
JoJo Siwa has revealed her new tattoo …

JoJo Siwa has revealed her new tattoo.  It shows a blindfolded teddy bear with angel wings and what looks to be some type of vest.  Looks like a tactical vest.

The teddy bear could be symbolic of her childhood, the blindfold a nod to slavery (industry slave)?  She grew up in the spotlight competing in pageants and on tv … she has not had freedom since birth and today celebrates her captivity.

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2 days ago

I saw a YouTube video about her that clipped her raving about Miley Cyrus’ transition into a “bad girl”. JoJo is a try-hard consumed with being popular. She can’t seem to see how cringey she is.

2 days ago

What on earth is wrong with this person 😒

2 days ago

Is it just me or this tattoo looks like its design was AI generated?

2 days ago

What is this a tmz page now lol

the M
the M
1 day ago

very very sad. Ppl do not understand the extent of the SLAVERY. I know a bit…or maybe more than a bit. These people experience literal 24/7 slavery of the worst kind, there is no escape, there is no law forbidding it and it is happening all day everyday. Now, not that non cult ppl are not enslaved. Because the sadly are too. But the cult slavery is a whole different beast. There are parallel realities going on that most people are not aware of. The cult slaves daily reality is drastically different in ways one can not imagine unless you know. Total loss of control of every aspect of your life, physical and mental. And knowing, there is no way back. Whether you scream all day, sit in silence, hurt yourself, or whatever it is you do, you know you have lost all power, no one can help you and no one can see it. Know how good you have it. Their material riches are worth peanuts in comparison to not being a cult slave. I hope for a better world one day.

1 day ago

I don’t normally care about people’s looks, but when a “celebrity” is as mediocre and devoid of talent as Jojo, I take appearance into account, as well. That being said, she falls far short of what I would expect for any tier of fame. It would be one thing if she were average; she is, in fact, far below average, with a bizarrely bald hairline and oversized glow-in-the-dark veneers that give her a ghoulish appearance.
All of these things might be ignored and accepted within the general context of her mediocrity, were it not for her insufferable and crass personality. She acts as if she were a minted star from the days of yore, having clawed tooth and nail to where she is today. In actual fact, she is barely 21 years old and has done absolutely nothing besides appear on an exploitative and pedophilic program about child dancers… Somehow garnering her a preteen audience for long enough, that she was able to later launch a “career” based on songs she admits she has bought, not written.

This person is a total non-entity, even from a corporate perspective… She has absolutely nothing to bring to the table. If it weren’t for her previous notoriety, she would be easily dismissed as a blatant industry plant, a la Ice Spice. I suspect she is currently going through the “humiliation ritual” phase of her career… Within a few years, perhaps, she will have “won” a Grammy or two, have the video of the year… And all of us will be expected to take her seriously. Just as we have been expected to take the likes of Britney, Christina, Miley, Selena, Rita, Cardi, et al, seriously.

It’s all one big, absurd farce. I would give anything to drop out of all of this nonsense. But unfortunately, no matter how much I separate myself from the mainstream (no regular TV, don’t watch the news, don’t subscribe to any podcasts, etc) it’s totally impossible to escape this trash. Can’t go into a supermarket, a restaurant, a gas station, anywhere — without being inundated. What I wouldn’t give to make it all stop, and have a few moments of peaceful silence.

1 day ago
Reply to  Lee

Time to become an ascetic….smh, if only..

22 hours ago
Reply to  Lee

Her hairline goes back further than mine! (I’m a girl). Never noticed until u pointed it out… I’ve always been insecure about having my hairline starting further back but it is nothing compared to hers.

19 hours ago
Reply to  Sherry

Don’t feel bad. None of us are perfect. Every single one of us has physical flaws. The difference with Jojo is that she doesn’t have any sort of inner light to counteract hers, and she also seems to almost go out of her way to highlight her flaws.
It would make a lot more sense for her to be a natural brunette (supposedly she’s been bleaching her hair from the age of 2), and have bangs… Instead, she continues with the bleach blonde hair and pulling it back. She also has a rather mannish and square face. This could be softened up by a lighter, layered hairstyle that frames her face. Instead she pulls it back and highlights the problems.

And again none of it would be a big deal if she was some ultra-talented, revolutionary artist… But of course, she’s not; not only that, but she has a really bad attitude. All of these traits combined basically create a rather contemptible creature that the average person would rather discard, than pay attention to…

As opposed to someone like you, Sherry, whose hairline might be slightly receded, but who surely has other lovely physical traits, and seems to have an inner beauty that will be felt by others. Anyway, as I said the hairline would be no big deal… It’s the fact that hers is so clearly self-induced by the ridiculous bleach, high ponytails and bows.

I have naturally thin hair that I’ve always been self-conscious about. I can’t grow it past my shoulders without it breaking and splintering. I always wanted long, luscious curly hair. But that just isn’t in the cards for me. But apparently most ladies with that type of hair, also have very thick and dark body hair that’s very difficult to get rid of… Which I don’t have… So, you win some, you lose some. I’m okay with what I’ve got. 😉

13 hours ago

She looks a bit like Draco Malfoy

7 hours ago

Makes me think of the Balenciaga photo shoot a little while back.

3 hours ago

Her dead pedo in a denim demon? Vest with 80s sunglasses, maybe the pedo is born in the 80s.

Last edited 3 hours ago by baldfacedtruth