
Mel Gibson exposes some of the dark minds of Hollywood in 1998 | (FRIGHTENING)

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1 year ago

Yeah my algorithm suggested this too.

That’s of more interest to me. These people are not to be feared, they’re to be pitied.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Mine as well…
I actually ran across another YouTube commentor that I’ve replied to in another video, on a separate occasion.
He actually questioned why the viddy was making the rounds.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Mine did too, a month ago and it was the full video.

1 year ago

Mel Gibson’s production company – Icon Productions.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  branch

Who’s face is that?
What’s the context of that image?

1 year ago

St mary

1 year ago

From Wikipedia:
“The logo’s artwork (…) now features a small crop of the mother’s left eye from the Theotokos of Vladimir icon, an Eastern Orthodox icon of Mary, mother of God.”

You can see the icon here:

Last edited 1 year ago by Carrot
1 year ago

If you read the YouTube comments it says the person was Christopher walken

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  Hhh

I think I remember hearing about this way in the past…
Thanks fir the reminder!

1 year ago
Reply to  Hhh

The guy floating sideways was Christ,-o-pher Walk-ins, who also was present or helped killed Natalie Woods

(Take apart her name nat= In Burma and Siam, a spirit or angel powerful for evil and for punishment; a demon; a genie. Could mean a mat to walk or lay on or Lie)
Nat a lie Woods,/would/wood,=?wand)
Or ‘Not a lie Woods’

On her yaht at night she was struck and pushed overboard not knowing how to swim (just as a Chinese psychic told her when she was a child she died “drowning in dark waters” ) I guess her husband was in a argument with her maybe she caught him because he brought his bf on the yaht, he was secretly bi. He drowned her and didn’t let anyone look for her as she screamed. There was an interesting clip on it. The captain came out later about it.

So Gibson talked about a few people in the interview he gave I recommend watching the full thing. He’s in the club maybe controlled opposition, not sure because his position is set apart from the others. He used to stay at my friend’s house and was very polite. It’s a shame he destroyed his soul in holly wood. Here’s the interview

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I never knew that story about Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken. Breaking his name down like that is interesting – he is a strange and nefarious character for sure. Floating across the room – I once someone do that in hellywood it was very strange.
I agree Mel Gibson is in the club but being allowed to reveal some basic entry level info about the industry. I could never understand why so many people rave about Passion of the Christ. IMDB doesn’t even list this film as one of his credits under his name. Hellywood pretends to hate this movie but they secretly love it. It’s basically a two hour snuff film of torture and humiliation. I can’t watch it – it’s too brutal and depressing. I’m convinced the people who rave about it so much and watch it every year are actually satanists that enjoy watching Christ being tortured and murdered.
There seems to be a glimmer of humanity in him yet still. But he has gone through the ringer and I have no doubt has been broken by the system. There is no way he could have the position he does as producer / owner of ICON studios with the one eye sign someone pointed out, actor, director for so long without having sold out. Apocalypto is a truly remarkable film he directed amazing. He has several acting credits that are great – sad to see him falling over the years.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Apocalypto is also a brutally violent film and not for everyone. I believe it depicts the end of an age and the chaos violence that accompanies it. The violence is part of the story line and not the story itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hhh

Thank you. That guy creeps me out, he always did. (The picture is from Batman Returns – 1992)

1 year ago
Reply to  Bonobo

He thought his career was finished 5 times and said he had he had to reinvent himself each time. Playing strange weird characters has been his trademark.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marina

And he is quite good at it. Even his face, I think it’s pretty remarkable (not in a negative way, it’s very expressive and out of the ordinary, you see it once and you’ll remember it). In a way, I find him really fascinating, but still, he gives me the creeps…

1 year ago


1 year ago

Hollywood = Evil!!!
Hollywood and Celebritys = İlluminati’s Puppets!!!
In Hollywood, many stars use Adrenochrome!!!
Mel Gibson has spoken directly on the subject:
I don’t know how to break it to you gently.… 
Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia.
They are using and abusing kids.
They churn through a huge amount of kids every year. 
Their spiritual beliefs, if you can call them that, direct them to harvest the energy of the kids. 
They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it.
What do I mean? This isn’t some kind of artistic abstraction. 
They harvest the blood of children. They eat their flesh. 
They believe this gives them life force.
If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force.
There is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guides us through life. 
These people don’t have this. For them it’s the opposite.
Hollywood is drenched in the blood of innocent children. 
For a long time all the references to pedophilia and cannibalism were symbolic or allusive. 
But I was personally introduced to the practice in the early 2000s.
I can talk about this now because these people, the execs, they’re dead now.
The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized!!!

1 year ago

What does he mean about him “gliding sideways”? As if he’s doing something supernatural in a club or…?

1 year ago
Reply to  Amy

Walken has a background as a dancer. He always dances in every film he did while in some movies there’s long dancing sequences like Pennies From Heaven or the Puss’n Boots for exemple. Real professional dancers don’t walk like we all do. What Mel refers to was for me colored by this info on Walken so I can see the side giliding without necessarily attributing dark meanings. However I can see also how that could be perceived. There’s this movie with Eric Roberts (brother of Julia) a low-budget one called The Ambulance and I noticed when I saw it years ago on the scenes where he’s seen walking he also glides, made me think back then that he walked like a panther. I’ve never read anything on Roberts that he took dancing classes but I’m no expert on the guy. Back to Mel: Walken is an introvert (possibly autistic tendencies) and being dressed in black didn’t help. One of his earliest big talk-show was with Johnny Carson who was renowned for putting people at ease and keeping things very light but he couldn’t get Walken to say two words who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Also then dressed in black. He’s gotten way more talkative over the years. Walken has said he thought his career was finished at least 5 times and he had to reinvent himself each time. He spends most of his time in Connecticut supposedly alone ??? with his cat or some upper state like that while his wife remains in NY. No kids. Same wife from early in his career. I always thought this was an arranged marriage from the studios, her being into women and him into men. On the other hand Walken could very well be like so many in Hollywood into very evil things too. Maybe someone here can provide additional info.

1 year ago

They LIVE..Reverse of EVIL