
“Woke” is an occult mystery religion (

James Lindsay gives an academic take on the connection between “woke” ideology and the ancient mystery cults. It’s a long lecture, but he is an excellent speaker and the topic is pretty absorbing.

This is the guy who submitted fake papers to scientific journals a few years back, just to show how unscientific they are.

What do you think?

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1 year ago

Fantastic find. Thank you!

1 year ago

He is controlled opposition…EVERYONE that is on the World Stage is strategically placed..Whenever the world needs a hero they will provide one..just keep this is mind..

1 year ago
Reply to  Sonja

Michael O’Fallon is solid and not easily fooled.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sonja

What about uncontrolled opposition?
What are the wigns an opposition is controlled?
How can you find uncontrolled opposition?
Is there anyngood in somenof the controlled ones?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sonja

Disagree. And very curious as to why you would say that. He is not on the world stage. He does not claim he is saving anyone. In fact, he stresses over and over that he is just one guy and everybody needs to push back on their own and in their own way. He provides some great tools and strategies to do that. What’s the problem?

1 year ago

Controlled or not It is good information that I don’t know.

1 year ago

He exposes luciferianism in a profound way here bringing home something that’s been discussed in this forum quite a bit. All they can do is make copies of things. They take something true and Holy and make a subversive copy of it that’s slightly different. After a few copies and enough repetition it takes people out of Reality and puts them into a manufactured construction (what he calls simulacra – also shown in the movie The Matrix) A simple example is how real fruit is slowly being substituted for synthetic fake copy of fruit using chemicals.
They just keep using the same tricks over and over for thousands of years. They take what’s real, make a fake copy and pretend it’s actually real. Every time their tricks get exposed they change it up a little bit and being it back out with a new wrapping down the road once people have forgotten. Like Monsanto they make fake copies of real food that is slightly altered and ultimately very toxic. When enough people became outraged they closed up shop and rebranded things coming out in a different country (Bayer bought them in Germany)

Like that CIA guy said “We will know we’ve done our job when everything the American people believe is a lie”
If you notice the crowd it is a partially full auditorium with mostly old people. It looks more like a Rotary Club than anything though I’m not familiar with Sovereign Nations organization. The point is just because it’s on YouTube does not make it a ‘world stage’.
Personally I see no way this is controlled opposition what he is saying exposes them too much. He seems devoted to the real God.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

All the mystery religions, Hermeticism (Steven) Gnosticsm and all the thousands of other occult groups big and small are fake copies of the real thing intended to deceive people into satan’s world

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

No. Mainstream religions of today have borrowed from mysteries.

1 year ago
Reply to  Whatevs

This is an empty statement backed by nothing. If you bother to watch his presentation he clearly takes the listener through how you are very wrong

1 year ago
Reply to  Whatevs


You are certainly correct that mainstream religions of modernity (and antiquity), are watered down indoctrination for the masses that are designed to use the kernels of Truth in the Luciferian mystery rites in dumbed down, superstitious form that makes adherents prone to ignorance and MAGIkal thinking. The names themselves (English is a very coded language) tell us what they are: The Re-Legions, the masses of pawn soldiers accumulated for the Lord of Light.

However, do not mistake these similitudes of superstition perpetrated by the Luciferian mysteries being the actual roots of the profound knowledge contained in the scriptures for those with eyes to see. Rather they are twisted imitations (as Kwon so keenly pointed out) of The Truths taught to the world by the Aryeh Yehudah, then hoarded for their own aims of power, comfort, and ego glorification into occult societies, which then created priest classes to manipulate and farm the Ki of the masses the call “Cattle.”

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

After reading your monkeys series of post, I’ve gathered ( by reading note to note without any expectations or filters of mine, ) that you consider yourself one of those chosen AY ppl and this group ( still from your own writing) supposed to keep this sacred knowledge in from getting into hands of evil manipulators of this realm, now you’re suggesting that this group actually usurped this knowledge for their own aime of power – which is it? It’s a big inconsistency….
If you ever consider to reply, I might take chances for answering one more issue I had with your series, which was actually in comments section, when you clearly promoted your believe in evolution ( as from the lowest forms of life etc) which quite shocked me, cause even in so called secret knowledge that’s not the case ( that’s theory for cattle ppl ), for them it’s evolution of conciousness etc, think you know the drill. Also I missed clear answers to others issues commenting on your series, as avoidance of subjects which doesn’t seem seat well with you for some reason, only ones who praised you seem to get attention ( and I dismissed obvious stupid insult comments, I mean genuine questions), I’m only seeker of truth like everyone else in similar places, don’t hold any agenda, like to pose questions to everyone who specially putting themselves forward as to know something, honesty is the best policy, not to be source of fallacy and not be fooled by one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo


Thank you for taking the time to read and consider the first ten chapters of the Monkeys series. And Thank you for seeing The Truth. May YHWH bless you.

1) In regards to your first question, I understand the confusion, but it is not at all an inconsistency:

The AY are shepherds that have given knowledge, wisdom, and understanding for free to the peoples across the world, without expecting anything in return. And then other people who are not from our group but learned the information (often called “gentiles,” or “Ethnos” although many are now Fanacian/Pheonicians impostering as “jews”), then decided to hoard the knowledge behind initiation rights, priestly classes, and abominable superstition designed to farm the Ki of the cattle and keep them controlled for the benefit of Ba’al. What we gave away for free, The Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos, they the hoarded and lorded over so that they could seek Power, Ego Glorification, and Earthly Pleasure/Comfort.

Every time you see a pope hold up his three tipped “papal cross”, recognize that it is an ancient tool for teaching Hyperbolas. (the pope is just another babylonian priest playing pious to farm the Ki.) Every time you see the name of “Alla” written, look for the equation for Angular Velocity describing the function of a transverse wave that represents “the beast.”

I do not “consider” myself an Aryeh Yehudah, I am an Aryeh Yehudah, as much as you are “human” by the reality of your existence in this universe.

This is not meant to divide, to hurt, nor to separate, for all of us are the most beloved and precious creation of YHWH. I was clear about this distinction because I am from these people, whom have had almost everything we have offered to the world taken and impostered defiled and used for nefarious purposes, including our very name and the scriptures of our prophets. Thus there is some necessary contextualization in the series regarding the reality of history which has been so horribly twisted.

2) Regarding your charge that Evolution is for “Cattle” people. You’re right.

The opposing story that they have told the Solar Cattle Re-Legions: that it was actually a real 7 days of creation, or that it was an actual breath out of a mouth/nose, or that things do not change in material body with time, is of course patently superstitious and silly.

Likely you are familiar with Rudolph Stiener’s (and Manley P. Hall’s) work and are making the comparison from there for a reference to the perception of evolution by Luciferians. Your comparison from that vantage point (which may not actually be your reference) is then also likely made to the exoteric, public and modernist scientific notion of Evolution of just random natural selection and insects becoming people. Of course, that is also tremendously twisted.

Yet it is a grave error to throw out material evolution (by applying only the modernist exoteric interpretation to my words, which is not what I have said), because evolution of Conciousness = Evolution of Materiality. The very fractal mechanics of the universe, from Pi, and Eulers number, to the probability of pairwise co-primes, to the radiation of energy (planck constants), to the rate of informational interactions (speed of light scaled, sometimes called, variable speed of light, somewhat improperly) in a hypergeometric lattice, guarantees that as “conciousness” evolves, so will the material body. The difference between a chimp and a human, is evolution of conciousness and the material body through choices.
They are not separate. Just as any one of us is not separate from the Universe itself, from which we are part of a reciprocal feedback loop. You may see in the comments sections from some Monkeys chapters regarding whether a tree is its leaves and trunk (material body), or is it its shadow, or is it the product of the light conditions and atmospheric conditions over huge quantitites of time that result in genetic information devoloping probabilistically. We live on a planet that travels almost exactly π light seconds per revolution around its primary energy source, with its longest river exactly 1/6 its equitorial circumference, where water covers almost exactly 1/√2 of the planet, and its axial tilt (23.4 degrees) oscillates perfectly between 3e^2 (22.16) and C^2e ( or 9e, take your pick, as its 24.45). All of this is “perfectly” aligned, a proof that the mathematics of our universe are designed to give us the breathe of life from the outset. The probabilities of our, and every life forms existence, are guaranteed by the fundamental reality of the universe as created by YHWH through the word AUR (137, the fine structure constant aka “AURder” or less properly translated Light); whom without there is no conciousness. The Universe’s physical manifestation evolves with its conciousness manifestation, and we are certainly a part of that. This is a fundamental reality of “Free Wil,” as we have been given by our father, we have a soul, and thus we may choose. What a gift.
This is the story of the serpent, being cursed with traveling only on its belly in berashit(h) 3:14 (Thats Pi, obviously, which governs wave angular motion), the word גחון “Gihon,” also refers to the motion of waterways, which are based upon sinusoidal waves, of which 1 turn is 2 Pi… The body of the serpent chose to follow the path of wavelike motion, the path of Pi, and thus it became cursed by adapting its motion to follow that of the illuminator/Lucifer, the generative force of Electromagnetic waves. It’s not superstiticion, within these stories, you will find that the very physical evolution of the serpent, matched the evolution of its conciousness, and then that fact was embedded into the scriptures by the Aryeh Yehudah so that one day the seed of TRUTH could be watered and spring forth anew.
3) Regarding your third point, on this forum, in the Monkeys Series and several other posts, I have likely now responded to something on the order of thousands of comments, most of them with answers as detailed as nuanced as this. I have absolutely no intention to “avoid” topics, unless I have been explicit about it, and said that the question needs a lot more context and development before I can answer it in a manner which does it justice, and which will help clarify, rather than confound, the one who asks. I am aware that some questions went unaswered, but the sheer volume of questions has been at times, too much to ensure every single one was properly answered.

If you have any more questions, please ask, and I will try to answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I understand part of this and it’s HUGE

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

The fundamental concept of evolution being exclusively tied with the evolving consciousness and not environment or genetics.

Generative force sounds like creation to me. Electromagnetism (that Lucifer is know for) is generative? So the snake being on it’s belly picked up the electromagnetism of Lucifer and followed it? Not sure I get that @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s the wavelike motion of the snake moving that aligned with the electromagnetism of lucifer and thus it became cursed

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


The venomous serpent, hides in the grass, and hunts by injecting its venom in its prey. The non-venomous serpent does the same, until it can lull its prey into false security, and then lash out and strangle it slowly.

It’s conciousness, along with its physical body, developed along the lines of this phenomena; and thus we see in its body, which moves by wavelike motion, as do rivers and planetary orbits, a development towards embodying this type of conciousness in the physical manifestation. This is why it is called “The Dragon,” for the analemma motion is identical to that of serpents, and it is from these celestial mechanics by which Lucifer (G Zeus, Ba’al, Gad, etc.) has descended just as the serpent, quietly in the grass, slowly embodying himself as IA BAL ON (IA = lord and is of course AI, Bal you know, and ON is the city of Heliopolis and also means “embodiment.” If you read it from right to left, as Aryeh Yehudah, it says “no lips,” in Latin “NO LABIA” just like serpents… just like transgender eunuch priests of the Queen of Heaven) until he can poison and strangle his pray and consume them (the cattle.)

Did YHWH magically point and take the serpents legs? Absolutely not, does the father need such small minded methods? To him, time is not what it is to us; he knew that a development of conciousness in this direction of matching angular velocity of waves like electromagnetism and light, and thus the series of choices that accompanies that development of conciousness, would by the mathematic, geometric and probabilistic nature of the universe, lead to this result of the serpent being cursed with no legs. Thus the curse existed outside linear time, but is fundamental to the nature of our universe.

The magnificence of YHWH

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for taking time to answer, appreciate it and will be happy to have some dialogue ( as much as your and my time permits ofcourse). I stumble across something recently, which is not new concept ( wow, just had deja Vu) but this guy seems to make it new and “shocking” factor ( which for me is always red flag, lucrative business thing..) and I would really appreciate your take on it, it consider YHWH and Elohim ( he was translator for catholic church and had access to old Scriptures), . Something is bordering me about it since long time about OT since my youth so I really wish you could have some input. I’ll explain myself more clear soon,
Once again, thank you for your time

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo

@Karo, would you be talking about Mauro Biglino? Regarding the vatican translator in question.

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah

Yes, that’s the guy – I wanted to just mention it fast cause lack of time, but that’s exactly it. He’s not first talking about it, but atm apparently he’s making waves, selling books and visiting shows under the “shocking factor”

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo


Thank you for your patience, it’s been busy couple of days. Regarding the words YHWH and Elohim:

The first word that appears regarding the ineffable creator is the 3rd word of the scriptures, in Berashid 1:1, and it is Elohim. The constituent parts of the word are Alon, which means “Tree” and Heim, which is of course the letter H of YHWH. Literally it means “The Tree of YHWH.” The letter Hei is, 5 and the 5 and 5 of the two names makes 10, where the decagon gives ten golden triangles, with total interior angles of 1440 degrees, equivalent to 4 circles, and equivalent to the number of “stadia,” quoted in revelations for the “new earth.” Of course it is 12*120 and 144 being the 12th Fibonacci number which governs the growth of plants.

As Yeshua said, the kingdom of Heim is like a tree, that from a mustard seed grows out to be very large with many branches. This is a reference to the branching nature of time and space, and thus the “Tree of Heim.” Modern scholarship and the priests of the Re-legions alike have now muddled the meaning of the word, so as to long confuse the profound truth contained within it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo


Thank you for your patience, it’s been busy couple of days. Regarding the words YHWH and Elohim:

The first word that appears regarding the ineffable creator is the 3rd word of the scriptures, in Berashid 1:1, and it is Elohim. The constituent parts of the word are Alon, which means “Tree” and Heim, which is of course the letter H of YHWH. Literally it means “The Tree of YHWH.” The letter Hei is, 5 and the 5 and 5 of the two names makes 10, where the decagon gives ten golden triangles, with total interior angles of 1440 degrees, equivalent to 4 circles, and equivalent to the number of “stadia,” quoted in revelations for the “new earth.” Of course it is 12*120 and 144 being the 12th Fibonacci number which governs the growth of plants.

As Yeshua said, the kingdom of Heim is like a tree, that from a mustard seed grows out to be very large with many branches. This is a reference to the branching nature of time and space, and thus the “Tree of Heim.” Modern scholarship and the priests of the Re-legions alike have now muddled the meaning of the word, so as to long confuse the profound truth contained within it.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Okay, I don’t know ancient Hebrew, my question is – how would you refute allegations towards YHWH, that He’s one of many “guardians” of the nations, as to assign to geographical locations ( no matter or speculation call Them- elohim to be from some highly advanced civilization, or ancient aliens or such), so that’s why He was fighting with other “guardians”, nations. Previous explanation was that other nations were ruled by Nephilim ( which were genetic abomination) and they had to be gone, not to corrupt humankind. Then this Italian translator go on to try called YHWH god of the mountain ( as to localize him), think many would feel better with this when they struggling to get grip on butchery described in OT in other nations ( old argument – how All Loving God can be master of cruel genocides etc.
Could you please give your take on character of YHWH and His actions, less in esoteric meanings, more on something tangible. Metaphors and image are welcome,

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo

I hope you will forgive the intrusion, Karo, but I’d be willing to take a crack at this (not to subtract anything from Gem’s responses, which I have no doubt will be, as usual, full of points of great interest).

I doubt allegations like those you mention can be “refuted,” per se, but it often enough suffices to see on how little they are actually founded. On what concrete historical or archeological grounds is Yahweh claimed to be one of the “guardians” of the nations, or a mountain god (or storm god, metallurgical god, etc.)? What evidence is there that Yahweh, or even a god of similar name, was ever worshiped by anyone other than the Israelites? The answer to both questions is identical: little to none, and tending decisively toward none. All of these theories are reducible to straight up assertions issuing from strictly modern presuppositions — first among them, that the worship of the gods developed “evolutionarily,” and so the worship of Yahweh had to do the same. These presuppositions open the way for tenuous readings of totally decontextualized scriptural passages; and such readings inevitably ignore a greater number of passages that stand contrary to the special thesis which any given scholar is seeking to defend. In all of this, we are witness to the building of so many “scientific” sky-castles.

Against these (quite literally) baseless claims, we have the consistent self-presentation of Yahweh in the Old Testament, in which His principle characterization is not that He is connected with fertility or power, tempests or volcanoes or lightning bolts, but rather with creation — with bringing into being, and maintaining in being. His very name means as much: “He Who causes to be.”

In contrast to the gods of the nations, He is also not associated with any geographical location; He transcends all localization. His presence is granted temporarily to a people that He Himself has formed and instructed, a people he has brought into being; but that presence can be withdrawn as well as granted. By His own proclamation, He does not dwell in houses constructed by human hands. He is also never syncretized with the deities of other lands, as happened constantly in the ancient world. This is significant.

All of this, as against the mainstream scholarly view, suggests His absolute uniqueness among the ancient pantheons, and His exclusivity to Israel.

As for the title of “Elohim,” so far as I understand the matter, the use of the plural here does not indicate a plural subject, but is rather meant to indicate uniqueness or authority — to distinguish the Lord from all the lesser lords. This kind of “emphatic” or distinctive or respectful plural for a singular object is not unique to this word, and is in no way abnormal in scriptural Hebrew. Again, this is only my understanding; I have little enough knowledge of Hebrew, and am depending on men who are better prepared and wiser than I. I can say at least this much with total certainty: the plural “Elohim” was accepted without qualm by several millennia of Jews and Christians, so it is surely suspect that it has now become problematic amongst persons who are largely ignorant of both those traditions. I will be curious to know what @444gem, whose knowledge in Hebrew easily surpasses my own, has to say here.

Finally, with regard to the problem of warfare in the Old Testament: in the first place, to speak of “genocide” is anachronistic. The violence is real, but must be understood in context. According to the Scriptural presentation, we are not dealing with political warfare, but with spiritual warfare. The tribes which Israel was meant to destroy had been profoundly immersed in generational sinfulness and heinous practices. They are explicitly connected (via the genealogies) to the “giant clans,” demonized tribes headed by individuals of literally demonic descendency. They are the wilful continuers of the same idolatrous practices and thoroughgoing wickedness which led to the Flood.

It is these groups alone that are specifically targeted; Israel is explicitly forbidden from waging the same total war against other nations, and is not allowed to keep the goods of these evil tribes as booty. The military actions in question are thus clearly considered acts of purification.

Any attempt to read into these passages genocidal intent or purely political motivations requires us to do violence to the writings themselves. We must assume that the Scriptures present us with nothing but post hoc justifications for acts of commonplace human rapine and warfare. But to maintain this position, we must also somehow explain why the same justifications are not given in every single case, but only in a few, and why these military acts are subjected to such historically unprecedented restrictions. Following this logic, we must inevitably come to suppose that the Scripture is deliberately lying about the course of events. And once we have begun to assume that the Scripture is deliberately lying on any point, it becomes possible to claim anything at all about it, for there is no way of determining which parts of the Scripture are truthful, and which deceitful. Our use of the Scripture thereby transforms into entirely arbitrary exercises in defending one’s own pet theory. Here, too, our present-day scholarism degenerates into a state of total futility.

I’d certainly be willing to look at any more specific aspects of these problems, Karo. I pray that all of this has been in some way helpful, and I hope once again you, and Gem, will pardon me for intruding on your conversation.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

I will answer fast before I will read your post with delight ( I’m very happy to have this conversation with genuine brother, ), so I just want to thank you for taking it on at first and I’ll post further after reading with full attention, this all is very dear to me, it’s more and more attacks on Christianity, and I went through all “lost stage”, but still looking for way to rebuke all this and find firm foundation. So I’ll talk to you after. Sorry it took me ages, time is short.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo


forgot to tag you on the response above.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


This is an incredibly well written piece; solid, strong, and well founded. The entire time reading this I was beaming with joy seeing how far you’ve progressed in your thought patterns and towards having discernment in Truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Many many blessings to you Gem

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

In my opinion, there are three groups of people that know or partially know the truth. One is you people, few and and far between. Not enough to make a difference on society’s direction. Two, the perpetrators. Three, the people who become threats. These people are killed (like Epstein). This man could be uncontrolled opposition, but unless what he says has hundreds of millions of views by Americans, it’s unlikely to make much of a difference and therefore not a threat to the perpetrators.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

Like the Bible says what is the fruit of the message? What is the message in it’s entirety – is it a mixed message in which some parts are righteous and some are misleading? Or is it all a cohesive message condemning ‘wokeness’? In the little I know of this guy it seems his message is absolutely consistent and righteous in condemnation.

I would caution folks not to read too much into peripherals and examine the fruit; the message. If the message deviates and there are occult things going in conjunction like hand signs and NLP language and motioning then question that person’s integrity.

I disagree the ‘few people’ are too small to make a difference. The mustard seed is small and look what it turns into. We will be in the tiny minority all through these End Times and yet we are victorious with YHWH in our hearts.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Maybe I’m just pessimistic, it’s just too bad that not more people are on the side of God.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan


If there is even one viable seed of Truth that remains, then from it can be reborn fields upon fields of trees that bear its nourishing fruit. This is the parable of the sewer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Look at his hands. He keeps throwing signs. His talk was great though.

1 year ago

All of you are controlled opposition as well, you’re not special. Be good little sheep and digest your daily dose of western digital media and cry on the internet about what offends you. Completely pathetic excuse of a population that deserves everything that’s coming to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

BlackHeart is more like it – wishing harm on an entire population sounds like demon speak

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I think blacksheep is a little boy with no friends so he projects his self loathing on everyone else to try and make himself feel good. But that only lends itself to more self hatred. He has sheep in his name for crying out loud. Bet he loves those Welsh boyos isn’t it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Yokel17

Oh man that cuts deep Yokel. But you might be right though he speaks as if humanity is beneath him

1 year ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

Just because it’s coming from a controlled person doesn’t mean you cannot learn anything. You just have to be aware the guy has an agenda or is following one.

1 year ago

I don’t know if I am reading too much into this, but a few times I thought I saw him doing the baphomet hand signal. Also, there was that bit about telling the truth “like our friend from the World Economic Forum” or saying Fauci was the greatest scientist in the world or mentioning George Soros in a positive light– that didn’t sit well with me. Otherwise very interesting.

Last edited 1 year ago by Confused
1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

It’s all cynical sarcasm. That’s his style.

1 year ago

I totally did not get that vibe.

1 year ago

It seemed like clear sarcasm to me as well. And I didn’t see any hand signals

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

He does them. He didn’t do them in mocking.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

Glad to see someone else caught this, it’s very important that we pay attention to these people’s little signs and it’s relieving you saw it.

1 year ago

I don’t agree with everything he says, but it is interesting that he talks about the vast influence the mystery religions have had on the west. I have always been interested in religion and studied it for years. That is what pulled me in to VC and conspiracy in general, when I realized it was a spiritual thing. The “Illuminati” kept sending signals about the ancient religions, and especially the worship of the great goddess. It was a challenging puzzle; I could not figure out what the connection was, and what one, foundational religion they were practicing, because I had not yet realized that Satan is real, and that the unifying factor in all those religions was that they are Satanism. It was so obvious it was hidden, at least to me at that time, and remains hidden to most of the world. I am sure a lot of people with a stronger Christian background than me realized it but I got a secular education from public schools and a degree from a similar university and very little religious instruction until I was an adult and embarked on it on my own. I saw it as the fundamental question of life, what version of reality are we in, what is the truth about God? It is not an unanswerable question at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

It is interesting for sure, I found it fascinating the connection he made between trans movement and ancient mystery thinking – as this is work in progress through ages, and trans movement from my research is only stepping stone to full blown transhumanism, so to cross this barrier in very drastic way…one taboo ( for reason, same as killing is taboo and cannibalism etc for healthy society) as gender – making it something not real ( which is in opposition to natural order) by very invasive biotechnology procedures, next step is making being human not real and by biotech procedures ending up something profound in natural order – giving those changed absolutely dependant on those biotech support, making them absolute overlords. Simple observation can one doubt any intentions of this overlords – why instead of this technological progress ( which in actuality brings more harm then good) , do not focus all this effort on better standards of living, and not only material, but throughout, well , everyone here knows why , not enough though its said about brutal technology which overtakes our whole being in this system…as to focus on our souls sucking instead of real positive tech as in machines in dangerous for humans conditions, engineering for benefit of disadvantage etc, no, instead we have less social interactions, ridiculous panopticon, less intelligence and creative skills etc… that should be addressed but almost nobody is talking about it. Were we ( previous civilizations) in similar predicaments,? Always falling with same wrong use of technology? Mass destruction of organic world and our own very souls? What is this curse upon us? Is there other entities behind it luring us every time to our own destruction? Absolute anihilation of souls by technology?

1 year ago
Reply to  Karo

It makes me think of what Arthur C Clarke, a rabid atheist, said: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. The world is fallen and the demonic realm is real. They work on infiltrating the material world. Why not use technology? And regarding blurring the genders, I read once on an archaeology website that graves were found in Babylonia where biological males were buried in women’s clothing and jewelry and with grave goods associated with females. They seemed accepted by the society, buried alongside the more ordinary male and female graves. The article theorized they were a priest class. That seems to jibe with Babylonian magic.

1 year ago

I really wanted to trust this guy, and he speaks very well about the subject matter. But, in this video , he develops a rather peculiar issue with his left hand, repeatedly, while speaking. Go to about 47 seconds in and watch carefully. Seems a little suspect to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  papazhan

The hand sign is definitely there but it doesn’t match with the words he speaks. All along he is blasting wokeness and never deviates. I think everyone recognizes woke culture is the work of the devil – and all he ever does is expose it in no uncertain terms in it’s relation to luciferianism and the destruction of humanity.

In my experience when people use occult hand signs purposefully it is is step with something subversive or deceitful they are saying. He never deviates from his message that woke culture is terrible no matter how you look at it. I think the hand sign was unconscious and without purpose.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s not exactly a natural hand position. I can see why you would want to see some innocence in this but I noticed him toss it up when he mentioned ‘truth’ and repeated certain satanists. It doesn’t mean he isn’t saying anything of worth…

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Admittedly I only watched the first 4 or 5 minutes of the talk papazan posted so I can’t speak to it fully and this is the first I’ve heard of this person.

But I ask you – have you ever seen the student section during a University of Texas football game? Every single person is doing the ‘devil horns’ hand sign. Does that mean they are all satanists? To them it means Longhorns the cattle with long horns.

There has to be more context then just the ‘sign’. I didn’t detect any inconsistencies in his main talk it was a congruent message.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I haven’t watched this and can’t right now, but I’ll try to get back to it. Sometimes it’s very hard to tell, especially with a new source, until you’ve watched them for a bit. Some people consistently speak a great deal of wisdom. It’s the draw-in for those far more aware than most – they can’t get the one’s growing closer with the obvious bs. Their lies must be extremely subtle. And very possibly some of them are deceived, too, and saying things they truly believe in good faith.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I do agree with the mindless social contagion and group signals, although I also see how these signals are cross-seeded to harvest a lower-energy (than knowing, deliberate participation).

Like Burning Man – how many attendees have any real idea of what all that’s about? Alternately, how much does it matter if they don’t? Don’t they contribute a load of energy regardless? It’s very emotional for them.

The Tx A&M people, same thing – they are making the signs (incidentally, colleges with devil/demon mascots make the same sign) and their emotions are very heightened at the time – I think it still contributes something.

Think of how we’re being continually shown how words correlate across languages and ages. Aren’t letters only symbols as well?

Maybe it’s a similar principle as watching media or listening to music, it implies consent, wittingly or no.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Burning man and football games are designed and intended to farm energy and possibly form demonic attachments though. Especially burning man where huge amounts of drugs are consumed, many hook ups occur and much of the art is clearly luciferian.

If they can get people to do the devil horns like at football games for their demonic mascot then that’s all the more ki. I don’t see the correlation to sitting and watching a speaker offer key information on luciferian tactics.

To me a hand sign has to be accompanied by something subversive to have any kind of effect that they would covet. I suppose it’s possible he’s trying to gain trust before doing something subversive but I just didn’t get that vibe from him or the arena.

Again, what’s the fruit. If anyone can point at something directly subversive he said in that speech I would certainly listen I just didn’t see it. And he didn’t put up with any nonsense from the crowd trying to shout him down I respected that.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon do you maybe have an example, a link to a video where someone does this signals? You don’t mean the above/below, hidden hand etc. right, NLP had different signs?

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

Here’s one @Vesica_Pisces. This guy is obviously subverting this woman’s message (watch his body language and facial expressions) and is eating up most of the allotted time with his nonsense, redirecting her into repetition and even “jokingly” asks at one point whether his last name is associated with a bloodline family (it is, peripherally) but at about 34:44 he throws up a very obvious sign. You can watch her demeanor change for a bit afterward, as she recognized it, too. She’s trying to carry on normally, but her openness and ease are gone and she gives a couple of strong tells as she turns entirely away, takes a drink, etc – her expression shows she recognizes the betrayal. She was due to go back on with him several more times, but she later posted a video talking about needing to stop doing so many interviews because one of the things the occultists do is to eat up the time of people trying to help by making it appear they are promoting knowledge and are on their side. It’s also a subtle appeal to ego. //

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you, I’ll check it out. In the beginning of March there was a shooting in Hamburg. I was reading something and in the background I heard the news. The reporter mentioned 7 people killed among them a 7 months old unborn baby and the police arrived in 7 minutes, because there was a training nearby (how convenient…). My ears just went up when I heard that.
I hope this helps me become more aware of signals in the media also.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

There is a startlingly high correlation of a “training exercise” associated with these events, it seems. And yes, they definitely code numbers into it all. I don’t understand gematria – that’s still something I need to learn, but at least we can see their fingerprints in the repetitions.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That guy is creepy. I watched a few minutes before having to go but I agree his demeanor and expressions and signs indicate he is not on her side and trying to divert.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

He spiritually repulsed me. I found it very hard to watch the entire thing, but I wanted to hear what she had to say.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

NLP language is a complex art that I studied years ago but really am out of touch with now. Dedicated satanists are very adept at combining the message with NLP and signals.

I haven’t watched AE’s video yet but what she said already makes my point. The hand signs and NLP have to be connected with a subversive message to have any effect.

Gina apparently immediately picked up on the subversive message combined with the hand sign.

1 year ago
Reply to  papazhan

I agree. He’s throwing signs.

1 year ago
Reply to  papazhan

It’s the same sign I kept seeing in the last video too but I suspect it I look I can find more.