
Explains a lot

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Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
1 year ago

Glad you caught this. I saw it this afternoon. By 11 pm it was removed from Twitter and YouTube.

1 year ago

wow… tell us something we dont know

1 year ago

Interesting because his hands aren’t exactly clean

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

Breaking news, stop the presses. Gee whizz Wally, you mean the TV people can’t be trusted
… you ever wonder why they gave everybody and anybody free converter boxes for their TVs when they went from analog to digital signal.
You really think they give a damn if you miss your soap operas and game shows.
You ever wonder why they give free cell phones and service to anybody and everybody.
Why don’t they give free gas, free water, free food, free housing, free medical to anybody and everybody. Because they don’t give a s**t about if you live or die, they just want to make sure that while you ate alive, they can control your ideologies and social engineering , and they want thi know exactly where you are and who you know and what you talk to other people about. Television and radio have never been about entertaining or distribution of factual information. It’s always been about programming. Steering the masses down the roads of their choosing. Training people to respond in predictable manners, act in predetermined fashion, think how they want you to, adopt the habits and values that benefit the goals of the long game.
And Tucker Carlson is just controlled opposition.
The jail house rat. Toss him into the conservative jail cell and pretend he’s one of the good guys being harassed by the evil overlords.

Simple minded people are manipulated by simple minded tactics. Over and over and over for millennia. Bread and circuses, all the world’s a stage and every single person that has a voice that hasn’t been silenced or marginalized or completely exiled into silence is just one of their actors.
They’ve been in the spotlight because they control trust. They’ve got a loyal following and that’s exactly what they’re trained to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

Reminds me of the guy who ran the river pontoon in the film Outlaw Jose Wales; he sung for the Yankees, and he sung for the Confederates while making the river crossing.

1 year ago

This has been well known for decades now by anyone who has paid even the slightest attention. He has “revealed” absolutely nothing. He is simply giving out well known factual information but at least some out there will hear it for maybe the first time.