
Kim Kardashian resembles Marilyn Monroe in Balenciaga ad (

Kim Kardashian was seen in a new ad for Balenciaga that dropped on Thursday. She was fronting the new Characters campaign with Naomi Watts and Isabelle Huppert. 

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1 month ago

Ba’al = Lucifer
Enki = Lord of the Earth
Agni = Fire-illumination

Lucifer Lord of the Earth’s Illumination

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

Balenciaga is just a Basque surname, for goodness sake! The fashion house is satanic, rotten, sold and disgusting, but the name itself is just a surname, please stop that BS!


“Following Basque naming customs, the name is a toponymic meaning house or place of the whaler, referring to the patronymic house of a family originally devoted to whaling. It is derived from the Basque words bale(a) (whale), ontzi (boat or ship) and the locative suffix ‘-aga’, combined to form bale+(o)ntzi+aga, Balentziaga.”

1 month ago
Reply to  Anacletus

The basque term “Bale” comes as a loan from the Castilian Spanish Ballena, which in turn comes from the ancient Latin Ballaena, itself loaned from the Ancient Greek φαλλαινα. This word is from the pre-Greek substrate, primarily from Hebrew-Phoenician (KAINanite) word Bel/Baal בעל

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

Easy to find source.

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

This in turn comes from the Proto Indo European word “Bel,” which means SHINING WHITE, as Lucifer (and the sun) are a shining white BALL. It is also related to PHALLIC WORSHIP, and to swell. Take a stroll through ancient Gallic worship rituals (such as the obelisk representing the phallus of Osiris), and you’ll find the direct connection to the ancient Luciferian rites of Babylon and Egypt.

If you stop at the exoteric definitions of things and actually believe them, you are only going to remain confused and mentally enslaved.

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

Their logo is 13 13 mirrored (the 13 lunar months in the Solar lunar calendar, as the 13 original colonies of the USArus and the 13 original member states of the European Union and Yeshua + 12 disciples, the 13 zodiacal signs)

it is crowned by a laurel wresth, the symbol of the SUN GOD APOLLO.

Wake up kiddo…

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

You may then want to consider that whales are a representation of a BEAST OUT OF THE SEA; which is a representation be reference to Solar Worship made in Apo Kalypso. They appear in Hebrew Scriptures as Tannanim, meaning sea beasts, and are referenced in the Apokalypso of Isiah.

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

Interesting change-up to the Ancient Greek…gives a whole new slant.

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

As a Jesus-following Christian I disagree with your theology, but I appreciate your knowledge & thought provoking content. It’s good to see you post again. Discussion quality is so much better with you contributing!

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

Glad to hear from you. You’ve been missed.

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem


willkommen, bienvenue, welcome~
gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchanté,
happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay.

1 month ago
Reply to  HollowLogs

@Gardensofglory @seeray @Hollowlogs

Thank you for the kind words; it’s always a pleasure to be able to offer information which can help in the search for Truth.

YHWH bless you

1 month ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem could you send me info on where to find your current material please?
Vesica_Pisces underscore vp at proton dot me

1 month ago

Marilyn’s look does not even suit her. Bleached blonde looks odd on her, it clashes with her deeper skin colour and black brows. She’d look so much better if the hair was dark.

Marilyn looked magnetic with this image, Kim just looks washed out. But they are so hell-bent on replicating Marilyn again and again and again, even when it makes no sense.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

she looks like s**t either way, fake plastic w***e

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical


Blume Choon
Blume Choon
1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Yup the OG beta sex kitten MKultra mind control slave to the industry..

Blume Choon
Blume Choon
1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Yes, she Marilyn was one of the first beta sex kitten mkultra slave to the industry. That’s why they always use her for the up and comings or it’s apart of their initiation to the club. They’re all in on it. If you’re in the club” you know… we useless eaters can stay useless. Or eaten.. whoa woo don’t go there. That’s another subject to discuss later.

1 month ago
Reply to  Blume Choon

I think of William Gibson’s novel “Idoru”….about a completely computer generated celebrity and how society embraces and ‘loves’ this non-real creature.
So much Velveteen Rabbit-try going on all around us.
I am at the point now where I doubt the truth of anything I read or hear from any MS sources.
The more I stay away from this stinking false idolatry, the more I see deeper into the beauty of this world, trees, grass, sun, wind, water, animals, family. I step farther and farther away from this repellent fakery and closer to my family and Yawheh and Yeshua.
I feel less and less compelled and more and more DRAWN to love and peace. Yet I also am experiencing hurt and anguish for all those who do not see they are either being misled or willfully follow lies.

Last edited 1 month ago by realestatepup
1 month ago

balenciaga the child molesters, sick f*****g satanist.

1 month ago


Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
1 month ago

Stick to your dirty videos love. You look awful in that photo. You have nothing on Marilyn.

My eyes. My poor poor eyes.

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
1 month ago

Kim…. who?

1 month ago

So sick of even just hearing her name. The need for constant attention from the public is insane. It’s sad to have that kind of money and live life soley to impress other people and want their eyes on you at all times. Like go live your life and do something fun besides having another surgery on your face.

1 month ago

At first glance, I thought that was Lady Gaga.

1 month ago

“Kim Kardashian” is yet another MK-ULTRA’d “trans-gendered” hybrid bloodliner following “her” scripted role.That it took so long for her handlers to put her in the Original Model get-up of Marilyn MANroe is interesting because usually it happens earlier in the career of MTF “artists” and actors.

I think this could be a sign that something BIG AND DISTRACTING is about to be played on the mediated stage. If I am correct, the cushy-job-keeping mockingbirds on MSM and the [mostly controlled-op] Truther Community will be displaying a long string of [faked] deaths within Hollywood, politics, sports, and other limelight arenas. That’s how the psychopathic black magicians tend to roll.

I could be wrong.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sharine

Kim has been styled like Marilyn before, numerous times. She even supposedly wore Marilyn’s original “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” dress to the Met Gala one year. I don’t really believe that it was actually that dress, because Kim’s figure is totally busted from so much fat transfer to her butt… There’s no way she could ever fit in the same dress even if she starved herself, and nobody would alter a historic garment for a one-time event to fit that centaur.

Nonetheless, my point is just that Kim has emulated Marilyn before on several occasions. This isn’t the first time. It’s basically a rite of passage at this point for starlets entering the industry… It signals their beta kitten status and willingness to sacrifice their souls for fame.

1 month ago

Wonder why no one looks into the parent company Kering and its CEO & chairman François-Henri Pinault (Husband of Selma Hayek) -They somehow managed to escape the “heat”.

He/His family also owns Christie’s Auction house …purveyors of child abuse/sex trafficking/mk ultra “art”.

(See: Jake and Dinos Chapman (Google theyre “art” in images -trigger warning).

Ask yourself Who would consume anything like this? Who would feature it for auction in they’re world renowned “high art” auction houses? besides murderous pedophiles?…

Only Ultra wealthy murderous peodphiles of course. The kind that sell and bid on sick child exploitative “art” without being investigated/raided by the FBI.

(This somehow was never questioned or noticed during the balenciaga child abuse accusation and the work is still on Christie’s)

By design they are able to operate in the open, commit their crimes against children and maintain their “innocence” at the same time.

1 month ago

In fact, François-Henri Pinault was/is sooo not worried-that his PR Team never even bothered to remove the child pornographic “art” from the Christies website…or scrub it.

It was/is there-available for all to see-not hidden, in plain sight. Not reported on. Not making headlines.

They know they’ll get away with murder because they always do.

1 month ago

disgusting! anyone who associates w/ Balenciaga is sick!!

1 month ago

Marilyn Monroe = MK Ultra Mind Control Slave!!!
Celebrities pay tribute to Marilyn Monroe!!!