
Walker Art Center holds 'playful demon summoning session' for families (

The Walker Art Center held a pagan ritual geared toward families last weekend, with a performance called “Lilit the Empathic Demon.”

Blatant. Trying to make it ‘family friendly’. 

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1 year ago

I cannot even be disgusted at this. What incredible nonsense. Happy Summoning.🫢

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

I have never summoned anything as I do not wish to, but summoning is a serious thing, even for occult practicioners. Invocations and evocations as well, they should be performed by a person of good health and you need to be experienced with a banishing ritual. The Lesser banishing ritual of the Pentagram is a good start for that.

This is not a playful matter, especially is stronger beings are being summoned.

1 year ago

From the article:

“Demons have a bad reputation, but…”

Ahahahaha! People have to be really messed up to get on with with BS.

1 year ago

Possessed people with no inkling of how to escape make the perfect high-potency batteries.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago

bad idea. build it & they will come.
ars gœtia cretins aren’t fake.

1 year ago

Once you welcome or open a door or give them permission, they will come in and possess. Thieves , murderers and liars.

Dalton Metcalf
Dalton Metcalf
1 year ago

One would think that, given the hundreds of demonic entities that the elites have brought over to our realm using the CERN supercollider/opening a giant portal from HELL….that they wouldn’t need too many more roaming the earth looking for depressed teenagers & Millenials to possess. Guess that’s not the case.

1 year ago

I don’t completely understand Lilith. She was supposedly the first wife of Adam which never made sense to me, except as some kind of alternate reality version of Eden. And she seems associated with Inanna and Ereshkigal and especially the huluppu tree story about a primal tree with a mythic bird, a snake and a she demon all nesting in it. Huluppu means tree of great evil in Sumerian and it is the same thing as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Eden, and the qliphoth, the reverse of the sephiroth in kabbalah. Lilith and Samael are the demons who rule the qliphoth, which is either hell or a gate to it. The Adam connection makes her the first person banished from Eden, the first human to fall. And a tree with a supernatural woman, a phoenix like bird and a snake all sound like Lucifer in its female form tempting Adam. Lilith has become a hero to non-gender conforming people and sone feminists becuase she would not submit to Adam or God. None of this is something to expose small children to.

1 year ago

“lilit could also follow u home or anywhere & live with the family. it’s fun yay” 🙂

1 year ago

A demon an empath? Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha.