
MR. BEAST and the Baphomet agenda

MR. BEAST and the Baphomet agenda

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1 year ago

You know what’s weird is nobody truly knows how much this man is worth. Some say he worth over 100 or 500 million. Others say he he is already a billionaire. I also remember when YouTube first started pushing him on us. He was making videos counting to around 1 million or more on camera.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago

He comes across as having very low intelligence it’s not surprising he has gleefully sold out – and counting to a million on his first YT videos somehow proves this lol

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I was mistaken. He would count to like 200,000.😂 What’s also weird is some of his early videos show him torturing himself too. He would watch a meme or terrible music video for 10 hours or more straight. He actually would go as far as 24 hours sometimes. Then he started promoting even more crazy videos that usually were gluttonous as soon as he sold out and started making money. Almost like he had the money already. I remember noticing that when YouTube had that despicable trending section. People think he is doing this out of the kindness of his heart when giving random people money. But he does it on camera and gets paid in the end for it and expecting something in return every single time isn’t very kind.

1 year ago

I haven’t watched this and likely don’t likely intend to, but he sounds like a middleman getting his cut of the funds. I have no idea what the drive is and don’t want to right now. But this sounds like pure bribery, just more openly than they usually do it.

1 year ago

This is the first I’ve heard of him but from what you’ve said I bet he signed a really bad deal – he’s the type of person satan will use up and throw away quickly

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I wouldn’t underestimate him. He is opening business after business and actually is building himself a successful empire. We thought the Paul brothers would be irrelevant soon after and look how much were rewarded with from their deal with the devil and how he got them out of their scandals. If they can lure the children away then they get brownie points for sure.

1 year ago

agreed, his backers run this world.
The same people who started the p**n industry and made rap music a phenomenon. 🤫

1 year ago

The Paul brothers seem rather intelligent though this guy seems very dim. But if he produces and gets kids in his satanic corner – that helps his cause a lot like you said. I think a lot of celebrities feel great pressure to be successful because if they don’t produce big numbers for their master they get killed.

A. E.
A. E.
1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Many people respond to fear, but far more respond to incentive. Incentive is offered with the big prize accompanied by small step-strides. The “turning of the screws” comes later, as the demands get more distasteful.

1 year ago

Considering his last name is Peerage and you don’t get promoted like that unless you’re a cousin, I’d say he did already have the wealth.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I read somewhere that he was in the GATE program which is very suspect. 🤷‍♂️

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

He’s started out annoying, but now he’s so evil. It would be better to have a milestone tied to him.

1 year ago

Well said by this man.

1 year ago

Check out Couture to the Max. a 4 yar old boy who makes $1400 couture gowns for celebrities. He is arguably making the As Above So Below pose on his website portfolio page Max Alexander (

And if nothing else it’s typical Hollywood child labor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Why doesn’t it surprise me he caters to the “rainbow crowd”.
I bet they call him an indigo child or something of the like

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Hmm, that’s for me using children for agenda, pretending to give them voice ( like in the case of sex change, when 4 year old can “decide” what gender etc ..) but really it’s just more upside down – make parents being ordered by children, instead other way around, and all under rainbow flag , but only under big liberation movement – liberation from natural order ( or God’s order, but even atheist should feel it), from rational thinking, from healthy values etc, ofcourse they’ll use children same way they use all vulnerable groups – use, abuse and throw away, in meantime wreck havoc by proxy of those groups, really sick tactics…

1 year ago

It’s sad to think he started out with promoting Jesus and the bible on YouTube He was a Christian then he turned his back on Christ

1 year ago
Reply to  John

I doubt he ever was, it was probably a lure.

1 year ago

so sad how the people/entities in charge take goodness and make it bad. 😐
But his chosen moniker, does speak volumes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Goldie
1 year ago
Reply to  Goldie

That’s the first thing, his little signal to the rest.

1 year ago

He also said he would be the first in line to take the neurolink brainchip. 👍

1 year ago

🤗Someone should doa deep dive something on the new D&D movie that just came out. 👍

1 year ago

There’s no way I’m gonna play with anything called Mr. Beast. Sometimes it’s just too obvious.

1 year ago

Ms. Beast