
Woman experiences severe symptoms after being administered vaccines

A woman seeking treatment for a rare autoimmune disease at UCI medical center has experienced bizarre reaction to “mandatory” cocktail of vaccines needed for procedure.

From the article:

A 23-year-old Florida woman has been temporarily blinded and bruised after allegedly being required to receive multiple vaccines before a blood transfusion for a rare autoimmune disorder.

Alexis Lorenze was diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) in January.

Earlier this month, Lorenze reportedly traveled to California for a transfusion to replenish her damaged blood cells.

Upon her arrival at UCI Medical, she claims doctors informed her that she could not receive the transfusion unless she first received vaccines for tetanus, pneumonia and meningitis, all administered simultaneously.

Some medical experts have argued that these vaccines are not mandatory while others have suggested they should not have been administered so quickly all-together.

From the article:

She said that within 10 minutes after the vaccinations, she began to experience alarming symptoms: her vision darkened in both eyes, her jaw locked, she began vomiting, and her body swelled and bruised.

Medical experts have voiced concerns about the potential dangers of administering multiple vaccines at once, especially in patients with autoimmune conditions like PNH as these patients can have heightened immune responses, leading to severe complications.

Very scary situation and this further fuels speculation and distrust once more about the severity of vaccines.  

I think its time manufacturers like pfizer and moderna along with othera are held accountable for injuries like this; maybe that will help create more trust around the vaccination program.


Woman with rare disease claims she’s now blind and bruised after doctors made her get 3 vaccines

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34 minutes ago

This 23-year old must just be confused about what has happened to her.
The best science in the world tells us that these shots are safe and effective.