
"Young Presidents Organization" (YPO) – Exclusive Global Club for Presidents and CEO's of Major Corporations that Swears Members to Absolute Secrecy (

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Wondering how the WEF could pull off the galling betrayal of public trust represented by COVID hoax and toxins? The rich are organized in satanic secret societies. The YPO, a secretive worldwide group of business Presidents, is an example. Ostensibly dedicated to networking, I have been told they are required to engage in compromising behavior and reveal personal information so they can be blackmailed. 

The Young President’s Organization is an example of the web of networks the Masonic Jewish bankers use to regiment society worldwide. The goyim are more than willing to sell out their society for cachet and success. You could pack all the Jews off to Israel and little would change. The following information has been gleaned from Internet sources:

“Globally, YPO has 10,500 members and more than 25,000 alumni in more than 100 countries. They manage companies that together employ more than four million people and generate combined annual revenues of more than $3 trillion.

The moment you get sworn as a YPO member, you are sworn to secrecy. No matter what, you must not talk about it to the world; not even your spouse, explains a YPO member.

YPO meetings are held in tight secrecy. In fact, the level of confidentiality is so high that no one is expected to spell out a word about a meeting to anyone.” Source

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30 days ago

The logo is so blatant. Pyramid with checkerboard…come on.

29 days ago

Not certain, but the inner design is similar to an inverted trapezus – Tannit? Inside a blue pyramid (symbol of power and origin) and one golden triangle, upright, amongst the drones (as above, so below) – they assert their lower and “pin” the recruits (just like they pin officers in the military.)