
These Little Ones – Stew Peters (

Today on the Stew Peters Show, we proudly present the worldwide premiere of “These Little Ones”. Millions of children vanish each year. 83,000 each month. 2,700 a day. 115 per hour. 1 every 30 seconds. It makes you wonder…where do they all go? From the producers of “Watch the Water”, directors Matthew Miller Skow and […]

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2 years ago

A few years ago I was explaining to a friend that the Luciferians sacrifice kids because it is a pleasing sacrifice to demons, and the rewards are greater. Pretty dark stuff.

He said, “There’s no way that a ton of kids are just going missing, with no one looking for them.”

Undocumented foreign kids is one of many ways, but I think it’s a big one.

2 years ago
Reply to  breaker

so are abortions. as well as their parts being profitable. the most heinous crimes against the most vulnerable of life. satanic. and all the “plant based” meats are not what you think. “heme” is from hemoglobin but they want you to think “somehow” (wink, wink) that you can get this blood out of soy, or whatever. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Soylent Green baby. they told us what they had planned. click on the image to see. wakey, wakey. this is God vs. evil. you get to choose. all they want is your very Soul.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Hi 👋 you are spot on, about what these evil 😈 people have planned

2 years ago

I made around 4 minutes and had to quit. Overwhelmingly evil! Beyond my comprehension!

2 years ago

Thank you for posting this.

2 years ago

Oh my God. I hate to watch anything I can’t read the synopsis to beforehand as I want to protect my spirit, but something told me to watch this.
I am not surprised, but to see it laid out like this is so painful.
I don’t know what else to say, except to die like Isaac Kappy is nobler than what I am doing now, knowing what I know. Unless we many rise up at once and put an end to this evil, we will continue to watch the predators amongst men thrive and spread their hold, simply because we do nothing. We continue to worship and enrich these parasites. We feed the devil.