Nicholas Hoult can be seen making a freemason sign, “the sign of the master of the second veil.”
Clear as day. No, this doesn’t mean he is a mason, no it doesn’t mean the magazine or its editors are masons.
What is clear is that they “sympathize” with them and this is their “hello from below”
he looks done with this s**t
The material wealth that comes with this a*s kissing keeps him happy. 😁
Most likely he isn’t, of course… only puppet, this submission is obviously his ticket to carreer. He must obey.
Anyway the goal is to saturate the media with this occult, in your face, symbolism
Imagine if you are a Brit or just live there and you met him once on the street and asked him about this “pose” on the cover of this mag ?!? Famous people should be annoyed like this on the regular basis, ashamed for participating in this occult agenda.
Refuse and resist !!