
Dissecting Ireland's 2024 Eurovision performance

As the annual song contest was coming to a close, many viewers worldwide were shocked and disgusted with this year’s Irish entry to the event. Among the frightening imagery were a couple of details that may help to shed further light on what the performance means and why it was included in this year’s contest.

I have 7 pages of notes for my analysis because I wanted to research and present this thoroughly. This is my first real contribution to this site besides a few comments and I hope it will be found useful. Grab your favourite beverage and/or snack because this will be a long read.

Link to the performance:

The Performance

At the beginning the stage is briefly veiled in darkness when suddenly, the spotlight reveals the performer who was recorded with the camera upside down. In the darkness we can see the faint outline of the performer’s hands in the „As above, so below“ pose. The ritual working has begun.

Here is a classic depiction of Baphomet by Éliphas Lévi for comparison

This pose is already setting the occult theme of the show as it is also reminiscent of the Hanged Man tarot card.

The Hanged Man, the 12th card in a typical Raider-Waite deck

The basic meaning of the card, among others (self-denial, altruisim, trials in life, disintrest in worldly affairs…), is self-sacrifice in pursuit of spiritual knowledge and it has therefore been connected to Odin, who has hung himself from the cosmic tree Yggdrasil and stabbed himself with his spear in pursuit of knowledge.

As the camera turns counterclockwise, the gesture is repeated once more.

Now we are shown 2 things, a circle of candles (for summoning) and the costume.

The costume bears connections to 2 Celtic deities.

The hair is styled to look like deer antlers and deer are animals sacred to Cernunnos – the Celtic god of the underworld, forests, fertility, hunting and he also guides souls to the afterlife. He has been likened to Pan and the Green Man.

The black feathers and tulle make the dress look like a raven, the sacred animal of Odin and the Celtic triple goddess Morrígan whose spheres of influence are war and fate as she is the one who entices people to war and can turn the tide of battle. She is the bringer of violent deaths and is therefore associated with banshees. In her less violent form she is a guardian of nature, livestock and a fertility goddess. She can be seen as a goddess of transformation. She reminds me of Kali. Black is also the colour of the Nigredo stage of alchemy, the first stage of the Great Work.

Her forehead (third eye) is marked with a stylised triskellion – a Celtic symbol of trinities (body, mind, soul or earth, sea, sky, etc.). When one takes into account the invoked deities it represent the trinity of creation, destruction and rebirth, which logically leads us to the Masonic motto: Ordo ab Chao  as well as the alchemical one: Solve et Coagula It fits well with what Eurovision and many other big events have become. This specific triskellion also looks like 666, the number of the Beast.

On the chest is a metal necklace of 3 spirals which can be seen as a more subtle 666 with inverted digits. It could also be a reference to the Luciferians’s love of mirroring, inversions and chirality.

Now, on to the tattoos and other details, which are unfortunately very hard to spot as the camera angles move quickly. I watched this video slowed down multiple times and this is what I saw:

  1. snake in an infinity loop (seen in a frame or 2 at the 0:32 mark when the demon is being raised) – cycle of life, death and rebirth, also a symbol of Satan and his cyclical attempts to sway humanity to fall with him
  2. Flower of Life – sacred symbol to many cultures as all shapes can be found within it, it is a true expression of infinity and life per my analysis because it is a pattern that repeats and spreads infinitely unlike a loop which only repeats itself and does not spread
  3. Fehu rune (under the left eye)
  4. Ogham script cutting across the right eye (ancient Celtic script)
  5. keys and spirals on the tips of the nails – keys of the underworld and knowledge of black magic
  6. inverted pentagram with an eye in the middle on the back of the performer’s right hand

There are more runes on the knuckles, but they are even more difficult to see.

The demonic lover is then raised from the summoning circle, he is half-human and half-demon and has 1 horn on his head. A blue full moon above a copper crescent hovering above water appear in the background.

The moons look like 3 things:

  1. Hathor‘s solar disc – Egyptian goddess of the sky, sun, fertility, sex, love, beauty and fate
  2. Khonsu‘s lunar disc – Egyptian lunar deity, for moon magic
  3. the Wiccan Triple Goddess symbol which leads us back to Morrígan
Hathor Khonsu The Triple Goddess symbol

3 deities are invoked with 1 background image.

After that little exchange of affections the performer suddenly curls into an arch, as if an exorcism is being performed and the demon is fighting to stay in the host. The candles go out and a barbed inverted pentagram with an eye in the center appears as the candles are being relit. The demon writhes in pain. The performer is standing on the eye.

The elites say hello

The demon comes back to dance, ballet style and they lean in for a kiss.

The clothes come off and something akin to a bathing suit is revealed bearing colours of the transsexual flag. The black strings look like an inverted pentagram and Lucifer‘s sigil at once.

Just a tad too simmilar.

The room turns red and the demon catches and spins the performer as a candelabrum with symbols is being raised.

Here we can clearly see:

  1. the Fehu (Feoh) rune – fortune, happiness, hope, fulfillment, the literal translation is cattle
  2.  a triskellion
  3. the Dagaz (Daeg) rune – hope, happiness, light, transformation, clarity, victory, literal translation is day
  4. a triquetra – trinity, loops back to the triple goddess and the cycle of life, death and rebirth

More symbols surround a red 12-pointed star. This could represent many things such as the heart chakra (although it is usually depicted as green, not red), the 12 constellations and signs of the Zodiac, etc.

The demon is circling around the performer and the devil horns are pointed at him, he starts writhing in pain. Fire is shooting around the stage and stops when the demon collapses – defeated/bound at last.

Working complete.

From Liber O by Aleister Crowley

The last thing said to the crowd was: Love will triumph over hate!

And that was just the visuals, now let’s move on to the lyrics.

The lyrics

The last thing said to the crowd was: Love will triumph over hate!

And that was just the visuals, now let’s move on to the lyrics.

The album and the author

And the winner is…

The conclusion

My sympathies go to everyone who has went through horrible things, but I do not approve the use of magic for revenge, even if it may seem just. Seek support from kind and loving people instead and if you feel the desire to pray – pour out your heart before God, He is always listening and there for us all.

I want to apologise in advance in case the images are tiny, I did not account for the character limit as this is my first attempt at posting an article to this site. Thank you for reading.

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30 days ago

This is your first article post?! This is very well done! 🌻🌻 Thank you!
~K. F.

30 days ago

i hate that stupid creature

11 days ago
Reply to  dni

Hate is not the answer. We can hate the evil things she represents and does, but nothing good will come out hating the person. I hope that she will one day turn to Jesus and leave all that evil witchcraft behind her.

Kai Gabriel Simon
Kai Gabriel Simon
30 days ago

Appreciation of your courage and determination to share this detailed glimpse into the dark arts championed the Synagogue of Satan hiding in plain sight and constantly taunting us in so many aspects of our lives. This is evil. This is what evil looks like. An in your face message from the Malthusian Eugenicists who control our money supply and rule over the WEF, globalist one world institutions. It is not religion and nor is it religious – it is 100% pure EVIL (backwards = LIVE) carried forward over 1000s of years.

28 days ago

I can’t find anything beautiful or uplifting in that “performance” which is a disguised spell. No amount of “spin” can conceal the its true intention. Its really much worse than superstition, has mankind degenerated so much to turn to witchcraft? Science is better than witchcraft.

28 days ago

“As the annual song contest was coming to a close, many viewers worldwide were shocked and disgusted…”

You think so? I’d rather say they got what they expected. Everyone knows that the Eurovision is nothing more anymore but a spotlight hunting freakshow. And if you book a ticket for a bumpy ride, you surely know that you will get bumps.
Besides, after more than 2 decades of this creep Woodstock, who could be shocked or disgusted anymore? Our stomachs has been slowly hardened to be bulletproof.