
Olympic boxer deemed to have male chromosomes wins fight in 46 seconds, opponent left in tears after hard hits (

An Algerian boxer in the midst of a gender eligibility controversy won her match against an Italian fighter and left her in tears in the 46-second bout.

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1 month ago

That sinister, evil smirk.

1 month ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

I hope somebody forces this clown to eat his own sports bra.

1 month ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Eventually “ every revolution eats its own” … with bra, or without

1 month ago

So tired of this garbage…

1 month ago

Biological male beating a lady, what an incredible achievement. It’s like there’s no shame anymore.

1 month ago

He must be proud of himself getting a medal for beating a woman up

Last edited 1 month ago by godisgood
1 month ago

The more I think about it, it’s like these people who are transgender / homosexual / etc. are spreading a contagious virus. It’s affecting the brain and logical thinking. Spreads by exposure.

1 month ago
Reply to  Pandzia

They are like a religious cult in the way that they operate. If you look up cult tactics, it’s like a point-by-point list of how these people operate.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lee

When I learned of this outrageous boxing situation at work today, I got so angry on behalf of these poor women abused by this pathetic excuse for a man.
I hope some Italian men team up with some Algerian men who still have brains to know which gender they are and that they hunt this pretender down and streetbox him to the point that he will never be able to box ever again.
I told my boss if I had been in that audience when the Italian woman felt forced to forfeit under the poser’s abuse of her, I would have immediately walked through the aisles until I had found 6 men with brains who would join me to defend the honor of this abused woman this pathetic man had just wrecked.
Doesn’t matter that I’ve never boxed in my life.
It’s time to pick up that donkey mandible if you know what I mean.
Goliath dropped because the LORD was with His servant David, and I know with certainty that our LORD is not with a pathetic man calling himself a woman so he can win medals for beating up real women.

1 month ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Im with you! This makes my blood boil. And all gemale boxers should boycott this and never allow to be assaulted in public by this full grown coward.

1 month ago
Reply to  Godisgood

I think some of the (real) women boxers are beginning to put their foot down and are refusing to fight these lunatics.
I hope this Algerian returns home from the Olympics with whatever medals he has robbed true women fighters of, and that he becomes hunted and targeted by Algerian citizens who care about truth for the rest of his life to the point where he can never leave his home again out of fear for his personal safety.

1 month ago

Crazy begats crazy,,,, evil begats evil…EVIL IS , WHAT EVIL DOES…

1 month ago

That MAN must be proud bringing home a medal for beating up anwoman. Does algeria has no female boxers anymore that’s why thye have to send this cowars?

1 month ago

Look at that godforsaken creature! Debauched slag of a “man”.

Confused 2
Confused 2
1 month ago

I don’t know if this athlete is transgender. There are women out there taking testosterone supplements to build more muscle and strength (and can end up looking more manly).

1 month ago
Reply to  Confused 2

He and another male were previously eliminated from the Women’s Worldwide Boxing Championships for having XY chromosomes. So it wasn’t even about appearance or testosterone, it was genetic testing. Yet the Olympics don’t test for gender and don’t care. They are trying to annihilate Women’s sports.

Confused 2
Confused 2
1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

I stand by what I said. The IBA President, who is Russian, was the one who claimed that after Khelif beat a female Russian wrestler. The IBA is no longer in existence and the findings were never published. I think the media is just stirring up dissention which they do so well.

More and more women are taking s******s, testosterone supplements and creatine supplements to build muscle. S******s and testosterone will definitely make women look more like men. You see pictures on the internet of women being just as muscular as men.

Last edited 1 month ago by Confused 2
1 month ago

lol… Mike Tyson has offered to box the lady baller and donate all proceeds to an abused womans charity. I highly doubt this clown will accept the offer, probably saying that it would be “unfair”. the clown show continues.

1 month ago

Won HIS match. There fixed it for ya. He has XY chromosomes.

1 month ago

This was a ridiculous story to begin with. Khelif is a biological woman, not trans. It’s illegal to be gay or trans in Algeria. Carini is just a sore loser.

1 month ago
Reply to  A N

A N please tell us all why you think that Khelif is a biological woman.
How do you know more about Khelif’s gender than Carini who was in the ring with him and personally testified that this slimey poser hit her harder than she ever had been in her entire professional boxing career?
How do you know more about it than her?
Did you step in a ring with this pathetic excuse for a man pretending to be a woman also?
Did he rattle your brain to the point that you no longer recognize external male anatomy, even if covered by a silly sports bra to hold his pecs in place?
Or are you on the payroll of Schwab’s boys at the WEF who set Khelif up for his pre-ordained (rigged) wins at this year’s games to further their plans along?
Please enlighten us as to how you acquired this intimate knowledge whereby you are certain that this man has a v****a and is in fact a woman.
I for one can see it plainly even with his shorts on and I call your bluff.
Shame on you for supporting his violence against women.

1 month ago

I looked into this on different sites. From what I’ve gathered, this person was born with a gender disorder, Disorders of sexual development. Which are conditions where a person’s reproductive organs and genitals are “mismatched” at birth. In this example this individual has male chromosomes (XY) and genitalia that appears female (vulva).

1 month ago

I don’t see any evidence that he has a gender disorder. It seems to be all just theories so far from what I’ve read. But having XY chromosomes makes a person genetically male with the strength of a man. The Olympics don’t test for gender and don’t care. All that’s needed is a passport which states you are the gender of the category that you are competing in.

Confused 2
Confused 2
1 month ago

And I read that was just online speculation. So who do you believe? People want to believe what they want. We may never know the truth.

29 days ago

Time to fight fire with fire. Women worldwide should identify as male and demand to be accepted into local masonic lodges. If they get refused, they can claim discrimination and bring the lodge to court.

29 days ago
Reply to  JIK

Where I live, there are Freemason lodges or temples in every single town.
I used to, when driving past them, pull out my air shotgun and pump off some imaginary rounds into these cesspits.
But that’s silly to pretend so more recently when I drive past them I call on the Most High LORD of Heaven & Earth to just drop a perfectly sized asteroid on them.
He hasn’t responded affirmatively to my request yet, but I smile when I remember that He has so much worse planned for punishing their wickedness when He returns at the appointed time.
These Freemason scumbags will wish that my fiery asteroid I pray on them would be the full extent of the horrible justice that’s coming.
Try to hide behind your secret oaths then, you goat-riding, child-molesting turds.
Just try.
When the true eyes that see all come for you, your pyramid with the poser’s eye on it will crumble to dust and you will have nowhere to hide from your Creator.
Somebody pop some corn.

19 days ago

Vigilant won’t approve any of my post about these males playing female roles but please go check out the masters voice prophecy blog channel on YouTube and watch the video titled “open your eyes” the beautiful men in their own words it’s a 54:48 min long video you will be shocked upon seeing all the famous men pretending to be “women”

Last edited 19 days ago by herher