
Google Doodle of 10/24/24 – "Rise of the Half Moon"

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Sara Huseynova
Sara Huseynova
10 days ago

what does it mean??

10 days ago
Reply to  Sara Huseynova

Masonic duality, obvious one-eye sign

9 days ago
Reply to  Sara Huseynova

@Sara Huseynova

It is the eye of Horus in ancient Egyptian lore. It was said that the eye of Horus was lost in a struggle with set (representing chaos), and then was repaired magically by Hathor, the solar cow goddess. Thus the moon represented the MOON EYe (like money, the mono-eye.)

This is why the moon is in the face with one eye closed and a smile. It is then given with a Heptagon to its right (a seven sided shape.) the 7 candlesticks of the Menorah, 7 days of the week… 7 nodes of the inner solar system.

9 days ago
Reply to  444Gem


I always look forward to reading from you.
I cannot describe it properly because the german words do not exist in english but it gives me a calming feeling.
You have improved my consciousness for the father. To believe in YHWH and Jeshua gives me eyes to see.
I never wrote before because the language is a big obstruction for me. I cannot express what i really want to say. But i can say “thank you”.
I dont understand all of your informations, im not as intelligent as you, but nevertheless it improved me as a person.
Compassion and forgiveness grow within me everyday.

9 days ago
Reply to  solate


I’m glad I can offer you some help along your path towards finding The Truth. If you ever wish to ask any questions, leave me an email where I can reach you, and I’ll be in touch.

Vielen Dank für die freundlichen worte.

8 days ago
Reply to  444Gem

Great to hear from you Gem. I noticed that you and many other top contributors have left this website. Where is your new headquarters?
can we join?

6 days ago
Reply to  rona


If you leave an email here, I can reach out and contact you there.

5 days ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi Gem, my email @

7 days ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you gem, I have read all your articles here and I am interested in anything you can let me have.
I have always waited for a sequel of monkeys.
There are some deeper questions that concern me, so far I’m trying to solve them within myself.
But I have one or two questions you may could help me with.

My email is

Thank you.
And my thanks belongs
lgageharleya too. Your deep and warm comments take weight of my heart and increases my courage and hope.

7 days ago
Reply to  444Gem

Good to see you @444gem. Just got home after an extended absence and no way to contact otherwise just now. Trusting all is well.

7 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

lgageharleya You were also missed, didn’t see your interesting comments for quite a while. Are you involved in this crazy election? are you going to vote?

7 days ago
Reply to  danilo

Hello, @danilo, and thank you immeasurably for the kind words. I have no plans to vote nor any desire for involvement on any level. I refuse to entertain farce.

Just went thru my own, personal hell, in case I had any previous holdover angst about an ounce of it all. I’ll refrain from further details here to spare the innocent amongst the tribes any further pain. Very welcome to know I was missed! Thank you most sincerely.

7 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Should Gem see this, I still have, ironically, my old gmail as well as my old number on a new/used phone, if he retains any record of either (or ever had that email addy). No pressure either way.

7 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@solate (Trying to post the following, but I see you’re on hold too – I stay on permanent hold on their mother site.)

Perfect LOVE drives out ALL *fear*.

No fear, no shame (SIN is only “missing the mark” and AMARTIA means you were misled), you don’t have to worry ’bout a thing…not 2025, nor 2030…because the whole world’s on lockdown now (Under The Dome) – even those in their super-safe, magnificent bunkers…(well guess what…? some safes can no longer be opened by their owners [bet we can all guesstimate how many now LIE beneath]…got to call in the most excellent locksmith…unless the key was always in your hand…) Despise the failures/mistakes/missteps of your past, cry tears of relief over your present and of joy over your future.

“Then Yeshua (“Jesus”) told him, “I entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.””
John 9:39 NLT

The true King has been in the field since the man holding the water pitcher manifested in the heavens. Don’t miss this boat!

 — Ineffable Creator of ALL (the living, the dead and the walking “dead”) please open all our spiritual eyes and ears, drop the scales from our eyes and heal the deaf (ever watched these elders who still insist they ain’t too blind to keep driving themselves….? lol; we, most, revert to children in the “modern times’” end…if we ever truly grew up at all – let’s hear it for all of us late-bloomers!)

For EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue shall confess…(we may all do it now or do it later).

Good word for this present day, thank you to YHWH for it! Be very blessed, *each and every one.

6 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Thank you so much for this. I needed it.
Your words make me cry, not the first time.

6 days ago
Reply to  solate

@solate Glad you got it. Glad I got to see your post addressing me. They moderate intact hyperlinks, btw…remove https www. Etc plus dot com. Best <3
(I have finally reached the end of the seemingly endless well of my own tears – radical honesty finally gets you there…eventually.)

6 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Too bad I didn’t screenshot for us both. Ah well…hard to keep up once the hits keep coming. Stay strong.

6 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Fast and furious…that’s just how you’ve got to roll. Learn to take the fall from their horse (tuck in, duck, relax and let inertia take most of the hit. Get up, dust off and saddle up again. Same as with “sin” and “Amartia”, btw.)

6 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Oh no, I’ve said too much…I haven’t said enough…

6 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The image I selected for “Ear To Hear” was the quote from Job (those slaving away at jobs for The Man [of many faces..? How many know that finding your true work’s calling makes it less of a “job”?]) fruitlessly chasing money money money mO-ney (mammon). Instead of throwing off that albatross (yoke) around their necks (My yoke is easy and my burden light – He is the King of a willing Company following THE WAY (The Truth and The Light).
See how good prophets, like the first Elijah, wrote about the same…

We all must go through our own trials to become refined. By His good fire.

4 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Hi lgageharleya, my email @
It would be a great pleasure to start a troll free email contact group with you and 444Gem and any other respectful person.

4 days ago
Reply to  Rona

Thanks for the offer, @Rona. I’m still attempting to see whether I can regain contact myself, as terms and conditions seem to have changed on my end, but I’ll tag @444gem for you and fully encourage you in this contact. Best!

4 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Missing all my good company, the old and the new I’ve yet to meet. The old guard saw me through my latest trial with flying colors! Much love and hope to meet up very soon <3

4 days ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you lgageharleya, where i live digital ID is being now introduced for all government internet services. I guess the days of anonymous free and open internet are soon coming to an end. events are accelerating.
I hope we get to build with 444gem a good email community.

4 days ago
Reply to  444Gem

Like the LG logo????

4 days ago
Reply to  Paulo


Yes, the LG logo is the same symbolism. L = Lamed/Lambda G = Gamel/Gamma which are 33 alphanumerically in Hebrew and Greek.

10 days ago

Google was founded with government money.

9 days ago

It’s the “one-eye” symbol based on the ancient Egyptian story of Horus (and it goes back further). I doubt that anyone commenting here will discuss the true meaning.

It has to do with ritual sodomy as THE way for death-cultists (Freemasons, Luciferians, Satanists, Zionists, et al, whom some would generally call “the elite”) to achieve their inverted, perverted version of “enlightenment.”

“Enlightenment” or “illumination” occurs during sodomy — which is typically preceded by ritualistic torture — when the victim experiences intense flashes of light accompanied by excruciating pain, causing him or her to dissociate. During that time, the victim’s true identity, called the “core self,” is compartmentalized due to the preceding prolonged fear and torture, and s/he is easily programmed with demonic and alternate personalities (called “alters”) to be used by the death-cultists for their anti-life agenda. Victims are assigned “handlers” to ensure that the programming remains effective.

The death-cultists use the term “Illuminated,” and of course this is another inversion of Life.

Everything with these “Illuminati” types is about sodomy, and especially ritual sodomy.

In general, “victims” are bloodliners who are already in the “elite” family. Their “rags to riches” are totally fake. That’s why your book never got picked up by a publisher, and your music never caught the ears of a major label A&R executive, and your paintings never got into a gallery next to [fill in famous artists’ name]. It is all artificial elevation based on ritual sodomy. You have to be in the club to be clubbed into submission and elevated so that everyday folks will worship you like a god.

No one will like my comment. I know that, and I could care less at this point. The Truth is what it is, and if other folks don’t want to do their own DEEP research and soul-searching to discover it, I cannot force them to do so.

9 days ago
Reply to  Sharine

I appreciate your comment, Sharine. Here is some information about the consequences of ritual sodomy. Aleister Crowley allegedly raped and murdered hundreds of children and babies and this is the person that so many celebrities and politicians want to imitate. They are mentally, physically and spiritually sick people:

9 days ago
Reply to  Sharine

Here is another website that describes depravity:

Sodomy opens up the body to demon possession which is why homosexuals suffer physically, mentally and spiritually. Sodomy is an anti-life activity. It does not produce life and, therefore, proliferates death in the individual. The Bible says that if sodomites do not repent and accept the spirit of life, Jesus, then death will remain in them forever.

9 days ago
Reply to  Sharine

“It’s the “one-eye” symbol based on the ancient Egyptian story of Horus”

“It has to do with ritual sodomy”

…in short, the ugly story about Horus being sodomised by Seth. Whether it fascinates the demented autoproclamed “elite” or not, they do it because they know it is abnormal, imoral and that God condemns it. It degrades the mind, the body and the soul so I guess the ultimate pleasure for these creeps is to mock and outrage God. …and of course demons attach – like the flies that track the dirt.

8 days ago
Reply to  crisspf

It probably also has a lot to do to assert dominance and control over an apprentice. Ritual sodomy. Like a sick hazing entering a club.

8 days ago
Reply to  rick

that, too

8 days ago
Reply to  Sharine

Makes sense, Sharine! Good info.

7 days ago

Oh, did Google take a day off from their normal schedule of “Marxists throughout history to be celebrated today” to promote a different agenda in our cosmos?