies get some protection. Men make sure the women in your life have a way to protect themselves in all situations. I use a stungun that shoots out electrical daggers. Haven’t had the chance to use it yet but I have no fear now, I feel protected.

11 months ago
Reply to  glorigirl

That’s exactly what they want you to do, dare using your weapon against a trans, he will get free legal support from heavily funded organizations, and you at the opposite side will be left alone to be bankrupted with legal fees and compensations.
Laws are actually voted, what you can do is as a woman go to MEN’S bathrooms and use your stungun if approached, because now according to the law in the hirarchy of weakness you have men, WOMEN, and at the weakest spot trans. you need to understand we live in a crazy world and adapt to it!

11 months ago
Reply to  glorigirl

What you need is a snub nose .357!

10 months ago
Reply to  glorigirl

So you’re waiting for the “chance” to use it!

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
11 months ago
Reply to  Danilo

You’re right, he should have followed him in and made sure nobody else was in there and then drowned him in the toilet like the piece of s**t that he is.

11 months ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

That’s what we should be doing.

The Late Great Planet Earth
The Late Great Planet Earth
11 months ago

1:23 “Step outside” then proceeds to take off his purse ahahaha. Not scaring anyone lol

Oh boy
Oh boy
11 months ago

Clearly just proving his womanly-ness 😉

11 months ago

RESPECT!!! We all need to SPEAK UP/SPEAK TRUTH against this satanic agenda of transgenderism! Thank you for your example, Sir!

11 months ago

We need more big guys to tell em to buzz off. This will end the trans victimhood fad really quick.

11 months ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

Big guys or not, that’s what all of us should do! They should dress this way and perform only in front of their mirrors in their basements. Period!

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
11 months ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

Not it won’t. This is an agenda, not a fad. There is no stopping it

11 months ago

God bless this man. The absurdity of this situation is breath-taking. Its clear this agenda is designed to eradicate fundamental meaning and principles from our lives.

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
11 months ago

He needs to stop harassing that lady

11 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

The level of delusion required to make your statement is astonishing.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

Sorry, what lady?

11 months ago

Thank You! Speaking as a woman I carry a stun gun with me everywhere. Good thing because there was a transgender in the female bathroom at a rest stop I was out a few months ago. I travel alone for work. This man had on a wig and was walking around, pacing and laughing hysterically in front of the stalls in the bathroom. He must have come in after me because I would have walked right out had I seen him and gotten security. I stepped out of the stall, a woman alone in a bathroom with a man, and I looked directly at him as I reached into my purse, he left quickly. I guess I didn’t look scared, just really pissed off. No words exchanged just me stepping out of the stall with my hand reaching into my purse and a look in my eye because I really wanted to try out my stun gun. I really did.

11 months ago

That t****y, inspite of his age, looks well built, like he was in the army before. Maybe an mkultra programmed sleeper agent who got activated.
He can’t even convince himself he’s a woman but he’s ready to be violent.
He may have combat training so be firm but don’t physically altercate.
They may be planting these soldier types to cause bloodshed and blame normies

11 months ago
Reply to  John

Good observation. I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.

Celeste B. Williams
Celeste B. Williams
11 months ago

“I’m ‘intersexual’” soooo you Ana flop back n forth with the wind???? Man up and chose and go get some counseling too”. This person also needs Jesus to free him from this demon!!!!!

11 months ago

I refuse to use the woke word “intersex”. It’s hermaphrodite. And it’s a Satanic agenda of duality, androgyny, the blending of male and female, like the Baphomet. If you’re not on the straight and narrow with Jesus then you’re on the road to Babylon and hell.