
A silver horse with a silver rider galloping on water carrying the Olympics flag … or is it the bringer of death?

I knew the Olympics ceremony would be riddled with symbolism; reason why is we are in the last SEVEN before armageddon.  Aside from the last supper mock, there was a strange horse galloping in the water carrying the olympics flag.  

Some say the new pandemic will begin in 2025 and I can’t help but think this horse represents death and the flag it carries is conquest through death.

You can check out the youtube video of this here.  Unfortunately, I could not embed this onto the site.. The galloping in the middle of the river … mocking Christ?

What fo you guys think?

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1 month ago

“And I looked, and beheld a pale horse, and he that sat upon him was Death.”

1 month ago
Reply to  Lee

It’s the white horse.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lee

Look up the word for “pale” in the Greek Interlinear – it is “chloros” – the color of copper exposed to weather – the green of Osiris.

This may be pertinent:
The each-uisge, a supernatural water horse found in the Scottish Highlands, has been described as “perhaps the fiercest and most dangerous of all the water-horses” by the folklorist Katharine Briggs.[1] Often mistaken for the kelpie (which inhabits streams and rivers), the each-uisge lives in the sea, sea lochs, and fresh water lochs.[1] The each-uisge is a shape-shifter, disguising itself as a fine horse, pony, a handsome man or an enormous bird such as a boobrie.[1] If, while in horse form, a man mounts it, he is only safe as long as the each-uisge is ridden in the interior of land. However, the merest glimpse or smell of water means the beginning of the end for the rider, for the each-uisge’s skin becomes adhesive and the creature immediately goes to the deepest part of the loch with its victim. After the victim has drowned, the each-uisge tears him apart and devours the entire body except for the liver, which floats to the surface.[1]”

Also known as Kelpies – mystical water horses who – like a Pied Piper/wicked witch with a candy cottage, lure children away to their watery deaths (where they become the meal).

Alternately, it could be a self-aggrandizement as well, by those evil overlords who “Take away the key from others as you do not enter in yourselves”:

i.e. “Venturing away from Scotland’s eerie waterscapes brings us to sunnier climes. Greek mythology introduces us to the *hippocampus*—a majestic blend of brook horse, white horse, and fish, symbolizing wisdom and speed. Unlike its Celtic counterparts marked by grim narratives, hippocampi bask in positive light amidst tales filled with gods’ grandeur rather than ghastly drowning humans and handsome man or deceptive allurements.

Or a sly way of sneering at us, as the hippocampus (yes, named after that mythical seahorse) is a part of the brain reponsible for.memory, learning, etc. It’s a major part of the limbic system (“lizard brain”) that often is stunted after longterm, inescapable trauma and abuse.
More, if anyone’s curious:

This also makes me think, “Silver Surfer” and very much of Elsa’s trek of self discovery in “Frozen II” as well as one of Beyonce’s horseman promo stills from her Renaissance tour. If I’m not mistaken, the Silver Surfer overall plotline is “apocalyptic” in it’s exoteric sense, but I’m not very familiar.

1 month ago

I also think the new pandemic begins in 2025….
Bill Gates had his famous Ted talk talking about a pandemic arriving in 2015, then in 2020 we have covid, I know another one is coming, he said it himself on an interview “they will pay attention this time” while referring to a new pandemic, it could be an interval of 5 years between the start of COVID and the next pandemic

1 month ago

Do you mean the last seven Olympics before Armageddon, or the last seven years?

1 month ago
Reply to  rick

You may want to consider adjusting it to 2040-2050 for your prediction. I don’t have access to YT right now but search for “suspicious observer” on YT (he is a sun scientist) and find any video he’s done about the magnetic pole shift. In the decade I mentioned it is all but certain that the Earth’s magnetic poles will shift causing an extinction level event. Sounds like the kind of thing that would occur around the time of the second coming.

1 month ago

The horse is white, as can be seen in pictures.
It’s a representation of the white horse of revelation, which brings the antiChrist.
They had a scene with people with flags from all around the world following him.
They are celebrating his coming.

Confused 2
Confused 2
1 month ago
Reply to  Marcos

There were two horses. The white horse leading the nations on land and the silver/gray horse leading the nations in water.

Please read VC’s article which is an excellent in-depth commentary on the 2024 Olympics.

Lauren Michele
Lauren Michele
1 month ago
Reply to  rick

It’s the horse that Christ rides at rhe end of Revelations