
Illuminati symbolism in The Steve Harvey Show (tv show, 1996-2002)

From the Steve Harvey Show episode titled “Rent” (season 3, episode 8, 1998).

Cedric the Entertainer’s character creates a fake religion to avoid paying taxes.  

He is seen in one of his “sermons” wearing a vestment cape, similar to one worn by the clergy of the Catholic church with a visible and clear pyramid and eye logo on his back.

Other strange geometric shapes and occult objects and symbolism are slightly visible.

If you place close attention, you will notice the following dialogue in Cedric’s character:

– Today I want to talk to you about a thing called love. 

– Today I wanna talk to you about a brotha who fell on hard times.

– He was tempted by the green, by the cheddar, by the dolla dolla bill.  

– He was lost until he saw the light.

Steve then says, “Couldn’t see the light, paid the bill, saw the light.”

I know its a stretch but it might be a subtle-subliminal about how people have to “pay to play” in the entertainment industry.   Let’s recap.

1) He was on hard times (struggling actor).

2) He was motivated by money (i.e. fame)

3) Could’nt see the light at first, paid the cost (sell soul), then saw the light and was overcome with “love” (support from the industry). 

4) He was lost then “found” by the light.

Similar to how apprentice masons enter masonry.  They are “profane” then come out “enlightened.”

Hmm, also sounds a lot like what actors need to do to “make it” in Hollywood, right?

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1 month ago

The dolla dolla bill comment is a big red flag, considering the Masonic imagery on the back of the bill.

1 month ago

2 Corinthians 11:15 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michele


1 month ago

The self flagellation when he walked in… 😶